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先日flashrodさんのところを参考におっぱいをシミュレートしてみたんだけどなんか変な感じ。同僚には「揺れてるんじゃなくてカップ数が変わってる」とか「これおっぱいじゃなくてお尻でしょう」とか言われる始末。 おかしい理由がパラメータの調整なのか、実装が糞なのか、その両方なのかよく分からないんだけど、何はともあれこの曲線がおっぱいに見えないと言う意見には頷かざるを得ない。陰でちょっと卑怯な補正しててこれだもんな。 ということで今日の午後は仕事してるふりをしながら、ちょっとおっぱいに思いを馳せてみた。 おっぱいとは何か。 YourAVHost・動ナビ等の、溢れる集合知の力を借りつつ熟考を重ね、ついに私は悟りを得た。おっぱいは「壁についた水袋」。これっす。身もふたもねぇ。 以前のばね-質点モデルの敗因、それは袋部分にだけとらわれて重要な「水」の部分を忘れたことではないか。我々がおっぱいに求めるも
Box2DFlashAS3 2.0.1 Drag objects with the mouse. 'Left'/'Right' arrows to go to previous/next example. 'R' to reset. Update: Version 2.0.1 released!. Box2DFlashAS3 is an open source port of Erin Catto's powerful c++ physics library Box2D. Cycle through the demos above to see some of the features. Full source code for the engine and examples can be downloaded from the project's sourceforge page fou
This isn’t the game in that YouTube video! The YouTube game is called Crayon Physics Deluxe and this is just a quick and ugly prototype of that game. You can’t draw anything else than squares in this game. Sorry for the hostility, but subtle tactics didn’t seem to work. Here’s my tenth done-in-under-a-week game. I would have liked to spend few more days with the game, but unfortunately I didn’t ha
Carpet’s sources 11 Aug 2007 Posted by Manuel at 16:20 — 1 year, 1 month ago Categories: as3 Here is the source code for the Magic Carpet demo, just unpack it in your project directory of choice and import the project in Flex Builder, making sure to resolve the dependancies as it makes use of the following packages: PaperVision3D in its head revision; ASWing in its 1.0 A3 Flex compiler releas