d3js.org 日本語化プロジェクトについて [目次へ] JavaScriptデータ視覚化ライブラリ D3.js の本家サイト http://d3js.orgの 日本語化を行うプロジェクトです。 翻訳は Michael Bostock 氏の許諾を得ておもにドキュメントの 日本語化を行います。 更新履歴 [目次へ] [2013/01/02] 地図を作ろうの翻訳 [2012/12/22] バージョン 3.0 の新機能の翻訳 [2012/12/09] TopoJSON ホーム、および 仕様書ページ翻訳 [2012/12/05 24:46] ドキュメント、および 解説その他のページ作成(翻訳はまだ) [2012/12/04 21:09] 三つの小円作成・翻訳 [2012/12/03 13:02] d3js.org 日本語化プロジェクトを更新 (サイト構成の追加、他) [2012/12/02
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This project is an attempt to build re-usable charts and chart components for d3.js without taking away the power that d3.js gives you. This is a very young collection of components, with the goal of keeping these components very customizable, staying away from your standard cookie cutter solutions. View more examples » GitHub Repo Download d3.v3.js. This is the only required library for NVD3. Dow
What is this? Tributary is an experimental environment for rapidly prototyping visualization code. The environment provides several libraries useful for this kind of coding, as well as a simple interface for live code editing. Some of these images take you to galleries of Tributary examples, don't be afraid to click on images which take you to the actual live tributaries! Who is involved? Tributar
By Luke Francl (look@recursion.org), August 2011 d3.js is a data visualization library by Mike Bostock, who is also the primary creator of Protovis, which D3 is designed to replace. D3 has a steep learning curve, especially if (like me) you are not used to the pixel-precision of graphics programming. To build a visualization with D3, you need to understand JavaScript objects, functions, and the me
2012年2月18日に開催された「HTML5+WordBench勉強会 in 神戸」で、データビジュアライゼーションのためのJavaScriptライブラリ「d3.js」について発表してきました。 主催は「Web CAT Studio(株式会社リクルートエージェント)」さん、「WordBench神戸」さん、そして僕が所属している「HTML5-West.jp」の3団体です。 WordPress+HTML5勉強会 in 神戸 : ATND プレゼン資料 実際にプレゼンで使ったスライドはこちら。 終盤のライブコーディングで作った「棒グラフ」のコードはこちら。 kadoppe/HTML5-WordPress-in-Kobe-d3js-sample – GitHub サマリー わかりづらいデータを可視化することで、人間のデータ理解を助けることができる「データビジュアライゼーション」。このデータビジュア
This website is not current and will be retired at some point. See About for latest. D3 Tutorials About these tutorials Fundamentals Setup Adding elements Chaining methods Binding data Using your data Drawing divs The power of data() An SVG primer Drawing SVGs Types of data Making a bar chart Making a scatterplot Scales Axes Transitions These tutorials address an older version of D3 (3.x). See my
The document discusses visualizing Wikipedia data using force-directed graphs and Voronoi diagrams with the JavaScript library d3.js. It provides examples of basic charts created with d3.js by selecting DOM elements and binding data to append child elements. The examples demonstrate how to update the chart by rebinding new data and removing old data elements.Read less
D3The JavaScript library for bespoke data visualization Create custom dynamic visualizations with unparalleled flexibility
Rickshaw is a JavaScript toolkit for creating interactive time series graphs. Rickshaw on GitHub Graphing Toolkit Rickshaw provides the elements you need to create interactive graphs: renderers, legends, hovers, range selectors, etc. You put the pieces together. See Demo → Built on d3.js It's all based on d3 underneath, so graphs are drawn with standard SVG and styled with CSS. Customize all you l