Tren Rodante 259
Tren Rodante 259
Tren Rodante 259
Año 32, agosto de 2020, Número 259
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Las locomotoras chinas CDD6A1 estudiadas en detalle . Ambas fotos Darío Saidman.
Los contenidos son de la exclusiva responsa-
TRData bilidad de los autores y la Editorial puede o no
compartir. Está permitido el uso y difusión del
contenido siempre que se mencione la fuente.
Trenes Argentinos Cargas (TAC) transported 27% more cargo during the
first semester, in relation to the first semester of 2019, which represents
more than 2,800,000 tons transported.
Regarding June specifically, 620,000 tons were shipped in total, which meant
a 37% increase in the year-on-year comparison this month.
Among the products transported during the first 6 months, a historical volume
was recorded in the transport of cereal -470 thousand tons transported during
the last month-, and very important figures were reached in the transport of coal
from Mendoza to La Plata (Buenos Aires province).
In addition, there was an increase in the volume of sugar transported from the
province of Jujuy, and gypsum was transported again after 17 years of losing
such loads. ♦
Works were carried out on the new railway yard “La Ribera”, in Santa Fe,
which allows for improved unloading times in the ports of Gran Rosario.
In the Province of Tucumán, the National Government renewed the routes to
reactivate branch C8, which had been inoperative for 27 years.
In the Province of Jujuy, during the month of April, the best monthly sugar load
of the last 10 years was achieved, towards Santa Fe and Buenos Aires.
Work is underway to reactivate the northern section of the Urquiza Cargas
line, which seeks to return to Garupá in Misiones.
Wagons, which have been inactive for several years, both in workshops and
abandoned on the side of the tracks where they derailed, are being repaired to
incorporate them into the fleet and improve the supply of cargo.
Lastly, a comprehensive plan is being carried out to recover railway works-
hops throughout the country to put them back into operation. ♦
La formación compuesta por 20 vagones, que llevó una carga de 800 toneladas
de pasta celulosa en contenedores, tuvo como destino la localidad bonaerense
de Zárate. La carga de pasta celulósica hecha con madera de pino representa
el primer cargamento de producción misionera que volvió a ser transportado
por el ferrocarril Urquiza, después de dos años en los que el ramal ferroviario
estuvo paralizado.
Pero más importante aún cruzarían el puente internacional para cargar arroz
en Encarnación, habilitando el transporte en tren entre Argentina y Paraguay.
Esto sucedería cuando se cierren los últimos acuerdos necesarios para que el
tren cruce el puente internacional y llegue hasta la estación Custodia donde se
cargará arroz. El tramo de vías entre Garupá y Encarnación pasando por Posa-
das está habilitado porque hay un servicio de trenes de pasajeros que cumple
ese trayecto internacional y se encuentra operativo. ♦
After the recovery of the line to Garupá, on July 16 of last month a freight
train left from that station to Buenos Aires, where it arrived three days later
because it was a pilot train.
Despite the fact that in 1950 it was reliably established that La Porteña and
her sister La Argentina did not serve in the Crimean War, today they continue to
believe and spread the myth. But in 1950 the gauge of the Balaklava (Crimea)
railway could be determined to be 1435 mm, and the Crimean War having ended
in 1855, there was no reason to send them back to the factory to repair, retrieve
and send the vehicles to South America.
But there are two more reasons that invalidate the myth: The factory numbers
of the Argentine locomotives indicate that they were built in 1956, when the war
was over; and second, the Crimean ones were 0-6-0T instead of 0-4-0T and at
the end of the war all the lag of the provisional railway was sold to Turkey. Finally,
the ramps on the Balaklava line were impossible for locomotives as small as
those that came to the country. ♦
Continue reading the extended note here: TRdata with the keyword “mitos”
Among the works that the Ferroclub Argentino is facing is the recovery of the
FC Roca Class 8A locomotive, a 1906 North British that was part of a batch of
34 Locomotives.
The 8A were used in local services until they were replaced by more modern
locomotives and they were relegated to maneuvers. In this role they remained
on the railroad until the end of the use of steam, being able to see them at the
Plaza Constitución station until the mid-1970s.
