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so anyway there should be no class of person you can legally pay less based on age or disability etc. because they will always be exploited to try and drive down wages for everyone else.

so if you want to make more you should also be fighting for disabled people and teens to make just as much as anyone else

then shitty fucking chain restaurants wont beg 14 year olds to work in death traps for half pay in shitty little unventilated kitchens that killed a large amount of line cooks this past year to undercut their surviving staff demanding better working conditions so they dont die like their coworkers did.

cause oh yeah remember how restaurants just killed all their fucking staff and then blamed the labor shortages on unemployment checks.

now they want to kill our children.

every motherfucker fighting for 14 year olds to die in a mcdonalds, burning their hands in a grease fire doing jobs they werent supposed to do in the first place because their adult staff walked off job in protest of poor working conditions killing their coworkers, has blood on their hands.

if you really believe these godforsaken chain restaurants are well staffed and supervised enough to make sure the literal 14 year olds they have running around their understaffed kitchens arent doing jobs they arent legally allowed to do because theyre too dangerous and taxing, after all these legal cases popped up against chain restaurants for breaking child labor laws so excessively they actually faced penalties then you have no experience in doing a real job from a place that also employs actual children.

none of this is to say children are incompetent, or jokes, but children are more likely to be manipulated by store owners into feeling like they have to take the weight of the whole world on their shoulders and do ten times the amount of work they should be doing to prove themselves worthy when we already know you kids are worthy, thats why we know you shouldnt be there working in a mcdonalds for half pay and in terrible conditions that have already killed tens of thousands of people.