Cubo Simulador de Endodoncia
Cubo Simulador de Endodoncia
Cubo Simulador de Endodoncia
130 MG Trujillo TH y col. Dispositivo de fácil elaboración para evaluar la conformación de los conductos radiculares
Vol. LX, No. 4
Julio-Agosto 2003
pp 130-135
Aim: To give a new option with a simple methodology and readily available materials that it
allows to evaluate and to compare the effects of the instrumentation techniques on root canal
geometry of extracted teeth before and after treatment.
Hypothesis: This procedure allows reassembling the root fragments exactly without loss of
dental structure facilitating root canal instrumentation. With the transparent acrylic it is possi-
ble to section roots and maintain their original wall thickness.
Equipment: Isothermic autocured acrylic resin (Polymer), metyl metacrilate monomer , in-
saturade polyester type cristal resin (MC40) , polyvinyl alcohol, methyl-ethyl-cetone peroxide
XXXI Premio Nacional de Investigación
(MEC), pressurized silicon (poliorgan silicate, ethyl silicate, dibutilin dilaurate, etanol).
Methodology: The surface of the samples was covered with transparent auto cured acrylic
en Endodoncia otorgado por la Aso-
and then the acrylic surfaces were painted with a film of polyvinyl alcohol as a separator.
ciación Mexicana de Endodoncia A.C.
Mazatlán, Sin. Abril 2002. Crystal resin with 1-2% methyl-ethyl-cetone peroxide as a catalyst was mixed and poured
into a cubic mold. The samples were placed inside the resin, and they were removed after .
Horizontal grooves were made around the acrylic with a diamond disk at low speed. The type
Revista ADM 2003;LX(4):130-135 MG 131
of a small screwdriver was inserted into each groove and with a slight blow; a section of the
root at each level was created.
Results: It allows measures of every wall and every third of the root.
Conclusion: A simple device using readily available materials, that permits geometric and
conformational analysis of root canals after instrumentation, comparing its original form and
with the advantages of not losing dental structures.
Key words: Crystal resin, endodontics, root canal, root canal anatomy.
lico y previo separador fueron colocadas odarobale FDP
de la resi-
na cristal y se sujetaron por un minuto. Al minuto 10 las
muestras se mantienen VC estáticas
ed AS, cidemihparG
por sí solas. Al minuto
20 las muestras pueden ser removidas de la resina cristal
permaneciendo ésta dentro del molde de arap
cubos por 10
minutos más, al minuto 30 los bloques de resina cristal se
removieronacidémoiB arutaretiL
del molde :cihpargideM
y se dejaron secar por un periodo
de 5 horas a una temperatura de 17-18° centígrados. A
cada muestra se le realizó su propia mufla (Figura 5).
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Dr. Elías Grego Samra