The 3341 was assigned in custody to the Ferroclub in 2012 and since then
repairs were made such as: boiler retubing, manufacturing and placement of
missing items, which allowed it to be started and move within the premises to
carry out exhibitions, but it needed a more deep repair. They then decided to
repair it to put it in running order and in 2017 the recovery task began, which
would include: Comprehensive repair of the two ponies, suspension bolts, tread
By 2020, several of these tasks had already been undertaken and today
they are working in the Stephenson distribution, for which they have cast and
mechanized the bronze rings that serve as bearings (collars) and that are linked
with the four eccentric drives of the drive shaft, those that were also mechanized.
This simple paragraph are months of work and are better explained in the photos
that accompany this note.
The expectation of the completion of these works aims to finish them no later
than the first months of 2021 in order to present it in live steam in the traditional
event that the CDP Remedios de Escalada carries out every year on May 25.
The work is done by volunteers and people who want to collaborate are always
See details of visits in the publicity of the website ♦
The units were built by GE Transportation as part of their Dash-8 program from
1989 to 1994. This is why they are also known as “Dash 8-40CW” where the W
(for Wide cab) means they have a wide or safety cabin instead the regular one.
The C-40CW are provided with a 4000 hp V16 7FDL diesel engine and a
GMG187 generator carry on direct current to the six 752AG engines that move
their 1,016 mm diameter wheels.
The powerful 180-ton units will complement the existing units in the transport
of minerals from the La Oroya mining area at 3,300 meters above sea level
to different parts of the country. The ore or concentrate trains are made up of
wagons with a capacity of up to 70 tons.
The locomotive transport was done by Dachser logistics, who was in charge
of transporting the units by sea and land from the port of Houston (US) to the
Central Andean tracks, in Lima (PE). ♦
La dupla AES 11 encabeza la formación en Yumbel / The AES 11 pair leads the formation in Yumbel
Las veinte duplas de coches eléctricos para uso en múltiple (EMU) están
compuestas por un coche motor y uno remolcado, con capacidad para 176
asientos y capaces de alcanzar los 130 km/h.
Las unidades llegaron a Chile por mar, de Buenos Aires a Valparaíso y Tal-
cahuano entre 1976 y 1977, para realizar servicios suburbanos en la capital y
regiones: Til-Til - Santiago - Paine; Valparaíso - La Calera y Talcahuano - Laja.
Durante sus primeros años cumplieron regularmente servicios en estas zo-
nas, aproximadamente hasta 1983, cuando comenzaron a ser destinados prin-
cipalmente al reemplazo de los trenes expresos entre Santiago y Valparaíso.
El 17 de febrero de 1986 ocurrió en la zona de Queronque un catastrófico
accidente frontal donde se perdieron tres unidades AES y se canceló el servicio
entre las terminales.
Al año siguiente se creó el Merval (Metro Regional de Valparaíso) con los 12
The twenty pairs of electric cars for multiple use (EMU) are composed of a
motor car and a towed one, with a capacity of 176 seats and capable of reaching
130 km/h.
The units arrived in Chile by sea, from Buenos Aires to Valparaíso and
Talcahuano between 1976 and 1977, to carry out suburban services in the capital
and regions: Til-Til - Santiago - Paine; Valparaíso - La Calera and Talcahuano -
Laja. During their first years, they regularly served in these areas, approximately
until 1983, when they began to be used mainly to replace express trains between
Santiago and Valparaíso.
On February 17, 1986, a catastrophic frontal accident occurred in the Queronque
area where three AES units were lost and service between the terminals was
The following year the Merval (Valparaíso Regional Metro) was created with
En el servicio local entre Valparaiso y Limache. / In the local service between Valparaiso and Limache.
Diferentes esquemas de los AES en Valparaiso./ Different schemes of the AES in Valparaiso.
En las proximidades de la estación Baron en 1993. / In the vicinity of the Baron station in 1993.
fechas concretas. Lo cierto es que dos unidades se han rescatado y están bajo
En julio de 2020 se festejó el rescate de AES11 y 17. ./ In July 2020 the AES11 and 17 rescue was celebrated.
certainty or specific dates. The truth is that two units have been rescued and are
Dos imágenes publicitarias de los años 30 con las locomotoras más poderosas, en trocha ancha y angosta.
Two advertising images from the 30s with the most powerful locomotives, in narrow and wide gauge.
However, the narrow gauge arises in our country in 1870 (Ferrocarril Central
del Norte and Ferrocarril de Santa Fe and later the Ferrocarril Argentino del
Norte) when there are already wide gauge links between Buenos Aires and
Rosario, Villa María, Córdoba, etc.
