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Ejercicios Resueltos y apuntes Termodinámica II-2020
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Ejercicios Resueltos y apuntes Termodinámica II-2020
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Ejercicios Resueltos y apuntes Termodinámica II-2020
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P= 10142 eey 29 Re roca’, = 0,042 fot to. z Uy V2 Me tx gavel: i iN OpoNOH3 + 19 AB.(1,6320-0,001043) ei rua Nye Apa OPK JME Escaneado con CamScanner zen% KAO? Ve 4 corn a) Meeela. Vg. A (A20. 3) NE NAD, 06.87 Rey, Ng. = 2806. ed pays Agr (ag LEY No baty loteseanlsto. de = 286426. ¥3/ exer WF = AU = =(iy-ah) a at 5 Ww =. 00) L4t Ua). clone OS Jey» WP stv = FOR) | Estalo Boal tr us Ayo ay teed 0 Pe hay abit a | ge eo it BUY) = Ui Aa-e Bem y-u, °; Sree i OE ee tues A thy “leceutnta my atin Pela Fae fe Pret late. {ar oet Ron he MARV. y= B Vy Hay ee [$071 NB ov acpuos hg=.204,20nta, (34 /sq\-+, 246 26 4p SSB, 01m r - [Re BR Sg) Pye 20\ 139 3 1 Perret ké PEE | a Gn... = 20,30 KPay hh 2444 SH kg endalas
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Atectamistagor Q-WhEte -ZEs=9 Me We BEe 5S Na inated hy = ea ha 4 op hy ’ asl) ing (ha-hed = oy C hgo hy) 424 +003 (2570 64> 4,34) [hs ofa (ache) yg 2404, 9864, K/ tg 1 S24 Q 8 eg, by= 419384 Fhe 499,023S — 400,699) S/eq 4 S49 9 pk Ao Mi AG OO ‘ N24 7s eg Jit) oy i tye 2200,416 M/eq, | 9 4 TEe~ Ees20. Hot i 4. | y= wha =e éhie —Ta Fst" € | wre mt Ug-a) Uap. sore cal 2,029 Fels (3209,A6- 2404,9864) egy GY= 466,402 Kw | | Pata | Escaneado con CamScannerMAYES Larvayal Lare}o Gates co entabsston = Atte f | | Pregunta 4 rtd The 2orsre = UNAS ( 4 | On = yonete oe GnsWerdors BEc-O fEp-0 , | + gaat Meann ee Ga ideal ¢ « Ohory ae eee a > 3, s 4 Beas Bat We Sat Poca Sob 20 674 2 ee ; Fan’ y onde 7 ( tot KR 4 Px Gane Fai ee Se Jee ,1°% *2087. * Tasty ce fava Nae Mas 4142, 34 "Sen, 4384 'C 7 56 Kale : Lig sat 7 ae NS Halon = 2,092 Fg MAE Gn se Mls Galore de Eresoia - Ingen 10. Atectamistagor Q-WhEte -ZEs=9 Me We BEe 5S Na inated hy = ea ha 4 op hy ’ asl) ing (ha-hed = oy C hgo hy) 424 +003 (2570 64> 4,34) [hs ofa (ache) yg 2404, 9864, K/ tg 1 S24 Q 8 eg, by= 419384 Fhe 499,023S — 400,699) S/eq 4 S49 9 pk Ao Mi AG OO ‘ N24 7s eg Jit) oy i tye 2200,416 M/eq, | 9 4 TEe~ Ees20. Hot i 4. | y= wha =e éhie —Ta Fst" € | wre mt Ug-a) Uap. sore cal 2,029 Fels (3209,A6- 2404,9864) egy GY= 466,402 Kw | | Pata | Escaneado con CamScannerMAYES Larvayal Lare}o Gates co entabsston = Atte f | | Pregunta 4 rtd The 2orsre = UNAS ( 4 | On = yonete oe GnsWerdors BEc-O fEp-0 , | + gaat Meann ee Ga ideal ¢ « Ohory ae eee a > 3, s 4 Beas Bat We Sat Poca Sob 20 674 2 ee ; Fan’ y onde 7 ( tot KR 4 Px Gane Fai ee Se Jee ,1°% *2087. * Tasty ce fava Nae Mas 4142, 34 "Sen, 4384 'C 7 56 Kale : Lig sat 7 ae NS Halon = 2,092 Fg MAE Gn se Mls Galore de Eresoia - Ingen 10. Atectamistagor Q-WhEte -ZEs=9 Me We BEe 5S Na inated hy = ea ha 4 op hy ’ asl) ing (ha-hed = oy C hgo hy) 424 +003 (2570 64> 4,34) [hs ofa (ache) yg 2404, 9864, K/ tg 1 S24 Q 8 eg, by= 419384 Fhe 499,023S — 400,699) S/eq 4 S49 9 pk Ao Mi AG OO ‘ N24 7s eg Jit) oy i tye 2200,416 M/eq, | 9 4 TEe~ Ees20. Hot i 4. | y= wha =e éhie —Ta Fst" € | wre mt Ug-a) Uap. sore cal 2,029 Fels (3209,A6- 2404,9864) egy GY= 466,402 Kw | | Pata | Escaneado con CamScannerMAYES Larvayal Lare}o Gates co entabsston = Atte f | | Pregunta 4 rtd The 2orsre = UNAS ( 4 | On = yonete oe GnsWerdors BEc-O fEp-0 , | + gaat Meann ee Ga ideal ¢ « Ohory ae eee a > 3, s 4 Beas Bat We Sat Poca Sob 20 674 2 ee ; Fan’ y onde 7 ( tot KR 4 Px Gane Fai ee Se Jee ,1°% *2087. * Tasty ce fava Nae Mas 4142, 34 "Sen, 4384 'C 7 56 Kale : Lig sat 7 ae NS Halon = 2,092 Fg MAE Gn se Mls Galore de Eresoia - Ingen 10. Atectamistagor Q-WhEte -ZEs=9 Me We BEe 5S Na inated hy = ea ha 4 op hy ’ asl) ing (ha-hed = oy C hgo hy) 424 +003 (2570 64> 4,34) [hs ofa (ache) yg 2404, 9864, K/ tg 1 S24 Q 8 eg, by= 419384 Fhe 499,023S — 400,699) S/eq 4 S49 9 pk Ao Mi AG OO ‘ N24 7s eg Jit) oy i tye 2200,416 M/eq, | 9 4 TEe~ Ees20. Hot i 4. | y= wha =e éhie —Ta Fst" € | wre mt Ug-a) Uap. sore cal 2,029 Fels (3209,A6- 2404,9864) egy GY= 466,402 Kw | | Pata | Escaneado con CamScannerMAYES Larvayal Lare}o Gates co entabsston = Atte f | | Pregunta 4 rtd The 2orsre = UNAS ( 4 | On = yonete oe GnsWerdors BEc-O fEp-0 , | + gaat Meann ee Ga ideal ¢ « Ohory ae eee a > 3, s 4 Beas Bat We Sat Poca Sob 20 674 2 ee ; Fan’ y onde 7 ( tot KR 4 Px Gane Fai ee Se Jee ,1°% *2087. * Tasty ce fava Nae Mas 4142, 34 "Sen, 4384 'C 7 56 Kale : Lig sat 7 ae NS Halon = 2,092 Fg MAE Gn se Mls Galore de Eresoia - Ingen 10. Atectamistagor Q-WhEte -ZEs=9 Me We BEe 5S Na inated hy = ea ha 4 op hy ’ asl) ing (ha-hed = oy C hgo hy) 424 +003 (2570 64> 4,34) [hs ofa (ache) yg 2404, 9864, K/ tg 1 S24 Q 8 eg, by= 419384 Fhe 499,023S — 400,699) S/eq 4 S49 9 pk Ao Mi AG OO ‘ N24 7s eg Jit) oy i tye 2200,416 M/eq, | 9 4 TEe~ Ees20. Hot i 4. | y= wha =e éhie —Ta Fst" € | wre mt Ug-a) Uap. sore cal 2,029 Fels (3209,A6- 2404,9864) egy GY= 466,402 Kw | | Pata | Escaneado con CamScannerMaye (ovate este) TOR =, de eotabstay = PE Ale re + “eaes ene Constderaciores BEc=O HER-O | | oareal | Mine | Z . ae Bint ae “ obi 4 Pa anh Te Wagar 2 = 207K * 981. Tarun t Aaya has Phas ut22,84 “AGO T3809 'C : eee 135 Halevi = 2,002 ¥o/s wae 69,36 €%'S cuegcentiatadot [aw Yq sa as eK’ @aloree ee Eresgja - a cast aw Fete 2K Key falance. de.crend. , We EEC é MQ Ee. mn = 008 Big hate qhy wanes Hab Py sme ses | ia Una ched = fay) 2 ying) \ Tan 20,03 (2549 6 20) L [hy ava | my “2u04,aB6a 3/5 hye iow hs Aa aS vy! Tete, ag at 4s = pg, b89) PL 2 Yeau Sle | FToss NS. i h. 2BAY 2A Oleg Hoy & Eben EERE. Hie at gf s Eee Bao Sau ye tH oS °C rs eephg =a ng ce , wre me UWe- wa) Yap. Here celentado y area 284 2g - 204, 2869) ¥8 [eey Escaneado con CamScanneres a Avede Saf -w Aube | | Peoquta 2 ae jm On St ne ale $0; = b) © | eateteoy ini P= As0nee C | ) ease “EE | | A= gen & O1sces 7 \ Lass MEM | Vi = Adwt. altar | te? 4 | (Peo 2 | | \ } Gad \ Wa | (Ve MRT . oc0088eg Barat M Aeon + 205K | PH. P 2 y | 8,44 Be Asok?a/ \ Uy = 0,000H93 ne oe w= Vs =.0,S6u4 "3 Moy | y= 240,44 "J koe 8 295° WE O MY | yes WEE Este Angtists deereigha: O- We = m Gi-ue-Gav ikem lao wy ~ OAS6KS + l2y + BAY 2s = OpOsska (uy - 21049 H/C Ce “A800. oy itis nh 4) \ | TONS Edt 0,216 19g ONG BL = My | |... Te eS Pees | | Wye FB, 622. 8/¥q, : ; cl o : |. Inegoanto hae ‘etand OOD FH _ bat Ferak."| CAP oe 24) 2B Tz ASG guce. ) 298 baz = 296,08 aeeee Te 3e8 gtk fo ° \ < Escaneado con CamScanner
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