Honestly, the idea that I can just ask something to generate an image out of thin air without having to do any work myself to use an inspiration or a prompt really does sound great, doesn’t it?
Only, it’s not out of thin air, is it? It’s taking from actual artists.
And people are claiming it as their own work. I mean, if I didn’t do anything, if I got it from someone, or something else, it’s not my work, is it?
And people aren’t just using it for prompts. They’re using it to pass as real images, as real audio, to write their homework, or entire books…
But you’re not, right? You don’t agree with any of that.
You’re just using it as a prompt, something to inspire you and give you ideas for your own transformative work.
So it’s not all that bad, right?
Well, I mean besides the MASSIVE amount of energy it’s sucking up, and the fact that any engagement in a program like that is directly putting money into their pockets and finding them, even if it’s just by traffic to various sites and platforms.
But it’s not like you’re using it often, right? Just here and there, very sparingly, every once in a while.
I mean, it’s almost too good to be true, why wouldn’t someone take advantage of it?
But are you really doing it in a morale way? Are you really not part of the problem here? Are you sure?