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In 1987 William Huss and Edward Honton published the paper “Scenario Planning—What style should you use?”, in which they distinguish three types of scenario development approaches, namely ‘Intuitive Logics’, ‘Trend-Impact Analysis’ and... more
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      Strategic ForesightStrategic ManagementFutures StudiesScenario planning
Analysis of the tension in the Putin-Medvedev tandem and the reasons to think that Putin has used the selection and election of Medvedev as part of his own scenario of power.
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      Vladimir PutinScenariosHypermasculinityTandem
The present paper reports on an investigation of new mobility and manufacturing concepts, carried out in the framework of a research project funded by the Regional Government of Campania for an innovative development of the automotive... more
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      Industrial DesignAutomotive designSupply Chain Network Design & logisticsScenarios
Lecture at the University of Colorado at Boulder: Architect’s roles and profiles will need to change in order to meet the changing nature of our society, the technologies driving it and the expectations of our clients. Professor Peter... more
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      Future StudiesArchitectureCAADBIM (Architecture)
At the start of the spring semester in 2014, I began to teach several sections of Introduction to Global Futures Studies, a new course that, at the end of 2013, I had proposed to teach at the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (in both... more
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      Forecasting and ForesightEducational futuresScenarios
Policy, science, and innovation policy indicators are important to provide the information needed to support evidence-based policy, as well as to provide effective monitoring and evaluation capabilities for policies. Also, due to the... more
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      Political ScienceScience, technology and Innovation PolicyFuzzy Cognitive MapsScenarios
- Analysetechniken
- Planungstechniken
- Entscheidungstechniken
- Kybernetischer Regelkreis
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      Management CyberneticsDecision TableEntscheidungsfindungDecision Tree Classification
This book presents a series of possible future scenarios in wildlife and animal tourism by combining critical thinking and imagination to stimulate reflection and ways forward. The future of wildlife tourism faces uncertainties that... more
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      Tourism StudiesAnimal StudiesAnimal EthicsTourism
How can we ameliorate the current immigration policies toward Mexican people immigrating to the United States? This study re-examines how the development of scenarios assisted South Africa to dismantle apartheid without engaging in a... more
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      MigrationPolicyApartheidMigration Studies
Recently, it has been pointed out that the majority of the requirements engineering methods do not take into account non-functional requirements (NFRs) [10][11]. Consequently, we have been experiencing serious problems during the... more
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      Requirement EngineeringNon Functional RequirementScenariosObject Oriented Model
Durante el siglo XVII una serie de artistas como Parigi, Torelli y Sabbattini consolidaron la profesión del Escenógrafo, como expresión del artista global y polifacético, a través de una ingente labor especulativa, plasmada en una... more
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      ScenographyArchitecture in Italian Renaissance and Baroque ArtScenario planningItalian Baroque art
Detailed specifications of urban traffic from different perspectives and scales are crucial for understanding and predicting traffic situations from the view of an autonomous vehicle (AV). We suggest a data-driven specification scheme for... more
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      Transportation EngineeringCommunicationVirtual Reality (Computer Graphics)Transportation Studies
The main objective of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD) is the achievement of a good ecological and chemical status of the water environment (water bodies). This status corresponds to the limit value of Germany's Working Group... more
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      Water qualityNutrient ManagementSWATWater Framework Directive
We reviewed a broad range of scenarios of the future developed for Australia and globally and developed a synthesis for Australia. Our four synthesis scenarios were structured around two axes: (1) individual vs. community orientation and... more
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      ConsumerismAustraliaScenario planningScenarios
The future is by its very nature uncertain and unknown, and only by discussion and debate regarding how the future may develop can we adequately prepare for what may lie ahead. A collaborative scenario development process was developed... more
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      EngineeringEuropean HistoryFuture StudiesEuropean Studies
This article identifies major technological and social uncertainties relevant to the future of family travel. Future scenarios, constructed using the deductive 2x2 matrix, or GBN scenario process, depend on two factors that represent... more
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      Tourism StudiesChildren and FamiliesForesightFutures Studies
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      Social SciencesICT in EducationOpen Source and Free Software StudiesTeaching Arabic Across The Curriculum
Moderne Gesellschaften stehen bei vielen grundlegenden und langfristigen Entscheidungen vor der Herausforderung, sich ein Bild über die Zukunft machen zu müssen. Szenarioanalysen zählen mittlerweile zum Standardrepertoire von... more
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      EnergyScenario planningScenariosEnergy transition
We develop a novel approach for quantitatively analysing future storylines of change by combining econometric analysis and Monte Carlo simulation for four different storylines of change in the EU's energy innovation system. We explore... more
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      Energy PolicyEconomics of InnovationScenarios
SCENARIO of a film-oratorio
based on
the homonymous poem  by Jim Morrison.
