
if the poem is a wound then the pen is a knife 🗡️

@vulpinesaint / vulpinesaint.tumblr.com

bracken | he/they | aro | 21 | ao3 | my uquizzes poetry blog @trickstersaint!

kind of wild how i’m absolutely sure that going to bed every night at 9:30 pm without my phone would improve my life in every conceivable way, an action that’s both free and easy to do if it weren’t also somehow impossible


i do think id look good as fuck after receiving an obviously lethal blow. like i feel id do a great job looking down at my body to see a gaping hole in it, making eye contact with you, saying “oh” very quietly before i keel over… stuff like that


normally i am disdainful of the way the radio censors swear words but you know what. maybe it can be cool sometimes. this post brought to you by closer nine inch nails playing in my van full of elementary schoolers


Sputnik 2, launched on November 3, 1957, carried the dog Laika, the first living creature to be shot into space and orbit Earth. Laika was a stray dog found on the streets of Moscow. There were no plans to return her to Earth, and she lived only a few hours in orbit.

taken from @gallivantsofgillis on tiktok


See i don't believe this David Byrne guy when he says he's some kinda psycho killer but when he starts in with that French shit he really freaks me out


Wishing all amab nb people who don't perform the femininity or androgyny that people expect from non-cis amab people a very nice Friday.

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