The FC Central Norte (FCCN), built by the National State, emerges as a
tributary of the FC Central Argentino (FCCA). From the outset, higher operating
costs were involved due to the necessary of merchandise or transfers.
In 1887 the Ferrocarril Central Córdoba, a British company, was founded,
which bought the Central Norte and our lines later went on to link Córdoba with
Rosario and Buenos Aires.
The crisis of 1890 stopped the expansion of the lines, but over the years, after
the crisis, the State faces the construction of other narrow gauge lines, in order
to link its different lines of that gauge.
Las trochas en los ferrocarriles de la Argentina de 1886 / The gauges in the Argentine railways in 1886.
tema estatal tenía por base la ciudad de Santa Fe. Aquí comienzan a duplicarse
líneas, pues para vincular las líneas de trocha angosta del Central Norte y del
Argentino del Norte (el FC Santa Fe era privado), se construyen trechos de vía
paralelos a las vías de trocha ancha y de la trocha angosta del Central Córdoba.
En 1910 se suma la Provincia de Buenos Aires a la construcción de líneas de
trocha angosta, con la idea de competir o interferir el monopolio de las grandes
empresas inglesas que operaban en trocha ancha.
Recién luego de promulgadas las leyes Mitre (5315) y General de Ferrocarri-
les (2873) comienza a haber un ordenamiento en las concesiones. El estado,
sin embargo, estuvo a punto de construir una nueva línea de trocha angosta en-
tre Rosario y Buenos Aires, para darle acceso a su red (con base en Santa Fe)
a la Capital Federal, pero finalmente, en los años 30 del siglo XX, cuando dejan
de ser rentables las empresas ferroviarias, se negocia la compra por parte del
estado del Ferrocarril Central Córdoba y se evitó la construcción de una tercera
línea redundante.
Así quedó conformada una red de trocha angosta con base en Buenos Aires,
prácticamente duplicando las líneas de trocha ancha existentes, sin expandirse
La red métrica y en verde la zona en recuperación. / Metre network and the recovery area (Green line).
This state system was based on the city of Santa Fe. Here, lines begin to
duplicate, since to link the narrow gauge lines of the Central North and the
Argentine North (Santa Fe railway was private), stretches of track parallel to the
wide gauge and narrow gauge tracks of Central Córdoba.
In 1910, the Province of Buenos Aires joined the construction of narrow gauge
lines, with the idea of competing or interfering with the monopoly of the large
English companies that operated on broad gauge.
Only after the laws “Mitre” (Nbr. 5315) and “General de Ferrocarriles” (Nbr.
2873) were enacted, there was an order in the concessions. The state, however,
was about to build a new narrow gauge line between Rosario and Buenos Aires,
to give the Federal Capital access to its network (based in Santa Fe), but finally,
in the 30s of the century XX, when the railway companies cease to be profitable,
the purchase by the state of the Central Córdoba railway is negotiated and the
construction of a redundant third line was avoided.
Thus, a narrow gauge network based in Buenos Aires was formed, practically
doubling the existing broad gauge lines, without expanding to other destinations
such as Mesopotamia or Patagonia. All this happened between 1870 and 1938.
There is nothing to criticize the narrow gauge itself. The gauge could have
been the same for the whole country, either narrow or wide. The important thing
would have been to continue as far as possible, with a single gauge for the entire
The policies adopted around the narrow gauge throughout our history,
contributed to squander public money, instead of having expanded the railway
network to points where the railroad still does not reach today.
The duplication of lines has ended up generating an unsustainable system
(low quantity of population and dispersed production) and it was never possible
to apply a true plan for rationalizing the lines, for example converting some
branches from narrow to wide or vice versa.
Today is a favorable time to carry out an analysis of the trails in use. The
medium gauge tracks in Mesopotamia or the narrow gauge tracks in Belgrano
are in serious deterioration and new renovations will have to be planned. This
topic should be raised to assess the advisability of a gauge change in any of the
future renovations. Unfortunately, in the last road renovations this point seems
not to have been analyzed and today, in the 21st century, we continue to maintain
this difference in the trails, a situation that does not favor us. ♦
Tras la experiencia anterior con los motores MTU de las trece locomotoras
CKD8G y las siete CKD8H producidas y entregadas en 2013 para los servicios
de pasajeros en la trocha ancha de Trenes Argentinos por CNR de China, al
solicitarse las nuevas locomotoras para el Belgrano Cargas se eligió el mismo
El MTU es alemán, pero fue diseñado de manera similar a los producidos en
los Estados Unidos para uso ferroviario. La constructora alemana desarrolló
hacia finales de los ochenta de manera conjunta con la Detroit Diesel la Serie
4000, motores diésel basados en un sistema modular, comenzando su produc-
ción abril de 1997. En la actualidad se produce la tercera generación de este
motor disponible en configuraciones de 8, 12, 16 y 20 cilindros en V en una am-
plia variedad de potencias.
