

maria | 23

rupaul: i'd like to introduce our guest tonight, he just rolled off highway 61, all the way from maggie's farm. knockin' our door, its bob dylan

bob dylan: hi ru

rupaul: bob are you ready to get your wig SNATCHED or did it blow in the wind?

bob: i'm not wearing my wig i left it at home

rupaul: period okurr the theme tonight is just like a woman so get your leopard-skin pill-box hat and slay lady slay

camera cuts to bob - hes playing with his hair, very obviously distracted


rupaul: the queens, they are-a changing so lets see what they've created! bob have you got a man in you?

bob: yes

rupaul: well, why don't you meet me in the morning? (she cackles, the other judges clap and howl with laughter)


rupaul: so bob, what did you think of the first look?

bob: it was good

rupaul: well i got visions of johanna

michelle visage: oh honey we all gotta serve somebody!

bob gets up. fumbles with his microphone for a few too-long seconds and rips it off. he walks out of frame

rupaul: well SOMEONE'S not there


Blue jeans.. brown belt. Not giving af. Coffee. Sun soaked sidewalk. Good song. Screenshot of good song. Shared to story. Start song over


Μπλε τζιν.. καφέ ζώνη. Τους γράφω όλους. Καφές. Ηλιόλουστο πεζοδρόμιο. Ωραίο τραγούδι. Στιγμιότυπο οθόνης του ωραίου τραγουδιού. Κοινοποίηση σε στόρυ. Ξαναρχίζω το τραγούδι


And on your breast I gently laid your arms surround me in the lake I am joined with you forever 🤣


"There is an impulse in moments like this to appeal to self-interest. To say: These horrors you are allowing to happen, they will come to your doorstep one day; to repeat the famous phrase about who they came for first and who they'll come for next. But this appeal cannot, in matter of fact, work. If the people well served by a system that condones such butchery ever truly believed the same butchery could one day be inflicted on them, they'd tear the system down tomorrow. And anyway, by the time such a thing happens, the rest of us will already be dead.

"No, there is no terrible thing coming for you in some distant future, but know that a terrible thing is happening to you now. You are being asked to kill off a part of you that would otherwise scream in opposition to injustice. You are being asked to dismantle the machinery of a functioning conscience. Who cares if diplomatic expediency prefers you shrug away the sight of dismembered children? Who cares if great distance from the bloodstained middle allows obliviousness. Forget pity, forget even the dead if you must, but at least fight against the theft of your soul."

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