Currently the term "cloning" is being used by much of society, without really
understanding its meaning. It is worth mentioning that cloning was already
known in the world of plants during the last century, the novelty lies in using
cloning in a group closer to the human being "the animal kingdom". So, on
February 27, 1997 the report on the first cloning "Dolly the sheep" from a
nucleus of an adult cell of another individual was published.
Cloning is a normal process in nature for single-celled organisms, plants,
insects, and even humans. However, artificial cloning is used to obtain
higher yields in the population of drugs or enzymes for the treatment of
multiple diseases. Today, extraordinary advances have been made for the
benefit of the medical field by using gene cloning; Scientists hope to find a
cure for diseases that have not been remedied through genetic cloning. This
scientific review article aims to explain in a didactic way the most important
aspects of cloning from a scientific point of view since it can lead to solving
various health problems.
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