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This is cinema actually
Are you americans okay???
As a wizard, if everyone you encounter is loaded up with defenses for your specific repertoire and it's still woefully inefficient, you are definitely doing something right and probably doing several things wrong.
an ornithologist pointed a microphone at a bird sitting alone on a wire and caught the sound of the bird singing a song at a decibel so low that it would be impossible for another bird to hear it, meaning the bird was singing quietly to itself I love life
on Planet Where Everyone Can Teleport the first person on the moon went there by accident and promptly died. The next dozen or so people also went by accident, and also died. Number 14 figured out that people who go to the moon die and very cleverly brought a sword and six weeks of travel rations. This did not help.
No one on Planet Where Everyone Can Teleport ever figured out why people die in space because they don’t need airplanes and never found it particularly interesting to climb tall mountains. Astronomers use telescopes to take pictures of the ever-growing pile of corpses on the moon.
“why don’t they teleport back” because they’re not on the planet where everyone can teleport anymore. try to keep up dumbass
the moral of the story is that a breathable atmosphere is important to one’s general well-being
the thing is. knowing someone experiences hallucinations or trouble reading facial expressions or communication difficulties or any other symptom CAN help you to understand their behaviour and respond to it appropriately. but knowing someones diagnosis is never as helpful as it is to listen to them when they talk about how they can best be accommodated. and if “can you please speak slower” (for example) sounds like a ridiculous request from someone without a diagnosis and a reasonable one from someone with a diagnosis. well you’re the dick in that situation
not that “I have a psychotic disorder” or “I have autism” or whatever else is actually a stand-in for lived experiences or symptom profiles. diagnostic information will never tell you as much as you would find out from listening to someone and being as generous with them as you can. and at the root of it. generosity is what it’s all about. at least, interpersonally
is that the anarky symbol?
Yeah, Anarky. From Batman: Arkham Origins. Apparently it is also used by real life anarchists as well, but I recognized it from the game.
who tf bought arkham origins
starting to think some of yall arent serious bout finding beauty in the grotesque
i love the sheer variety i see when i meet trans men, trans boys, transmasc butches, ftms and the transmasculine community. no two transmasculine people you meet are the same. you'll meet tough boys, soft men, guys who love makeup, people who dress like they're from a specific period in the past, proud butches, dudes who dress like freaks, dapper gentlemen, lesboys and lesbian men, goofy boydykes, silly bros and your best friend. the transmasculine community is rich in diversity and every person you meet has a lot to teach you about what masculinity and manhood mean
Kid at work gave me a Nintendo switch today
hey sexy what time do you plan on being done grieving
oh, honestly I was planning on reopening the same wounds again and again and again and again and again and again and again
it fucking sucks being a disabled person who can't work and having to see these fuckass posts where someone's like "ahaha jobless people have no life and that's why everyone shitty online has No Job" and everyone and their mother reblogs it joyfully onto my dash for me to see. yes unemployed and unemployable people are truly without exception dogshit people with no hobbies and no redeeming qualities. you're so right. anyway if you'll excuse me i have to start my shift at the I'll Never Be Employed Because Of Permanent Disability And I Love Knowing How You Really See Me store
if ur able to work can u reblog this i am seriously SO sick of it.
btw this isn't solely a disability rights issue or an issue about people who are entirely unable to work. you should also be thinking about the people who are regarded as unhireable. transfems are hugely discriminated against in this way, people of color are passed over for less qualified white people, anyone who has any difficulty playing the interview game is less hireable... frankly anyone who made the mistake of pursuing the things they love and now has a degree for a niche field. if you still joke about Jobless People it's because you've fundamentally connected the worth of people to their labor, and specific labor, work that you see as valuable. and while i'm at it stop making fun of people who still live with their parents. asshole.
Gröning proposed the idea for the film to the monks in 1984, but the Carthusians said they wanted time to think about it. They responded to him 16 years later to say they were willing to permit him to shoot the movie if he was still interested.