Teacher S Guide Unit 2-10th Grade
Teacher S Guide Unit 2-10th Grade
Teacher S Guide Unit 2-10th Grade
Comisión redactora
Construcción de unidades
Docentes de Inglés de Tercer Ciclo y Educación Diversificada
Responsible Citizenship ( )
Life Competences ( )
L1. understand L1. recognizesL2. understand L2. extracts SI1. repeat what SI.1. repeats SP3. express SP3. expresses Assessment
the main points of the main points of
specific details specific details has been said what has been opinions of a opinions of a
a relatively long even a relatively from many from many web- and convey this said and short story,
short story, play,
discussion on a long discussion web-based based information to conveys this play, essay, or
essay, or poem Anecdotal
familiar topic, on familiar topic, broadcasts/ broadcasts/ another person. information to poem examined in reports / rubrics
related to stories related to stories memes, memes, comics, another person. examined in class. / instruments
in Standard on standard comics, posts, posts, poems. class. for self and co-
English. English. poems dealing W2. assessment
with subjects of SP2. sustain a SP2. sustains a W2. summarizes
interest if the conversational conversational summarize simple text
R1. discriminates people talk exchange with a exchange with simple text dealing with Suggested
R1. understand factual clearly. peer in the peers. dealing with familiar Integrated
specific factual information from classroom when familiar subjects. (e.g., Mini Project
text and simple texts and simple R.3. the topic is subjects (e.g., short stories,
reports on familiar reports on understand familiar, though short stories, videos, blogs).
topics (e.g., movie familiar topics. texts of various R.3. Recognizes there may be videos, blogs) A story in
reviews, lengths, as information from some difficulty in and check several
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Departamento de Tercer Ciclo y Educación Diversificada
Asesoría Nacional de Inglés
R2. manipulates English language sounds using knowledge in phonics, syllabification and word parts.
Review of sound articulation (7th to 9th) and of phonological features of most unfamiliar words when needed.
Use of prosodic features (stress, intonation, rhythm) to support the message intended to convey.
Even though this goal is still linked to reading in Diversified Education, teachers can reinforce it in Spoken Interaction and Spoken
Production activities as well.
Theme Theme Theme Theme
1. Tell me a Story 2. Thumbs Up /Thumbs 3. The Reviews Are In* 4. You Should Read
Down This
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Departamento de Tercer Ciclo y Educación Diversificada
Asesoría Nacional de Inglés
Connecting words expressing cause Connecting words expressing Connecting words expressing Connecting words expressing
and effect, contrast etc. cause and effect, contrast etc. cause and effect, contrast etc. cause and effect, contrast etc.
- On the other hand, we could - On the other hand, we - On the other hand, we On the other hand, we
stay at home and watch a video. could stay at home and could stay at home and could stay at home and
- However, this depends on the watch a video. watch a video. watch a video.
kind of book. - However, this depends on - However, this depends on However, this depends on
- Therefore, it is interesting to the kind of book. the kind of book. the kind of book.
watch the new movie. - Therefore, it is interesting to - Therefore, it is interesting to Therefore, it is interesting to
watch the new movie. watch the new movie. watch the new movie.
Grammar & Sentence Frames Grammar &Sentence Frames Grammar & Sentence Frames Grammar & Sentence Frames
Reported speech (range of
Present tense tenses) Phrases for summarizing
A _______ is someone who Present tense There are more similarities
_______. A _______ is someone who The lead in the movie than differences.
(writer, editor, designer, artist, _______. then said that he would They are really quite
graphic designer, illustrator, (writer, editor, designer, artist, marry. different because…
producer, director, poet, blogger) graphic designer, illustrator, One of the few similarities/
producer, director, poet, blogger) Social media is
differences is…
Past tense reporting that people
I just read a book about … Past tense are making the photo Phrases for organizing
Last night I saw a movie about__. I just read a book about … viral. The most striking/ most
Last night I saw a movie about__. The reviewer indicated obvious/ most important/
Determiners that he didn’t like the most apparent/ only/ main
All the memes I saw today were Determiners similarity/ difference is…
about Mother’s Day. All the memes I saw today Another/ An additional
Neither the characters nor the were about Mother’s Day. (subtler) similarity/
Neither the characters nor Conditionals, 2nd and 3rd
plot interested me. difference is…
the plot interested me. If I had enough time, I
None of the themes you
mentioned are my favorites. None of the themes you would have watched the Modals
mentioned are my favorites. movie again. The author might have
If I had had enough used fewer characters.
