


Probably needs ✨ mental help ✨ - Any pronouns - Aroace - Christian - Minor

Intro post


Welcome to my blog, Feel free to look around, I mostly reblog random things I find funny or fandom things

I will not reblog political posts, if I do it is probably because the post is more funny than political, I will tag political posts with #politics #tw: politics and #us politics (if it's us politics) Feel free to block those tags If you don't want to see them!

Be warned, I absolutely suck at comforting people so I'll try but it will probably just end up with a hug emoji 😅

➛ Current Status: Alive and Tired (constantly)

Time zone: UTC -5 or Eastern standard Time

Current hyper fixations: Writing, Reading (mostly fantasy books), Tumblr, Sleeping, Whumptober (I write slow...), CW the Flash, and Linked Universe (my beloved)

Things I am in: Robotics, Programming, Archery, Advanced Math, Advanced ELA, Spanish one, Band (Clarinet), and a choir (Tenor)

Name: Just call me a form of my url, usually Potato or Sketchy

Personally Info: I tis be a minor and I am the rare breed of aroace (it's actually not that rare tbh)

Pronouns: Call me whatever, I don't care (just don't actually call me, that's a tad creepy)

Gender: Don't know, Don't care enough to question

AO3: AllwaysWildChild (mostly Lu fic's there)

Religion: Christian and if I see anyone post anything about disrespecting any religion or anyone, I will block you. I really don't want that negativity here.



Linked Universe: @allwayswildchild

Original Works: @sketchy-patat


Anyways have fun and (Try to) be kind! Feel free to browse my blog and talk to me! I love making friends! Also don't be shy, If you literally send me an ask asking how my day was, I'll probably consider you my friend <3

Under the cut is Fandoms I am in or my interests!


everyone’s trying to stump the akinator so i’m gonna try and see if he’ll know that i’m thinking of the little symbol on the front of his turban

come on it hasn’t even been 10 fucking seconds


i fucking hate this stupid piece of shit genie fuck him i hate him so fucking much


‪The incorrect and negative beliefs we can get from years of negative feedback not knowing we have ADHD or how it affects our lives. While not everything is solely caused by ADHD, it can affect us and our comorbidities in many, many ways. Good news is, treating ADHD can do wonders for Anxiety and Depression!


hi, a lot of you need a perspective reset

  • the average human lifespan globally is 70+ years
  • taking the threshold of adulthood as 18, you are likely to spend at least 52 years as a fully grown adult
  • at the age of 30 you have lived less than one quarter of your adult life (12/52 years)
  • 'middle age' is typically considered to be between 45-65
  • it is extremely common to switch careers, start new relationships, emigrate, go to college for the first or second time, or make other life-changing decisions in middle age
  • it's wild that I even have to spell it out, but older adults (60+) still have social lives and hobbies and interests.
  • you can still date when you get old. you can still fuck. you can still learn new skills, be fashionable, be competitive. you can still gossip, you can still travel, you can still read. you can still transition. you can still come out.
  • young doesn't mean peaked. you're inexperienced in your 20s! you're still learning and practicing! you're developing social skills and muscle memory that will last decades!
  • there are a million things to do in the world, and they don't vanish overnight because an imaginary number gets too big

hey ao3 can you like give the extra $38k you made from this month’s funds drive to charity

You know it legally is a charity, right?

If x charity aims for £10, but gets £15, would you expect then to give back the extra five or give it then to another charity? No. Any extra costs go into the “rainy day” fund; sometimes servers crash or break, sometimes false reports are made that require the legal team, sometimes you need to hire coders or what not to implement new features or fix bugs or deal with broken code … 

The money they aimed for is the bare minimum, which goes towards things like basic server costs and domain names and legal advice and so forth, but they don’t just “pocket” the rest (as people claim). It’s not a business. It has no advertisements. It needs some “rainy day” cash to function. 

You can’t ask a charity to give money to another charity. 

It needs what it gets to function and improve. 

kiena-tesedale replied to this post

They don’t “pocket” excess money. They have a publicly accessible budget - waaaay more info than most charities, in fact. In it, you can clearly see where each dollar goes. (Also, you are vastly underestimating either how much traffic AO3 gets or how much servers/hosting costs.)                    

In my experience, people who don’t work in web design and hosting just have no concept of how heavy a load something like AO3 would have. Not only is the traffic absolutely buck wild, but the quantity of data that archive needs to store is fuckoff crazy. I’m talking “more than the library of congress” crazy. The only reason it doesn’t require Netflix levels of data serving is that it’s text based rather than video.

AO3 is in the top 300 websites in the world, and the top 100 in the US. It is the number 2 literature website.

Number 2 in the entire world. JSTOR is 20.

It sees about 6 million people a day. About 250k an hour. Each of those people is loading multiple pages, many are running searches that execute on literally hundreds of potential variables per search. The demands involved are astronomical.

JSTOR, btw, makes 85 million dollars a year.

It’s 18 ranks below AO3′s traffic, and takes in 650 times the amount of money.

But let’s say you think that’s an unfair comparison. Would you say that the Project Gutenberg Literature Archival Group- another text based archive that handles literature operating outside traditional copyright requirements- is more similar?

Because it sees all of 4% of the traffic that AO3 handles.

Care to guess its budget?

Double that of AO3.

AO3 is doing shit on the kind of shoestring budget that I fully, 100% cannot comprehend. And that’s just the archival service.

The 130k also pays for the OTW’s legal team, which they use to defend the right of fandom to fucking exist.

It’s absolutely batshit fucked up that people are fighting to have the OTW defunded and AO3 shut down. They are the only organized group that actually stands directly between fandom- all the art and the fics and the vids and the music and the chats and the memes and everything we love about interactive, transformative work- and an incalculable amount of lawsuits.

This is the most functionally-successful and cost-effective website in the history of EVER. By a wide margin.


lovely character. i need him to finally break down sobbing clutching his chest like it'll stop the pain crumpling to the floor begging God to either help him or let him die


 i tried to be funny and it backfired miserably

it’s 2014 it’s time we moved on as a nation and stop reblogging this

every person who reblogs this in 2015 is gonna get their ass kicked by yours truly

hey op good news

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