An extended Adagio for a lost Hypothesis.
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      Literature and cinemaScriptwritingDigital CinemaScenario planning
1800'lerde Aydınlanma Çağının bir ürünü olan bilimsellik ve aklın kullanımı, 30 yıl ve 80 yıl savaşlarından sonra gelen 1648 Vestfalya Anlaşması, Üniter Devlet felsefesinin yerleşmesine ve modern devletlerin tarihte boy göstermesine yol... more
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      Strategy (Military Science)Operations ResearchStrategic ManagementScenario planning
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to formally introduce the future persona, a futures method to let scenarios come to life. A future persona is a scenario-specific fictional individual living in the future scenario (s)he is meant to... more
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      Strategic ForesightForesightScenario planningFutures Studies and Foresight
Rodriguez-Labajos B, Binimelis R, Monterroso I, Martinez-Alier J. 2009. The arrival of Dreissena polymorpha and Silurus glanis in the Ebro River: Socio-economics of Internlinked aquatic bioinvasions, in "Assessing biodiversity risks with... more
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      Ecological EconomicsWater qualityBiological invasionsBiodiversity
In my design workshops, especially in workshops related to strategic design, design-driven innovation, or participatory design, I propose a scenario-based design process. In these processes, scenarios are not only a result of design... more
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      Future StudiesDesignOrganizational ChangeParticipatory Action Research
Related video by authors about this paper from Wiley: Scholars claim that futures and foresight science should overcome “confusion” regarding the definition of... more
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      Strategic ForesightFutures StudiesScenario planningFutures Studies and Foresight
Umbrüche paradigmatischer Zeitperspektiven in Künsten und Wissenschaften Dieser Beitrag widmet sich der Verwendung von Perspektiven in »Denkstilen«. 1 Jedoch geht es weniger um räumliche denn vielmehr um temporale Blickwinkel, sprich:... more
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      Pattern RecognitionPhenomenologyThomas S. KuhnHistory and Philosophy of the Human Sciences
5 7 8 9 12 UN MUNDO EN CAMBIO VERTIGINOSO La acumulación de conocimiento y el cambio tecnológico Las nuevas formas de organizar el trabajo Democracia y organización social Los cambios en la socialización de los individuos LA... more
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      Educational AdministrationLeadershipEducational reformEducational Management
In what ways will society, technology and climate of the UK WEF nexus change by 2050? What are the implications for nexus-innovations? How do these changes affect the rate, scale and efficacy of innovation deployment? What can we learn... more
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      Climate ChangeGovernanceSustainable Water Resources ManagementSociology of Everyday Life
For 5.000 years, since the first states were created in what is now southern Iraq, governments have been using violence to create political unity and then using politics (and, when necessary, more violence) to create economic and cultural... more
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      European HistoryEuropean UnionEuropean Union PoliticsRussia
In a turbulent environment characterized by unexpected events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, a sharp oil price decline, and dramatic economic crises, many organizations face not only challenges but also an “identity crisis” as they are... more
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      Operations StrategyOrganizational IdentityFutures StudiesScenario planning
This report is published in parallel with FFI-report 2019//00046 A Future Nordic Alliance? Prerequisites and Possible Operations. That report argues against the conventional wisdom that Nordic security and defense cooperation is destined... more
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      European StudiesForesightEuropean UnionTurkey
We propose a scenario planning method that combines quantitative text analysis with the creation of scenario narratives. We design a variation in the scenario archetypes method (Dator, Journal of Futures Studies, 14, 1–18, 2009), a... more
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      Strategic ForesightForesightFutures StudiesScenario planning