Como parte de su tecnología innovadora, la Serie 4000 de MTU utiliza el sis-
Darío Saidman
After previous experience with the MTU engines of the thirteen CKD8G
locomotives and the seven CKD8Hs produced and delivered in 2013 for
passenger services on the wide gauge of Argentine Trains by CNR of China,
when requesting the new locomotives for the Belgrano Cargas, it was chosen
the same engine.
The MTU is German, but was designed similarly to those produced in the United
States for rail use. The German construction company developed, together with
Detroit Diesel, the 4000 Series, diesel engines based on a modular system,
beginning production in April 1997. Currently, the third generation of this engine
is produced, available in configurations of 8, 12, 16, and 20 V-cylinders in a wide
variety of powers.
As part of its innovative technology, the MTU 4000 Series uses the most
advanced Common Rail injection system. Some of its advantages are fuel
tema de inyección Common Rail más avanzado. Algunas de sus ventajas son
eficiencia de combustible, confiabilidad y bajas emisiones.
With both benches angled at 90º these engines have 170 mm diameter
cylinders and a 210 mm stroke with a displacement of 4,770 cm3 or 4.77 liters
to total 76.3 liters in total.
Maximum power is obtained by turning at 1,800 rpm with a torque of 12,005
Nm at 1,750 rpm with a specific consumption of 206 grams of fuel per kW per
hour. In optimal conditions, consumption drops to 196 g / kWh. This means that
a locomotive pulling a train applying a power of 2,000 hp for each hour of travel
significa que una locomotora tirando un tren aplicando una potencia de 2.000 hp
por cada hora de marcha consumirá aproximadamente 382 litros de gasoil. Si
se requiere mayor potencia, aumenta consecuentemente el consumo de com-
El motor R43 de 16 cilindros completo pesa 7.930 kg. El sistema de alimenta-
ción del combustible es por inyección directa y cuenta con un doble sistema de
turbocompresor por turbinas centrífugas movidas por el impulso de los gases
calientes de los escapes. Para bajar la temperatura del aire atmosférico aspi-
rado por los gases de 650º a 120º Celsius se cuenta con intercambiadores de
calor (Intercooler).
Pesos y medidas
Las medidas básicas son muy similares a la conocida, prestigiosa y durade-
ra General Motors/ASTARSA GT22CU: miden entre las planchas extremas sin
contar los enganches 17,64 m (contra 17,34 m en la GT22CU).
El ancho máximo estimado de la carrocería es de 3,07 m (La GT 2,74 m) y la
altura es de 4,02 m (4,03 m); en cuanto al peso se estima (No hay información
The complete 16-cylinder R43 engine weighs 7,930 kg. The fuel supply system
is by direct injection and has a double turbocharger system by centrifugal turbines
driven by the impulse of hot exhaust gases.
To lower the temperature of the atmospheric air drawn in by the gases from
650º Celsius to 120º C, there are heat exchangers (Intercoolers).
La Ferrocarriles del Estado N° 1 en las plataformas de Retiro a cargo de “El Internacional”, lista para partir.
oficial) de entre 105 y 107 toneladas contra las 100 de las GT22CU. Por el con-
trario, el peso más significativo aparte del chasis, es su motor y aquí las cosas
se invierten: 7.930 kg para el MTU R43 de 16 cilindros contra los 12.394 kg del
Modelo EMD 645E3 con 12 cilindros de la GM.
Si comparamos las cilindradas, vemos que la CDD6 tienen el motor con cilin-
dros de 170 mm de diámetro y una carrera de 210 mm con un desplazamiento
de 4.770 cm3 o 4,77 litros para totalizar 76,3 litros, mientras que el viejo 645
tiene cilindros de 8,72 litros para un total de 104 litros.
