I recently upgraded my home internet from a measly 2Mbit upload to a more respectable 40Mbps on the Australian National Broadband Network. I’ve been thinking of good uses for this newfound upstream bandwidth and one idea was to off-site my IP security camera footage. I’ve previously used cloud surveillance storage services like CameraFTP but the retention time (how long the photos are stored) were
The Oracle Java Archive offers self-service download access to some of our historical Java releases WARNING: These older versions of the JRE and JDK are provided to help developers debug issues in older systems. They are not updated with the latest security patches and are not recommended for use in production. For production use Oracle recommends downloading the latest JDK and JRE versions and al
Vos publications sont faciles à trouver, bien référencées par les moteurs de recherche et interconnectées avec d’autres services (ORCID, serveurs de preprint) Les plus grands organismes de recherche et la majorité des universités françaises ont choisi et soutiennent HAL, une infrastructure publique, pérenne et responsable.
Pardon our dust! This iteration of browsers.evolt.org is under test, containing content which has not yet been finalized. evolt.org Browser Archive Who archived all these? One of the founding members of evolt.org, Adrian Roselli (or aardvark for those of you who visit the site or are on the mailing list), has provided the archive as well as its support through his company, Algonquin Studios. You c
Pardon our dust! This iteration of browsers.evolt.org is under test, containing content which has not yet been finalized. evolt.org Browser Archive Who archived all these? One of the founding members of evolt.org, Adrian Roselli (or aardvark for those of you who visit the site or are on the mailing list), has provided the archive as well as its support through his company, Algonquin Studios. You c
安全な盾のアイコンSafe DownloaderSafe Downloaderは、FileHippoの高価値サービスを介してアプリケーションを迅速かつ安全にダウンロードし、信頼性の高いダウンロードソースを保証します。 ウイルス対策スキャンに加えて、編集者は手動で料金を確認します。 Safe Downloaderの利点マルウェア保護は、ダウンロードに追加の不要なソフトウェアがインストールされているかどうかを通知します。追加のソフトウェアを発見する:Safe Downloaderで発見されるのを待っている新しいソフトウェアを試してください。当社では、追加のソフトウェアインストールを受け入れるかスキップするかを選択できます。 Mozilla(無料) Firefox Mobileは、すべてのAndroid携帯電話とタブレットで高速かつプライベートなブラウジング体験を提供します。スピーディなパフォー