money, I would have The movie should have
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Asesoría Nacional de Inglés
Tell me a Story Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down The Reviews Are In*
writer, editor, designer, tweets, memes, poems, tweets, memes, poems, characters, character
artist, graphic designer, posts, blogs, comics, posts, blogs, comics, development, plot,
illustrator, producer, short stories, videos, short stories, videos, action, exposition,
director, poet, blogger reviews, summary, reviews, summary, storytelling.
literary analysis, fiction, literary analysis, fiction,
nonfiction. nonfiction.
You Should Read This
compose, create, post, The Reviews Are In*
present characters, character
graphics, illustrations, development, plot,
pictures, photos, line art, action, exposition,
images storytelling.
metaphors, comparisons,
contrasts, descriptions.
Psycho-social Psycho-social Psycho-social Psycho-social
Practicing self-questioning Practicing self-questioning Practicing self-questioning Practicing self-questioning
strategies on a text before strategies on a text before strategies on a text before strategies on a text before
making decisions. making decisions. making decisions. making decisions.
Respecting others’ opinions Respecting others’ opinions Respecting others’ Respecting others’
and emotions. and emotions. opinions and emotions. opinions and emotions.
collaborative work
Didactic Planning
Week # 1
Level: 10th Unit: 2
Domain: Socio-interpersonal Scenario: Stories Come in All Shapes and Sizes Theme: Tell me a Story
Enduring Understanding: Everything from tweets, memes, poems, posts, blogs, comics, short stories, videos and more reveal truths and beliefs about the writers and
their culture.
Essential Question: What do the stories we share say about us?
General Competences
Responsible Citizenship ( )
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Departamento de Tercer Ciclo y Educación Diversificada
Asesoría Nacional de Inglés
Life Competences ( )
Past tense On the other hand, we could stay at home and watch a video.
I just read a book about … However, this depends on the kind of book. Sociocultural
Therefore, it is interesting to watch the new movie.
Last night I saw a movie about__.
Demonstrating a
Determiners nonjudgmental position
All the memes I saw today were about Mother’s toward others’ diverse
Day. intercultural skills, beliefs and
Neither the characters nor the plot interested me. values.
None of the themes you mentioned are my Willing to share own
favorites. contributions in collaborative
work respectfully.
Tell me a Story
Strategies &
indicators of learning Learner can Didactic Sequence Mediation 200 min
(Diagnostic, formative,
(5 lessons)
Participating: Warm up
Teacher talks to learners about the use of GIF’s by many people to tell stories
in Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp and other social media.
The teacher presents a series of GIF’s and learners are asked to make up a
story to go with the GIF’s. For example, if a GIF shows a person dancing in a
silly manner, the learner may talk about how the person was trying to impress
someone with his crazy dancing skills. Learners make up stories with different
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Departamento de Tercer Ciclo y Educación Diversificada
Asesoría Nacional de Inglés
The students’ job is to fill in what each storyteller makes and what kind of
person they think these storytellers are (e.g. poets are creative, directors are
bossy). For the last section, there are no right or wrong answers. It is just a
chance for students to see that different types of stories can tell us different
things about people.
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Asesoría Nacional de Inglés
Graphic designer
The teacher reminds students that this week they are talking about stories.
In order to talk about stories, they will need the past simple to retell events
(e.g. Clark Kent took off his glasses and became Superman!) and they will
need the present simple to talk about their preferences (I love sci-fi movies,
but my brother hates special effects.). If necessary, teacher can give a
short review of the present and past simple constructions.
Then students fill out a worksheet to practice those two tenses. The
worksheet gives students a chance to talk about events in a story and their
own preferences for stories.
When students have had time to complete the exercise, they check their
papers with a partner. The teacher helps students check.
L1. recognizes the main L1. understand the main Oral Comprehension
points of even a relatively points of a relatively long
long discussion on familiar discussion on a familiar Pre-listening
topic, related to stories on topic, related to stories Learners watch the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WxifFqboAA.
standard English. in Standard English. As they watch it, they have to think of what happened when the characters
Learners talk about the video: What happened?