En cuanto a la potencia el avance tecnológico de tres décadas le permitió a la
MTU obtener con un peso y cilindrada 30% menor una potencia al eje superior:
de 2.950 hp contra los 2.250 hp del motor estadounidense, en parte debido a la
velocidad de rotación del cigüeñal, 1.800 rpm del MTU contra 900 del 645 y a
las mejoras en los sistemas de inyección del combustible y en los turbocompre-
sores con un sistema doble con turbinas de alta y baja presión.
Sistema Eléctrico
El sistema eléctrico es sumamente complejo y la generación de electricidad
information) between 105 and 107 tons against the 100 of the GT22CU. On the
contrary, the most significant weight apart from the chassis is its engine and
things are reversed here: 7,930 kg for the 16-cylinder MTU R43 against the
12,394 kg for the GM 12-cylinder EMD 645E3 Model.
If we compare the displacements, we see that the CDD6 have the engine with
170 mm diameter cylinders and a 210 mm stroke with a displacement of 4,770
cm3 or 4.77 liters to total 76.3 liters, while the old 645 has cylinders 8.72 liters
for a total of 104 liters.
In terms of power, the technological advance of three decades allowed the
MTU to obtain with a weight and displacement 30% less a power to the upper
axis: 2,950 hp against the 2,250 hp of the American engine, partly due to the
rotation speed of the crankshaft, 1,800 rpm of the MTU against 900 of the 645
and to the improvements in the fuel injection systems and turbochargers with a
double system with high and low pressure turbines.
Electrical system
The electrical system is extremely complex and the generation of electricity is
La carrocería de esta moderna locomotora Diésel Eléctrica cuenta con un
bastidor estructural principal, el chasis, al que se le transfieren varias fuerzas
dinámicas que se derivan de la tracción, además de soportar la pesada central
eléctrica principal con un generador y el motor diésel que lo acciona más varias
unidades que se encargan del monitoreo y gestión general del rendimiento y
movimiento de la locomotora.
Entre ellas se incluyen los controles de la transmisión de la tracción, equipos
de frenado, sistemas de refrigeración del aceite y agua del motor; de rectifica-
ción de la corriente, de los numerosos motores eléctricos que requieren de una
This circuit includes two cylinders or desiccator towers that deals with the
removal of excess moisture from the compressed air to prevent corrosion of the
brake circuits and cylinders.
The electrical system includes powerful electrodynamic, or static, brakes with
their own circuit. The braking system is based on making the traction motors
become current generators to slow down the locomotive; when they do, they
connect to large resistances that oppose the passage of that current that comes
from the motors, causing that energy to be transformed into heat.
The body of this modern Diesel Electric locomotive has a main structural
frame, the chassis, to which various dynamic forces are transferred from the
traction, in addition to supporting the heavy main power station with a generator
and the diesel engine that It drives several more units that are in charge of the
general monitoring and management of the performance and movement of the
These include traction transmission controls, braking equipment, engine oil
and water cooling systems of rectification of the current, of the numerous electric
motors that require good ventilation in addition to the protective and auxiliary
buena ventilación además de los equipos de protección y auxiliares más los dis-
positivos de seguridad que exigen cierta refrigeración optimizada para el mejor
rendimiento de la unidad.
Todo esto conduce a la división de los espacios de la carrocería en compar-
timentos separando las zonas necesarias para la protección del equipo y de la
cabina de la tripulación de la locomotora a los efectos de mantenerlos a res-
guardo de los diversos peligros que se derivan de la operación de la misma.
El bastidor cuenta con dos largueros longitudinales conectados mediante dos
vigas o travesaños centrales y dos de refuerzo, uno en cada extremo, en una
estructura en caja de láminas y perfiles de acero de alta resistencia.
Cada bogie tiene a su vez un soporte central donde se apoya y pivota la supe-
restructura de la locomotora y cuatro apoyos de deslizamiento que amortiguan
las cargas verticales del chasis y del bogie con éste. El pivote o muñón permite
el grado de libertad en el eje de guiñada necesario para girar en curvas más o
menos pronunciadas.
equipment plus the safety devices that require some optimized cooling for the
best performance of the unit.
All this leads to the division of the spaces of the bodywork into compartments
separating the areas necessary for the protection of the equipment and the cabin
of the locomotive crew in order to keep them safe from the various dangers
arising from the operation of the same.
The frame has two longitudinal beams connected by means of two central
beams or crossbeams and two reinforcements, one at each end, in a box
structure made of sheets and high-strength steel profiles.
