
Jackal Lantern

@voidpumpkin / voidpumpkin.tumblr.com

Being of the Void, bringing stuff from other dimensions Call me Void/Veil/Veiled, Asexual/Aromantic/Agender also Xenogender TheyXey/Anom/Fae  https://linktr.ee/Voidpumpkin

a lot of leftists really are bad at marketing.

last week two ambulances, a fire truck, a UN vehicle and around 16 rescue workers were dispatched to save people crushed under the rubble after a bombing in rafah (do you remember rafah? one of biden's red lines.) they disappeared, and due to israeli tanks nobody could enter the area and nobody knew what had happened to them.

a few days ago after the tanks left the vehicles were discovered crushed and buried under the sand, and one rescue worker's body was recovered. israel admitted to targeting them. and then yesterday the rest of the workers' bodies were recovered in a mass grave. one of the corpses had wire around one foot, indicating torture and interrogation, several handcuffed, all of them buried in their clearly marked uniforms and gloves.

cnn reported this story alongside like five other incidents of israel targeting humanitarian workers this past week to little outrage because the workers killed were palestinian and not international, and because israel has been regularly killing humanitarian workers.

but for the PRCS (the palestinian red crescent society), the same organization that hind rajab called desperately from her car around this time last year, one of the few that struggled to save lives throughout the war even when it got their workers killed by israeli forces, these are fathers, sons and loved ones who spent a genocide digging people out of rubble with no equipment and trying to save lives:

all of them were buried in a careless mass grave of rescue workers, found after a week of pleading from their loved ones and radio silence from their murderers and those who enable them.

just remembered the bad ending in heavy rain where, if you failed to save his stupid gay son, the dad would be standing by the old grave of his first son and the fresh grave of his second son, and the pixie cut brunette would be like "aw well life goes on, let's just have a new baby boy :) i'll wait in the car" and he's like ok and shoots himself in the head. masterpiece

entirely reasonable reaction to encountering david cage writing for women

ethics of making AI images aside, I do find a bit amusing the kinds of sob stories and mental gymnastics people make up to pretend like drawing is this super technical skill with an impossibly high barrier of entry when its like one of the first hobbies toddlers pick up

suddenly a lot of people think they got the next Lord of the Rings in their head but they were never able to turn their stories into anything tangible because the evil elitist artists are hogging all the talent and skill and they need a bajilion years of training or something as if one of the most popular manga and anime of the past decade wasn't made by a guy that draws like this

The Israeli occupation killed my close friend three days ago. The Israeli occupation killed him, his twin children, and his wife. It killed his entire family. I cannot believe that I buried him and his children with my own hands. I never imagined that I would live through this day. They were erased from the civil registry in seconds. Please, I don’t want this to happen to me and my family. We want to get out of here as soon as possible. Please donate and help us get out of Gaza.


Hiii im poooor Hungry asf my phone is off and i might not havs a job tomorrow good news is i have a potienal job offer but it doesnt start for another month

Help a black woman out <3 $hopesoda vnmo:hope-soda paypal: OderaO

So today i was let know i might be getting let go lolol in any case i am short in rent :) by 931 dollara due to a friend of mine having a medical emergency i helped with earlier this month. I did get a job offer for 4 dollars more but it wouldnt be for two months ans thats if i pass the interview processes. Please help if you can its due by the 5th


If youve ever laughed at my post or enjoy my amvs @amv-time or learned somethig from something i spoke on pleaze consider helping out even the little tinist bit is going to help me pay this and again im sorry to ask

crippled-peeper displaying some cartoonish levels of transmisogyny and misogyny and then lying about not using ai is just a cherry on top. Hasn't that person been criticised for transmisogyny for like a while?

the craziest thing about all of this is how obviously it underlines some of the broader dynamics at play. enter, white trans guy being spreading racially charged misinformation. a puerto rican cis woman responds, telling him as such and so of course he starts having a racist meltdown about how she’s the real racist for criticising him for sharing an article he didn’t read because at least he is “spreading the news” (read: racially charged misinformation).

even though he is a white guy who will face no consequence for racism, he identifies that it will “look bad” if he starts screaming at a Latina woman for correcting how he frames news stories about deportation, so he makes the conscious decision to instead pretend that she is her white fiancee (me) so he can throw a tantrum about “white trans woman” daring to call him white (he is) and how she (me?) actually hates brown men AND disabled men (because he is disabled, which is apparently why he didn’t read the article).

to recap: he played the same “shut up you’re just a white tranny who doesn’t know real oppression” that everybody pulls on trans women of color… on a cis woman of color.

i think it couldn’t be any more obvious how TME people complaining about “white trans women” is almost always just a racist & transmisogynistic shorthand for “anybody i can get away with dismissing by calling them a white trans woman”

this guy is like a perfect cross section case study into how white trans men treat trans women & women of color.

like, look at this, i think it’s safe to say he’s actively making the intentional conscious choice to a pretend it was me criticising him and not Sef, (in this case, in fact, an anon that wasn’t sent by either of us, because again! i’ve never interacted with him) because he has correctly identified that he would probably appear more sympathetic to an outside perspective if his tantrum was about “trans girly eva brauns” (direct quote) instead of a cisgender woman of color. the rhetorical spectre of white trans womanhood is, as ever, evoked as an acceptable target. it doesn’t matter if the person in question is white, or even a trans woman. all that matters is placing a socially acceptable punching bag around your target.

so here's the play-by-play:

an autistic, cisgender, puerto rican woman with "taíno" in her url, and "tme" & the puerto rican flag in her her bio criticises this guy very mildly on one of his posts where he claims a man was deported for "nothing more than an autism tattoo", (simultaneous to admitting he didn't even read the article he was sharing). she pointed out that, in fact, this man was Venezuelan and how that was incredibly pertinent information being left out here. this guy goes to her blog. sees that her pinned post is an immigration fundraiser for her (white, british, transgender) fiancee and, i assume, blacks out at his manchurian candidate activation phrase "White Trans Woman" and immediately assumes the woman criticising him is of course the evil White Trans Woman in question, identifies her as an acceptable target for him to tear into the ground and immediately starts having a public meltdown about White Trannies.

never change tumblr.

just blatantly, openly, disgustingly transmisogynistic.

scratch a transandro and a terf bleeds.

literally beyond parody.

First humans ever to leave the solar system suddenly drop out of communications and the ship can't be found with any equipment. After one month of no contact their home countries start reluctantly holding funerals for the space heroes only for them all to turn up, healthy, well fed and extremely disoriented, in the middle of Tokyo, talking about alien abduction. Turns out that aliens found the poor humans straying out of their solar system, presumably lost, and took them to Alien Wildlife Rehabilitation before dumping them back in the middle of their native habitat.

I’ll bet they have cool new tattoos that turn out to be tracking devices too. Just in case these spirited individuals try to make another break for it.

... do the tats make them stupid popular, like that time scientists gave birds tracker anklets and it accidentally made them ultra fuckable

Let’s say yes. Those alien scientists are learning so much, and none of it is accurate.

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