Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Nicole"
Die Bedeutung von "Nicole" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet Nicole needs Shaw to help fly this thing.?
Schaue nach der Frage, um die Antwort zu sehen
Was bedeutet But Nicole rushes over and picks up the sodden documents, gently shaking the water off each one.?
But Nicole rushes over = However, Nicole hurries across
and picks up the sodden documents = and lifts the wet papers
gently shaking the water off each one. = carefully waving the papers to remove the water.
But Nicole rushes over = However, Nicole hurries across
and picks up the sodden documents = and lifts the wet papers
gently shaking the water off each one. = carefully waving the papers to remove the water.
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Nicole" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Nicole und Nicolette ?
it's just different names 😂
Andere Fragen zu "Nicole"
Nicole has travelled a lot, but she _____ speak any foreign languages.
My textbook is "doesn't". Is "can't" right too? Any difference?
Review Keyword 英語初級
My textbook is "doesn't". Is "can't" right too? Any difference?
Review Keyword 英語初級
"Can't" also works here.
"Can't" emphasizes that she doesn't have the ability. She tries to speak them but she isn't able to speak them.
"Doesn't" is more general. She may have chosen to not speak any foreign languages. She might have the ability, but she doesn't want to use it.
"Can't" emphasizes that she doesn't have the ability. She tries to speak them but she isn't able to speak them.
"Doesn't" is more general. She may have chosen to not speak any foreign languages. She might have the ability, but she doesn't want to use it.
I knew that Nicole Kidman was studying Italian yesterday. When I saw her Instagram, she was reading an Italian book. I was studying Italian as well and I loved her, so I ordered exactly the same book online. klingt das natürlich?
× I knew that Nicole Kidman was studying Italian yesterday.
✓ I found out that Nicole Kidman is studying Italian yesterday.
× When I saw her Instagram, she was reading an Italian book.
✓ I saw that she was reading an Italian book on her instagram.
× I was studying Italian as well and I loved her, so I ordered exactly the same book online.
✓ I’m studying Italian as well, so I ordered the exact same book because I love her.
I believe it sounds more natural in this tense. I Hope this helps!
✓ I found out that Nicole Kidman is studying Italian yesterday.
× When I saw her Instagram, she was reading an Italian book.
✓ I saw that she was reading an Italian book on her instagram.
× I was studying Italian as well and I loved her, so I ordered exactly the same book online.
✓ I’m studying Italian as well, so I ordered the exact same book because I love her.
I believe it sounds more natural in this tense. I Hope this helps!
I love you too, Nicole. You're an amazing person. Thank you for being (there). klingt das natürlich?
"I love you too, Nicole. You're an amazing person. Thank you for being there." Perfect!
Nicole has been faced with a relationship problem but she still be patient to make a complaint. I am so proud of her. klingt das natürlich?
I’m not 100% sure what you want to say, I hope this helps though!
Nicole has been faced with a relationship problem, but she is patient and has not complained. I am so proud of her!
Nicole has been faced with a relationship problem, but she is patient and has not complained. I am so proud of her!
Nicole needing to talk to Jason now. klingt das natürlich?
You should sat Nicole needs to talk to Jason now.
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