Each bogie in turn has a central support where the locomotive superstructure
is supported and pivots and four sliding supports that damp the vertical loads
of the chassis and the bogie with it. The pivot or trunnion allows the degree of
freedom in the yaw axis necessary to turn in more or less steep curves.
El sistema de suspensión primaria es muy similar a los diseños de la empresa
ucraniana Lugansk Diesel Locomotive, a la vez que muy diferente a los viejos
conocido bogies de la General Motors con suspensión de viga oscilante.
De un diseño muy sencillo es del tipo de suspensión individual independiente
en la que cada caja de eje se apoya en dos grupos de resortes.
A si vez dichas cajas se mantiene en posición y absorben los movimientos
propios de la circulación por la vía merced a tres pedestales conectados al bas-
tidor por delante y por detrás a cuatro sólidas patas, conectados todos por sen-
das barras radiales, una biela con dos aros cilíndricos en cada extremo dotados
de guarniciones de elastómeros para el aislamiento de posibles vibraciones.
En los ejes anteriores y posteriores por encima de los cojinetes y a cada lado
del bogie se colocan sendos amortiguadores verticales cuyo extremo superior
va articulado al bastidor. En el extremo de cada eje central van colocados sen-
sores y un tacómetro.
Respecto a la suspensión secundaria cuenta con cuatro apoyos en torno al
pivote central colocados de a dos en cada larguero principal. Su función se
complementa con la capacidad de permitir el giro hacia uno u otro lado, es el
movimiento de guiada en el plano horizontal. ♦
Esta nota fue hecha sin la asistencia del fabricante, que es reacio a brindar información, por lo que se basó
en información de proveedores, consultas a técnicos y operadores de estas unidades y a la mensura y
observación personal. Los dibujos y diagramas también fueron realizados por el autor.
At each outer end and on each side of the bogie four tanks are secured to
contain sand with their respective dispensers.
The bogies are the same except that the front, on both sides between the
center line of the two rear wheels, the two steps of the ladder are anchored,
allowing access to the driving cabin.
The bogies are mirrored with respect to each other and to the center of the
The primary suspension system is very similar to the designs of the Ukrainian
company Lugansk Diesel Locomotive, while very different from the old well-
known General Motors bogies with oscillating beam suspension.
Of a very simple design it is of the independent individual suspension type in
which each axle box is supported by two groups of springs.
At the same time, this boxes are kept in position and absorb the movements of
the road circulation thanks to three pedestals connected to the frame in front and
behind by four solid legs, all connected by radial bars, a connecting rod with two
cylindrical rings at each end equipped with elastomeric lining for the isolation of
possible vibrations.
On the front and rear axles, above the bearings and on each side of the bogie,
two vertical dampers are placed, the upper end of which is articulated to the
frame. Sensors and a tachometer are placed at the end of each central axis.
Regarding the secondary suspension, it has four supports around the central
pivot placed in pairs on each main crossbar. Its function is complemented by the
ability to allow rotation to one side or the other, it is the guided movement in the
horizontal plane. ♦
This note was made without the assistance of the manufacturer, who is reluctant to provide information,
so it was based on information from suppliers, consultations with technicians and operators of these units,
and personal measurement and observation. The drawings and diagrams were also made by the author.
La locomotora en 2013 había recibido pintura con vivos dorados / Painted in 2013 with golden details, . .
En plena plaza pública y a la vista de todos una reliquia del año 1871
que merece estar al lado de La Porteña recibe ocasionalmente manos de
pintura mientras se oxida irremediablemente.
Esta historia se repite en cada plaza pública donde se exhibe una locomotora
que muchas veces no tiene nada que ver con el lugar.
En este caso la 315 sirvió en sus mejores años en el servicio local del FC Sud
de Buenos Aires, atendiendo los primeros trenes de pasajeros de los inicios de
aquel ferrocarril. Su escaso porte determinó su venta junto a sus hermanas y
justamente ésta terminó sus años como locomotora de vías y obras en el tendi-
do de vías a San Rafael del FC Pacífico. Olvidada y luego rescatada, el Pacífico
(BAP) la donó a la ciudad.
Y desde entonces está en esta plaza. Ha perdido, a la vista de todos, los
faroles, los instrumentos, las bielas y toda pieza de bronce que se asomase.
Mientras sus hierros a la intemperie se siguen oxidando hoy, ya deformados, el
Municipio recuerda de tanto en tanto pintar el monumento sobre el óxido.
