Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Ufos"
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Ufos" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen It is very polite of you to convince us that UFOs exist. und You are very polite to convince us that UFOs exist. ?
The first sounds like a relatively more natural way to put it (though I’m not sure why it would be polite to convince someone about UFOs)
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen I wrote on UFOs. und I wrote about USFs. ?
意味は大体一緒だけれど、wrote onはよく学校のエッセイとかを書くときのフレーズです。
I wrote my essay on UFOs.
I wrote my thesis on water conservation.
I wrote my discertation on frakking.
"on"を使うと、I wrote 〇〇 on (トピック). という形の方がよく見られます。
I wrote my essay on UFOs.
I wrote my thesis on water conservation.
I wrote my discertation on frakking.
"on"を使うと、I wrote 〇〇 on (トピック). という形の方がよく見られます。
Andere Fragen zu "Ufos"
Can we say these are same?
How can we explain UFOs unidentified "flying" objects?
How can we explain UFOs unidentified "which are flying" objects?
How can we explain UFOs unidentified "flying" objects?
How can we explain UFOs unidentified "which are flying" objects?
They are not the same for two reasons:
1. UFO is "U"nidentified "F"lying "O"bject. So an unidentified which are flying object would be a UWAFO.
2. The modifier "which are flying" would go at the end of the sentence in natural English. So if you did write it that way, it would be "unidentified objects which are flying."
Since UFO are the initials of Unidentified Flying Object, people would think you were explaining what a UFO is if you said "How can we explain UFOs-- unidentified flying objects?" If you said "How can we explain UFOs-- unidentified objects which are flying," they would think you were making a joke.
1. UFO is "U"nidentified "F"lying "O"bject. So an unidentified which are flying object would be a UWAFO.
2. The modifier "which are flying" would go at the end of the sentence in natural English. So if you did write it that way, it would be "unidentified objects which are flying."
Since UFO are the initials of Unidentified Flying Object, people would think you were explaining what a UFO is if you said "How can we explain UFOs-- unidentified flying objects?" If you said "How can we explain UFOs-- unidentified objects which are flying," they would think you were making a joke.
I was intrigued by him talking about UFOs. klingt das natürlich?
It should be, "I was interested in what he was saying about UFOs."
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