Anna University(Chennai)
Computer Science Engineering
—In order to retrieve images efficiently from a large database, a unique method integrating color and texture features using genetic programming has been proposed. Opponent color histogram which gives shadow, shade, and light intensity... more
This paper presents the local mesh co-occurrence patterns (LMCoP) using HSV color space for image retrieval system. HSV color space is used in this method to utilize color, intensity and brightness of images. Local mesh patterns are... more
This manuscript contributes a new feature descriptor local mesh color texture pattern (LMCTP) by merging color and local spatial information for image retrieval system. The intended method combines the various features from a mixture of... more
Because of the mobility and scalability given by wireless networks many applications have been made possible. MANET is a very important application in wireless networks.
Active and programmable networks change the functionality of routers and switches by using VPN endpoints and active packets. The authors present a new packet scheduling scheme called active scheduling to control and maintain QoS... more
As Internet usage grows exponentially, network security issues become increasingly important. Network security measures are needed to protect data during transmission. Various security controls are used to prevent the access of hackers in... more
As internet usage grows exponentially, network security issues become increasingly important. Network security measures are needed to protect data during transmission. Various security controls are used to prevent the access of hackers in... more
This Paper involves the design of complementary Metal Oxide semiconductor - Voltage Controlled Oscillator (CMOS - VCO). Design is supposed to be area efficient, since the previous methods uses Current Starved VCO’S, which are... more
The Quad Tree Decomposition based performance analysis of compressed image data communication for lossy and lossless through wireless sensor network is presented. Images have considerably higher storage requirement than text. While... more
In this research paper, a high throughput memory efficient pipelining architecture for Fast Efficient Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees (SPIHT) image compression system is explained. The main aim of this paper is to compress and... more
In this research paper, consists of compressing the images within each pixel before the storage processes, hence the size of the memory gets reduced. This can be done by the proposed method namely block based compression algorithm which... more
In recent years the satellite communication has been growing for the development of rapid and efficient techniques for the storage and transmission of satellite images. The science of reducing the number of bits required to represent the... more
The Simulation based VLSI Implementation of FELICS (Fast Efficient Lossless Image Compression System) Algorithm is proposed to provide the lossless image compression and is implemented in simulation oriented VLSI (Very Large Scale... more
Wireless sensor Network (WSN) is a self- governing system used for monitoring. WSN with structural health monitoring (SHM) system is used to monitor the operations and health status of the structures. In the deployment of the backup... more
Structural health monitoring (SHM) system is increased with consideration of an engineering fields and it is commonly utilized in various three dimensional (3D) structures such buildings, bridges, hospitals, industries and nuclear power... more
Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) has been considered to afford up-to-date information about the state of structures by assessing structural vibration responses and further physical phenomena and disorders. Determining the structure... more
With the continuous development of mobile networks based wireless technologies, Bluetooth plays a vital role in smart phone era. In such scenario, the security measures are needed to establish for Bluetooth.
As a result of the continuous materialization of various internet and broadcasting technologies, Various File Transfer Protocols (FTP) has been used. Due to the rise of various mobile based network terminologies, there is a need of... more
In our today’s world scenario the number of smart wireless devices which are attacked by malicious users are increasing in number. In this paper, we have introduced a discrete epidemiological scheme and an alternate approach to analyze... more