sailor moon, doing moon stuff with her moon swords
I don't care if Mike is hard and don't call me lemonade
Antiblackness 🫱🏾🫲🏽 anti-Palestinian racism
Urs Fischer Melodrama, 2013
we need to introduce the term 'tongue tied' back into the general lexicon
Advertising is literal terrorism
My grandmother is in her 90’s and cannot walk or do much of anything by herself. While we visit her often and she still enjoys a lot of her life, this means that she spends a LOT of time just watching TV with her dog in her lap. I was horrified when I visited her and realized that a considerable amount of the limited time she has left on this earth is being taken up by commercials for things that she will literally never buy, need, or use. Millions and millions of advertising dollars are spent to take away hours (probably many days worth, compounding them all) of her precious bit of life left, which she can never get back.
Advertising is terrorism.
if you don’t laugh at my jokes i will
Every day that passes our life gets worse in Gaza there are more than 2 million people we need large quantities of food but with the crossings closed it is impossible every day food is getting scarcer and its price is increasing dramatically there is no water or even electricity to operate the water wells our life is tragic in addition to all of this the sounds of explosions and cannons and planes that never stop they never stop when we ask you to donate you are our only hope with this money we can eat some of the available food or even some clean water to drink there is no sanitation or health services diseases are everywhere insects too everything is difficult so difficult that you cannot imagine what we are going through without experiencing it it is more difficult than what you see on TV our life is tragic so I ask you to donate to us any amount you can afford my family and I need something to help
Hate when mutuals reblog polls for a fandom I’ve never heard of and don’t put in the tags who they voted for. My leige how am I supposed to help rig the results in your favor?? 🥺
gen z has to reckon with its radicalization problem. you are not a morally pure and superior generation of youth come to save the world, your men and boys are radicalized at an unprecedented level and you ignore it because it’s too hard to address but you have to. these boys are in your classes, they date your friends, you know them and you cannot continue to pretend this is an “old white guy” problem
girls are contributing, too. the coquette aesthetic, the “i don’t want to girlboss i want a man to pay my bills”, girlmath girljob girlmoney. it’s a joke, it’s clothes, it’s whatever, i get it but it is driving a mentality of traditional gender roles and you know you’re joking but your boyfriend doesn’t. your kid brother doesn’t. you have to stop this shit it is a contributing factor
The year is 2025 and something in the water compelled me to open this can of worms again
Be honest, are you a bad person in any kind of way? I've been finding out about gross stuff that a bunch of blogs I really liked did and I feel icky :(
yeah in most ways. Good luck out there
The situation here at the school is becoming more dangerous and fearful after the occupation threatened the area with evacuation yesterday. Today, many places near us were bombed, and the sounds are terrifying, and shrapnel is everywhere. Now we need your help. Participate and demonstrate Donate until we reach 8,500 euros. Only 206 euros left. Please help us to save ourselves from death.🙏😭