Family: Linux BSD Windows Unix-like DOS Custom UI: Graphical Text Medium: Floppy CD HD Size: 512 B <5 MB >5 MB Status: Modern Historic License: Open-Source Proprietary Arch: 16-bit 32-bit Lang: ASM C C++ Other
or #v86 on v86 emulates an x86-compatible CPU and hardware. Machine code is translated to WebAssembly modules at runtime in order to achieve decent performance. Here's a list of emulated hardware: An x86-compatible CPU. The instruction set is around Pentium 4 level, including full SSE3 support. Some features are missing, in particular: Task gates, far calls in protected mode Some 1
Linux Organizations need complete, secure IT solutions—not just another Linux distribution. Oracle uniquely delivers Linux with everything required to deploy, optimize, and manage applications on-premises, in the cloud, and at the edge. It’s more secure and easier to manage, and it’s tuned for demanding workloads at cloud scale. Automation, virtualization, management, high availability, cloud nati
"SecureDrop depends on Qubes OS for best-in-class isolation of sensitive workloads on journalist workstations. Providing journalists with a sane way to handle untrusted content from unknown sources is part of our job, and Qubes gives us the tools we need to do that job well." "When I use Qubes I feel like a god. Software thinks that it's in control, that it can do what it wants? It can't. I'm in c
Container and virtualization tools is the umbrella project behind Incus, LXC, LXCFS, Distrobuilder and more. The goal is to offer a distro and vendor neutral environment for the development of Linux container technologies. Our focus is providing containers and virtual machines that run full Linux systems. While VMs supply a complete environment, system containers offer an envir
Windows Sandbox is a new lightweight desktop environment tailored for safely running applications in isolation. How many times have you downloaded an executable file, but were afraid to run it? Have you ever been in a situation which required a clean installation of Windows, but didn’t want to set up a virtual machine? At Microsoft we regularly encounter these situations, so we developed Windows S
A new world for application developers Flatpak changes app distribution for the better. Advantages include:
PackerにはVirtualBoxやQEMU(KVMおよびXen)などの仮想マシンイメージを作成する機能が用意されており、仮想マシン作成を自動化できる。今回は、Packerを使ってVirtualBoxおよびQEMU(KVM)用の仮想マシンにOSをインストールしてディスクイメージを作成する例を紹介する。 Packerを使って各種仮想マシン用のディスクイメージを作る 前回記事ではPackerを使ってDocker用のイメージを作成する方法を紹介したが、今回はDockerではなく仮想化ソフトウェア向けのイメージを作成する方法を紹介していこう。 Packerではさまざまな仮想マシンやクラウドインフラ向けのディスクイメージを作成できるが、今回はCentOS 7のインストールISOイメージを元に、VirtualBoxとQEMU(KVM)向けのディスクイメージを作成する流れを紹介する。 VirtualB