
Frog With A Blog

@rustboro-city / rustboro-city.tumblr.com

Overworked student and LARPer by day, frog by night.

the city where we live doesn't allow public barbecues so my brother fucking welded a grill to a handcart and now hosts "chill and grill sessions" where he sends all his friends his live location so they can hunt him down on their bikes with sausages in their backpacks while he carts it around evading the police like some sort of barbecue vigilante, grilling on the run. i have never been prouder of him


when im playing a game alone and theres danger i am quiet and stoic, by necessity. when im playing with friends and theres danger i start screaming and sqwuaking like a chimp to communicate over long distance that there is danger and i am distressed. This is because humans are social animals who evolved to live in groups and signal to eachother when herobrine is there


my goodness does it hurt to give up something you love that you know is hurting you. especially when you worked so hard for it.


Giving nurses tiktok was a mistake

"our days are so tough" okay tell me how come ur posts aren't like "my labour is super exploited" how come all of em are like "this guy has a weird penis lol"? We have channels to talk about what our work is like and how were treated. Making memes like "when ur pt rings the bell too much" or "remember I get to choose the needle gauge" doesn't actually address any of it it's just an abuse of ur inherent power over patients.

Every single nurse called out for being a cunt online flies immediately towards guilt tripping ppl into feeling bad for em but it's a fundamental misunderstanding of how health care power structures work to act like mistreatment from patients is because we are below them in that heirarchy. We are in a position of power over them by virtue of our knowledge and involvement in their care. The fact that clients can be as shitty as they want to u is because ur employers don't protect u. It's cuz ur work is devalued and incompatible with capitalism. It's cuz you're guilt tripped out of demanding any sort of basic workers rights. None of that is the fault of patients and none of it can be solved by sharing personal embarassing health details abt them on tiktok.


i just want to cook for someone again. but i cant bear spending time with anyone


i need a glucose guardian so they can just buy me whatever i want from sephora fr

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