Managers utilizing scenario planning for strategy development may be surprised to learn that scholars in futures studies, an area responsible for research on foresight techniques, generally do not know why scenarios work. For more than a... more
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      Future StudiesSocial Research Methods and MethodologyResearch MethodologyFutures Studies
In this paper we revisited the concept of “scenario” as a heuristic and narrative structure used in various disciplines as a prognostication and testing tool, but also as a tool for creative thinking and imaginative modeling. In contrast... more
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      SemioticsNarratologyFictionalityModeling and Simulation
abstract: Tragedy of small power politics: geostrategic perspectives of Czechia through the lenses of offensive neorealism – The article introduces theoretically deduced scenarios as an interesting method promising an enhanced practical... more
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      GeopoliticsCzech RepublicScenariosInternational Relations Theories-Neorealism
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İlk senaryo denemem. İnternette animasyon senaryosu ve sinopsis örneği bulamadığım için örnek olsun diye buraya koyuyorum. Eğer bir hata ve eksik bulursanız'dan bana ulaşabilirsiniz.
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Von den Veröffentlichungen der Lehrstuhlinhaber für Demographie und anderer Bevölkerungswissenschaftler in den 1970er Jahren zu einer Enquete-Kommission zum Thema über drei Legislaturperioden über den Jahrtausendwechsel hinweg, hatte... more
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      Human Resource ManagementTravel BehaviourConsumer BehaviorGray Marketing
Although both science fiction and professional foresight work both are engaged with what the future might look like, they operate mostly independently from one another. A literature search reveals the characteristics of written science... more
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      Future StudiesOntologyUtopian StudiesScience Fiction
Design education needs to recognise the changing world it services. The way that we live our lives is very different to that of our parents. No doubt the way our children will live their lives will be very different to ours. We exist in... more
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This paper presents key findings from a foresight study on the "Future of Learning", which employed a series of structured stakeholder consultations, in different formats, involving experts, policy makers and teachers, to envisage how and... more
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      Informal LearningEducational TechnologyLifelong LearningHigher Education
Öğrencilerin araştıran, sorgulayan, eleştirel ve yaratıcı düşünen, problem çözme becerisine sahip, derse ilişkin olumlu tutumlara sahip, bilgiyi günlük hayata aktarabilen ve fen okuryazarı bireyler olarak yetiştirilmesinde kullanılan... more
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      Project-Based LearningScenarios
Many music festivals fail because the experiences offered do not ensure relevance and meaning to the attendee. Engagement with new and virtual landscapes and with the enhanced sensory feelings and imaginations that technologies can offer... more
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      Future StudiesFestivals and musicPlayEvent Management
Science-fiction comics and graphic novels portray realistic scenarios of how our cities may evolve. These are based on the extrapolation of present trends as well as speculation, “what if” scenarios that can inform us about past, present... more
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      Artificial IntelligencePhilosophyArchitecturePosthumanism
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      European StudiesEuropean integrationForesightEuropean Politics
Scenario planning is known to be one of the most significant tools of Futures Studies and is shaped based on uncertainties. In this paper several uncertainties were identified via brainstorming, among which two were selected to shape... more
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      Science and TechnologyIranScenarios
Bu senaryo, sinema dili atölyesi ödevi için yazılmış ve Türkçe'de örnek animasyon senaryo sıkıntısı yaşayanlar için paylaşılmıştır.

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      ScenariosSenaryo YazımıSenaryo