No es un monumento, es una locomotora y se está perdiendo. ♦
El estado de corrosión total es alarmante e irreversible / The state of total corrosion is alarming.and irreversible.
In the middle of the public square and in full view of all, a 1871 relic that
deserves to be next to La Porteña occasionally receives coats of paint
while it rusts irremediably.
Ha regresado al mercado una vieja amiga que produjo Rondhouse hace unos
años y que es excelente para tendidos pequeños, para maniobras, ramales
cortos, para modificaciones, personalizaciones y todo lo que se pueda hacer
alrededor de esta pequeña joyita.
Claro que ha sido severamente actualizada a los estándares de hoy y para
empezar diremos que viene equipada con sonido Econami con múltiples funcio-
nes y configuraciones operables tanto en DCC como en DC, todo en el entorno
NMRA. También bajo esa norma tiene las ruedas y pestañas y de cada una de
ellas toma corriente. El motor está en la caldera, es de cinco polos y tiene volan-
te de inercia. A través de una cascada de engranajes llega al segundo eje y esta
motorización le da un andar muy suave, propio de este tipo de locomotoras.
El modelo (Art. 84916) representa un modelo genérico del tipo Baldwin y se
puede adaptar a una amplia variedad de prototipos con ese rodado tipo “Con-
solidation”. Las ruedas motrices internas no tienen pestaña lo que le permite
inscribirse en curvas de 46 cm (18”) sin inconvenientes. ♦
We continue showing the work of this Argentine resident in Italy who has
made his predilection on large scales. This time we present the Beyer Peacock
locomotive of the Ferro Carril Sud, then the Roca Railway that entered the
country in several batches, in the first half of the 19th century.
Pedro’s inspiration came from the locomotive that was in the Ferroclub
Argentino of the Remedios de Escalada headquarters (today in Tecnópolis) that
was occasionally put under pressure for public demonstrations.
In the absence of a good plan, Pedro took photos and measurements and
much observation of the details, which is what Pedro enjoys reproducing, even
if they are half hidden. We have seen this hobby in the previous notes.
The challenge was to build the wheels and for that he took a PVC pipe of the
appropriate diameter mounted inside the spokes, which were strips of basswood
that he putty and sanded to achieve harmony with the rest of the wheel. The
cada rueda las hizo con cables eléctricos a los que luego masilló y lijó para dar
la apariencia del perfil adecuado.
El bastidor también lo hizo en madera de tilo y la casilla con terciado de 2 mm.
Ambos fueron masillados, para tapar las vetas de la madera y darle un efecto
de chapa metálica. El tender tuvo un tratamiento similar.
El único lugar donde la madera quedó expuesta fue en el miriñaque, como
en la realidad. La caldera también es un caño de PVC adecuado y los detalles
los hizo con diversos elementos aproximados que terminó lijando y masillando
para darle el formato más aproximado.
Todo lo hizo con la premisa de detallar al máximo. Por ejemplo, en la repro-
ducción de las bielas se puede ver el enchavetado de los bulones, que es un
detalle de otro detalle mayor.
A falta de conseguir carbón en su ciudad tuvo que reproducirlo con “piedritas
para los gatos” pintarlo con aerosol y después fijarlos con cola vinílica. Otros
detalles los tuvo que hacer sin más, tal el caso de la pala, para la que partió
desde elementos simples.
Como todos los modelos que hizo, está en escala 1:18, (aproximadamente
flanges on each wheel were made with electrical cables, which were then putty-
sanded to give the appearance of the proper profile.
The frame was also made of linden wood and the box with 2mm plywood.
Both were putty, to cover the wood grain and give it a sheet metal effect. The
tender had a similar treatment.
The only place where the wood was exposed was in the hoop, as in reality.
The boiler is also a suitable PVC pipe and the details were made with various
approximate elements that ended up by sanding and putty to give it the most
approximate format.
Everything he did with the premise of detailing to the maximum. For example,
in the reproduction of the connecting rods you can see the keyed of the bolts,
which is a detail of another greater detail.
In the absence of obtaining charcoal in his city, he had to reproduce it with
litter pellets for cats, spray-paint it and then fix it with vinyl glue. He had to do
other details without further ado, such as the shovel, for which he started from
simple elements.
Like all the models he made, it is in 1:18 scale, (approximately 1.30 m long,