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Thank you for stopping by. Google Reader has been discontinued. We want to thank all our loyal fans. We understand you may not agree with this decision, but we hope you'll come to love these alternatives as much as you loved Reader. Sincerely, The Google Reader team Frequently-asked questions What will happen to my Google Reader data? All Google Reader subscription data (eg. lists of people that y
「シンプル=ちょっと便利で楽しい」 を目指して サイドフィード株式会社は、2005年8月に創業いたしました。 情報がどんどん複雑でわかりにくくなっていく中、それら複雑な情報をシンプルにする「ちょっと便利で楽しいサービス」を提供し、事業を通して「あらゆる人の日常が豊かになるような社会貢献を行う」ことが私たちの活動目的です。
Armed conflicts and attacks Syrian civil war Protesters gather after a Christmas tree was set on fire in Al-Suqaylabiyah, Hama Governorate, Syria. (The Week) Turkey's interior minister announces that more than 25,000 Syrian refugees have returned to Syria since Bashar al-Assad was overthrown by rebels. (Al Arabiya) The Syrian opposition factions have decided to dissolve and merge under the authori
livedoor Readerサービス終了のお知らせ 2014年12月をもちまして、LINE株式会社が提供するlivedoor Readerの運営を終了しております。 長きに渡りご愛顧をいただきまして、誠にありがとうございました。 livedoorホームへ戻る
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Thank you for stopping by. Google Reader has been discontinued. We want to thank all our loyal fans. We understand you may not agree with this decision, but we hope you'll come to love these alternatives as much as you loved Reader. Sincerely, The Google Reader team Frequently-asked questions What will happen to my Google Reader data? All Google Reader subscription data (eg. lists of people that y
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Please log in to your Bloglines account. If you are new to Bloglines, please get started by creating an account. Email Address Forgot your password? Bloglines is a free service that makes it easy to keep up with your favorite blogs and news feeds. With Bloglines, you can subscribe to the RSS feeds of your favorite blogs, and Bloglines will monitor updates to those sites. You can read the latest en
Free RSS to HTML PHP Script In addition to making your RSS feed available to your visitors for use with their RSS Feed Reader, as a webmaster you may also want to make the same feed available on your website for viewing with a regular web browser. RSSを処理するためのライブラリは多く存在しますが、PHPの知識がなければ使えなかったりするものも多いです。 そこで、RSS2HTMLを使えば、PHPの知識はなくとも、特定のRSSをHTMLに簡単に変換できます。 使用するには、ダウンロード後、解凍したパッケージ内のrss2html.phpを編集します。