Funciones Comunicativas

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Funciones Comunicativas de un texto

Al analizar un texto, se debe tener en cuenta las secuencias o la

modalidad discursiva que predomina en éste. Estas secuencias hacen
referencia, sobre todo, a la intencionalidad del autor, pero, además, se
caracterizan por tener elementos lingüísticos determinados y suelen
aparecer en situaciones comunicativas diferentes. Lo normal es que
aparezca más de una en un texto, sin embargo, la predominante será
quien defina el propósito del autor.
Zarraga (2016)



Su objetivo es contar,
relatar uno o varios
sucesos o eventos
acontecidos en un Tiempo verbal Su estructura: Inicio, nudo,
marco temporal y predominante: pasado desenlace y/o una moraleja
espacial y que son acerca de la misma.
llevados a cabo por
personas específicas.

Géneros discursivos: Biografías, cuentos,

novelas, textos de historia, entre otros.

Jacinto Convit
Convit was born on September 11, 1913 in Caracas. This Venezuelan
Scientist and Physician was hailed as a national hero for developing
vaccines to treat leprosy, an infectious disease that causes disfiguring
skin ulcers, and the tropical skin disease leishmaniasis, a human
protozoal infection spread by the bite of a sand fly, and for his
dedication to helping the poor (he never charged a patient for his
services). This exceptional man died on May 12, 2014, Caracas.

Taken from:


Ofrecer información detallada con relación

a un objeto, evento o persona. Descripción
subjetiva u objetiva.

Géneros: Poemas, Se aprecia verbos en presente y gran

guías turísticas,
folletos, entre cantidad de adjetivos relacionados con
otros. edad, color, forma, tamaño, peso de
personas y objetos, entre otros

My sister Maria is the best!

Maria is my youngest sister and she is so beautiful! She is tall and slim.
Her hair is like mine. It is long, brown and very curly. She has blue, big
eyes. Also, she is fair-skinned and freckly. She is really pretty.
Her personality is very moody. One day she is very happy and the next
day sad. However, she is very friendly. She has a lot of friends in her
school. She loves to cook and to listen to music. She always listens to
classical music. She would like to become a dancer one day. I love her!
Taken from:

Ofrecer una serie de órdenes o instrucciones

fijas o alternadas para llevar a cabo pasos y
finalmente lograr una meta.

Presencia de Abundantes verbos Manuales de uso de

articuladores del en infinitivo sin la aparatos, recetas de
discurso: first, second, palabra “to”. cocina, instrucciones o
Ejemplo: pasos para armar
then, afterwards, finally, y
Read the equipos o dispositivos,
de marcas graficas. récipes médicos, entre

Safety tips in the house

1.- Install smoke detectors and keep them in working order.
2.- Keep emergency numbers next to the telephone.
3.- Don’t plug too many appliances into the same wall outlet or
extension cord.
4.- Keep medicines and vitamins clearly labelled and tore them in
childproof containers.
5.- Keep knives and sharp objects in a safe place.

Géneros que lo representan: debates,

Expresión de opiniones, hechos o ideas sobre
artículos de opinión, anuncio
un tema expuesto con el propósito de publicitario, panfleto político entre
persuadir. Es decir, consiste en apoyar y otros.
defender una idea planteada con claridad y
firmeza. 3.- Demostración (Planteamiento de
la hipótesis que se propone defender.
Estructura: Explicación de las causas, razones,
1.- Presentación (Exposición de ideas o hechos que trata de
los hechos) demostrar)
2.- Propuesta (Planteamiento de la
hipótesis que se propone defender) 4.- Conclusión (Exposición de las
consecuencias de la demostración y
formulación de propuestas)
How to Make Your Messages Memorable
When a piece of communication is to the point, relevant, worthwhile, and compelling, it moves you the
listener or reader to action. Moving people is not magic, it’s all about effective communication. Anyone can A
achieve effective communication by using a simple tool that has an uncanny ability to pinpoint, why any g
message works or doesn’t work, and how to improve it. It’s called the 4Cs Model, which stands for m
Comprehension, Connection, Credibility, and Contagiousness. The 4Cs Model was originally developed as e
an assessment tool for evaluating the impact of advertising and marketing materials. Brands such as t
Dunkin’ Donuts, Suave Shampoo, and Breyers Ice Cream used the 4Cs Model to develop marketing c
campaigns that really spoke to people and built an emotional connection with their consumers. The good i
news is that you don’t have to be an expert writer or advertising genius to accomplish messaging mastery. n
The beauty of the 4Cs Model is that it’s easy to understand and simple to apply to every piece of
communication you produce at work whether it's a résumé, an email, newsletter article, marketing piece,
PowerPoint, or blog. When you use get into the habit of applying the 4Cs to every type of communication
you generate, managers, coworkers, clients, and customers will take notice.
Pretende informar o explicar algo de forma objetiva, sirviéndose
de un lenguaje claro y preciso

Uso predominante de Estructura básica: Géneros

tiempos verbales en Introducción, desarrollo y representativos:
presente simple (voz conclusión. Artículos científicos y
activa y voz pasiva) Presencia de recursos de divulgación,
explicativos: definición, manuales,
ejemplificación, comparación, enciclopedias, entre
causa-efecto y problema- otros.
Though we drink it throughout the day, though we cannot function without it, and though it is
present in all life forms on Earth, we rarely stop to think about what makes up water and how it E
operates. There is more to water than just H2O. In fact, it is the only chemical substance on Earth p
that can exist as three states naturally. Water is so unique and precious to Earth that there are 40 i
anomalies that comprise water. For example, when water freezes, it expands about 9%, and that a
“warm water vibrates longer than cold water”. Water might be Earth’s greatest resource. About 71% i
of Earth is covered with water, and all life forms on Earth require water to survive. Thus, without n
water, there would be no life on Earth. Humans use water in more ways than any other species on
the planet: cooking, washing their bodies, washing clothes, washing cooking eating utensils, keeping
residencies and communities clean, recreation such as swimming pools, maintaining gardens,
spiritual practices, farming, drinking, fire extinguishing, and more. It is the most essential chemical
compound on Earth, as without it, no life would exist on this planet.
Funciones Comunicativas




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