Reaktr is made for creating music video. Simply upload your song and that's it! Reaktr automatically generate reactive waveform and progress bar. Worried that you are not skilled at design? Reaktr provides several pre-made templates and beautiful stock photos. You'll find what you want, otherwise request a new one.
Interpretable Machine Learning A Guide for Making Black Box Models Explainable. Christoph Molnar 2021-05-31 要約 機械学習は、製品や処理、研究を改善するための大きな可能性を秘めています。 しかし、コンピュータは通常、予測の説明をしません。これが機械学習を採用する障壁となっています。 本書は、機械学習モデルや、その判断を解釈可能なものにすることについて書かれています。 解釈可能性とは何かを説明した後、決定木、決定規則、線形回帰などの単純で解釈可能なモデルについて学びます。 その後の章では、特徴量の重要度 (feature importance)やALE(accumulated local effects)や、個々の予測を説明するLIMEやシャープレイ値のようなモデルに非依存な手法(mo
This domain has been configured for use by Cargo. Connect it by adding it to your Settings. Once completed, this domain will automatically display your Cargo site. Should you require further assistance, please leave us a note. If you’re moving your domain to a different platform, make this change in your registrar’s DNS control panel.
Chimera Painter is a demo that lets you run wild by drawing out creature shapes that become fully fleshed out by our CreatureGAN machine learning model, which was trained on hundreds of thousands of 2D renders of 3D creature models. The model looks at the body parts you drew on your creature and uses them to decide how to style it for you. Painting is a highly creative, iterative process. What can
This is the supporting wiki for the book The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book by Andriy Burkov. The book is now available on Amazon and most major online bookstores. WARNING! To avoid buying counterfeits on Amazon, click on See All Buying Options and choose Sold by and not a third-party seller. But better, avoid Amazon by all means. The best way to make sure the author receives a fair
Windows Sandbox is a new lightweight desktop environment tailored for safely running applications in isolation. How many times have you downloaded an executable file, but were afraid to run it? Have you ever been in a situation which required a clean installation of Windows, but didn’t want to set up a virtual machine? At Microsoft we regularly encounter these situations, so we developed Windows S
Python Finite State Machine Diagram Generator This is a command line tool, which generates finite state machine diagram for web and mobile application development from a source file through graphviz. The finite state machine diagram is a kind of diagram, which describes screen transitions and flows of the processes. The source file is written in a specific format, which enables us to write a code