Katarzyna Gdowska
I'm an associate professor at AGH University of Science and Technology (Faculty of Management, Department of Operations Research) in Krakow, Poland. My scientific interests focus on: optimization in transportation, logistics and manufactoring.
In 2017-2018 I was a post-doc grantholder in INESC TEC in Porto, Portugal. I worked on "Transportation Models in the Era of the Internet of Things" in the framework of the project TEC4Growth – RL SMILES – Smart, Mobile, Intelligent and Large scale Sensing and analytics (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000020) AE2016-0387 (SMILES-8 – CEGI).
2016| AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, Poland
Faculty of Management
Field: industrial engineering
doctoral dissertation: Models and methods for harmonization of urban public transport timetables in a network with radial routes
The degree of Doctor in Engineering with Distinction was awarded by the Council of the Faculty of Management AGH UST.
2008| Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland
Faculty of Philosophy
Institute of Philosophy
Major: Philosophy
master’s thesis: Reconstution of the philosophy system ofnyaya-vaisesika
The thesis was awarded the I prize in the Best Theses on Eastern Philosophy Award.
2006| AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, Poland
Faculty of Management
Field of study: Management and Marketing
Major: managerial engineering
master’s thesis: School timetabling problem – a method based on graph colouring
In 2017-2018 I was a post-doc grantholder in INESC TEC in Porto, Portugal. I worked on "Transportation Models in the Era of the Internet of Things" in the framework of the project TEC4Growth – RL SMILES – Smart, Mobile, Intelligent and Large scale Sensing and analytics (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000020) AE2016-0387 (SMILES-8 – CEGI).
2016| AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, Poland
Faculty of Management
Field: industrial engineering
doctoral dissertation: Models and methods for harmonization of urban public transport timetables in a network with radial routes
The degree of Doctor in Engineering with Distinction was awarded by the Council of the Faculty of Management AGH UST.
2008| Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland
Faculty of Philosophy
Institute of Philosophy
Major: Philosophy
master’s thesis: Reconstution of the philosophy system ofnyaya-vaisesika
The thesis was awarded the I prize in the Best Theses on Eastern Philosophy Award.
2006| AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, Poland
Faculty of Management
Field of study: Management and Marketing
Major: managerial engineering
master’s thesis: School timetabling problem – a method based on graph colouring
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Papers by Katarzyna Gdowska
computational experiments are presented and obtained results are reported. The main contribution of the paper is a newly developed Mixed Integer Program combining fleet optimization with the VRP for the selective solid waste collection system. The FOPSSWC may be used by Solid Waste Management for scheduling selective solid waste collection. Obtained schedules may result in reducing the total operational costs of periodical selective solid waste collection.
computational experiments are presented and obtained results are reported. The main contribution of the paper is a newly developed Mixed Integer Program combining fleet optimization with the VRP for the selective solid waste collection system. The FOPSSWC may be used by Solid Waste Management for scheduling selective solid waste collection. Obtained schedules may result in reducing the total operational costs of periodical selective solid waste collection.
małopolskiego wydarzenia we wrześniu 2017 roku.
uzyskują bardzo dobre opinie od koordynatorów zespołów zadaniowych i organizatorów z ISW. We wrześniu 2016 roku w Programie Praktyk Forum Ekonomicznego udział wzięło 41 studentów Wydziału Zarządzania AGH.
smogowego jest niezmiernie istotne,
dlatego odbywa się dużo spotkań, prelekcji
i dyskusji poświęconych temu tematowi.
Problematyka ta stała się przedmiotem
kolejnego spotkania z cyklu „Świat wokół
nas”, zorganizowanego 24 lutego 2016 roku
przez Grupę Naukową Pro Futuro. Otwarta
sesja plenarna, która odbyła się w Auli
Bogdanka na Wydziale Górnictwa i Geologii
AGH skupiona była na transpozycji nauki
do życia mieszkańców miasta – od źródeł
smogu po wpływ tego zanieczyszczenia
na życie człowieka.
Applications of decision theory in manufacturing and service management;
Operational research techniques for manufacturing and service management;
Design of manufacturing and service systems Planning and scheduling in manufacturing and services Logistics and supply chain management;
Financial decision making in manufacturing and services;
Decision making in cyber-physical manufacturing and service systems;
Data science and machine learning for decision making in manufacturing and services;
Supply chain disruption management;
Homeland and cyber security
In order to submit an abstract (1500 characters maximum), please go to
and use the session code: 922944db
The submission deadline is February 8, 2019
International Centre for Innovation and Industrial Logistics (ICIIL) is a non-profit professional association which has been developing an integrated view of Industrial Logistics, sharing and exchanging ideas and research results among students, researchers, academics and industrialists. The biannual International Conference on Industrial Logistics (ICIL) is the main mean to attain these objectives worldwide, moving from France 1993 to Brazil 1995, USA 1997, Russia 1999, Okinawa 2001, Finland 2003, Uruguay 2005, Lithuania 2006, Israel 2008, Brazil 2010 and Croatia 2012 and 2014.
The conference will feature a multidisciplinary program that will include original research results and contributions to the fields of logistics and supply chain management. Organizing and Scientific Committee gladly invite professionals, academics, students and industrialists to send contributing papers to the Conference.