
Sir Broccoli

@sir-broccoli / sir-broccoli.tumblr.com

most valiant of knights
Anonymous asked:

are you ok

disney built the biggest and most expensive animatronic ever in their history and then built a mountain around it and it BROKE a couple of months after the ride opened and itโ€™s impossible to fix it without dismantling the entire mountain structure and thatโ€™s honestly the most hilarious verified disney factโ„ข ever

the second most hilarious being that the chum animatronic on the finding nemo ride at epcot used to pop out of the barrel to scare guests but one time a cast member was walking past it during an opening/closing procedure and it popped out and smacked them clean in the face so now itโ€™s turned off permanently


The really hilarious part is that the busted Yeti is even worse than this description makes it sound.

TL/DR version: the structural layout of the Expedition Everest attraction is so complicated that Disney had to use a technique called โ€œprevisualisatonโ€ to construct it - essentially a four-dimensional blueprint that specifies not only how the structure should be put together, but the exact point in time that each step should occur. That precision in timing is actually kinda critical, because if certain parts of the structure are subject to stress too early (e.g., before the concrete is fully cured, before additional supports have been installed, etc.), theyโ€™ll be permanently weakened.

Well, long story short, when the ride went into action, Disneyโ€™s engineers quickly discovered that the numbers werenโ€™t adding up: the internal stresses the ride was producing every time they turned the animatronic yeti on were literally tearing the whole mountain apart. Itโ€™s clear that something got screwed up during construction: either somebody performed a step with the wrong timing, or in the wrong order, or the previsualisaton was messed up to begin with. The trick is, they have no idea what the actual error was - and the ride canโ€™t be repaired until they figure out what went wrong in the first place.

So now they just point a moving strobe light at the motionless yeti to create the illusion of motion, which is why itโ€™s been nicknamed the โ€œdisco yetiโ€.

When companies have too much money and need to chill

hereโ€™s an example of what the yeti looked like whenย it actually worked.

yo uhhhh thats fucking terrifying


THE YETI IS AMAZING and I so badly wish I could have seen it action. (Disco Yeti is my friend tho)

But this is a very important point.

The yeti is not broken.

The yeti works perfectly. But due to some calculation error

They canโ€™t turn the yeti ON or else heโ€™ll tear down the mountain.

So now their biggest and most impressive animatronic ever gets strobe lights flashed at it so your eye is tricked into thinking it moves.

Disco Yeti my beloved <3

One thing I really appreciate about Into the Spider-Verse that I donโ€™t see people talk about very often is how competent they portray Peter B as.

Like, in any other movie, youโ€™d have a similar character whose live has become a mess, and theyโ€™re sad and kinda pathetic to look at, and when the time comes for them to step up, they just sortaโ€ฆflop. Theyโ€™re held back by everything, and they just become incompetent.

But Peter B is different. Yeah, heโ€™s a sad, lonely, middle-aged man who cries in the shower while wearing a spandex suitโ€ฆ

But despite all thatโ€ฆheโ€™s still shown to be extremely good at being Spider-Man.

He escapes from being tied up while still holding a casual conversation

He takes down Miles in less than 10 seconds.

He strolls along the side of a building like itโ€™s nothing.

And when you think about it, over the course of the movie, he kicks a LOT of ass. Heโ€™s a badass super hero, despite his flaws.

You ever notice how, when he puts on the mask, his gut sorta disappears? Thatโ€™s too big of a detail to be an oversight. Thatโ€™s intentional. I mean, in-universe, it doesnโ€™t make too much sense, but to us, itโ€™s meant to show that itโ€™s not holding him back from being a hero.

Heโ€™s not held down by everything. Yeah, heโ€™s a jaded, depressed, mid-life crisis Spider-Man. But heโ€™s still Spider-Man.

They easily couldโ€™ve made Peter B sort of pathetic and had him be more of a hinderance than a help during battles. But they didnโ€™t. And I feel like that was a really good way to pay respect to the character while still showing that heโ€™s a heavily flawed individual.

I wish it wasnโ€™t so normal to take pictures and record videos of complete strangers for laughs online. Literally one of my biggest fears is going onto Instagram or something and seeing a picture of me out in public circulating. that just seems so violating and humiliating and I feel for everyone whoโ€™s had that happen to them.


Bohemian Rhapsody. We Will Rock You. Somebody To Love. All hit singles, and all the direct product of a band that was formed when an astrophysicist and a dentistry major found a new friend in an art college, who then went on to recruit a fourth member from the electronics school. Based on this alliance I propose the rift in society between Arts and STEM students was fabricated to keep us separated so as to dilute our true power - and fabricated by who, you may ask? The business major, the only member of society who reaps no reward from art and science and thus must weaken us so as to stay ahead. In this essay I will


wheres the essay op

the business majors silenced them

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