Teacher writes their ideas on the board and monitors the use of past tense to
describe what they saw.
Teacher explains that they are going to listen to a story told by Carolina, and
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Asesoría Nacional de Inglés
Pair/Group feedback
Learners, in pairs, decide on a topic, and then they share their decision with
the rest of the class.
Listen to Carolina talking about her great love story. Read the statements
and decide if they are True or False. Circle the correct answer.
2. They met for the second time about five years ago. True
True False
Learners compare their answers with their elbow partner and then with the
whole group.
Learners think of a person they met.
Written Comprehension
Learners listen to the teacher as he/she explains that in today’s class, they’re
going to learn a little it about a popular book. Learners watch the following
video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MABCLn_UlTg ( From 0:36 to 1:45
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Asesoría Nacional de Inglés
minutes) and jot down notes on the information they got about the book.
Then, as a class, they answer the following questions:
SP1. describes what is What is it about?
occurring in tweets, blogs, What does each chapter celebrate?
short stories, videos,
Why is a book like this important nowadays?
including his/her personal
opinion about them.
Reading for the first time
Learners skim the text ‘Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls: Book Review’
and answer the question:
R 2. identifies minimal pair Is this book only for girls?
sounds: ɜ: / ɔ: using Is the book about princesses and fairytales?
knowledge in phonics,
syllabification and word Pair/Group feedback
parts. In pairs, learners discuss their answers. Then, they share their responses with
the class.
Instructions: Read the book review for ‘Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls’
and decide whether the statements below are true or false. Circle the correct
1. The book is written n in a normal writing style for facts and information.
True False
2. Many of the women’s stories have not been told often.
True False
3. The book is about many kinds of women.
True False
4. The book is better for girls than boys.
True False
5. The women are all amazing because they helped other people.
SP1. describe what is
occurring in tweets,
True False
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blogs, short stories, 6. You won’t want to stop when you start reading.
videos, including his/her
personal opinion about
them. True False
In pairs, learners compare their answers, and then they share with the whole
group. The teacher monitors learners’ performance while working on the
reading exercise.
Learners think about the question:
Do you think you will like this book? Why or why not? Give two
R2. identify and
manipulates English A few minutes are given to learners to organize their ideas. Then, the class is
language sounds using divided into groups of three. Each learner shares his/her opinion. At the end,
knowledge in phonics, each group summarizes their answers.
syllabification and word
parts. Spoken Interaction/Production
Spoken Interaction/Production
Planning / Organizing
Students watch the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEKLEeY_WeQ
Individually, the students think and write about the message of the video. The
teacher makes questions such as: what do you think happens in the video?
What would you do if you could do the same?
In this way the teacher will encourage the learners to write down what
happened in the video and their personal opinion about the situation showed
in it.
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Asesoría Nacional de Inglés
The students move around the classroom talking to their partners about the
ideas he/she has concerning the video. And each student has to answer to the
following question: If you could change the ending of this video, which one
would it be? Each student takes note of each classmate’s answer and then
some of them share their partners’ opinions.
The students move around the classroom talking to their partners abo
The students watch the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?
v=vJcW2nwWxkQ in order to reinforce the correct pronunciation of the sounds
ɜ: and ɔ:
The teacher writes on the board a series of words that share the same target
sounds. Then she/he reads the words out loud to make students aware of the
pronunciation of these words. Then, the learners listen to the teacher again
and raise their hand if they hear to the sound ɜ: or stamp their feet if they hear
the sound ɔ:
The teacher writes down on the board pairs of words that are similar, however
the teacher says only one of the words that contain the target sounds in it.
The teacher repeats the word twice. Then, each student comes to the board
and circles the word he/she listened to. Teacher and students check the
answers together.
Students watch the video again and using a mirror the learners analyze the
position of their teeth, tongue, lips, etc.
Practice / Production
Students work in pairs and write down five sentences with at least one word
with the sound ɜ: and five sentences with at least one word with the sound ɔ:
Then, learners share the sentences written with all classmates.
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Asesoría Nacional de Inglés
Reflective Teaching
What worked well
What didn’t work well How to improve
Learner Self-Assessment
Graphic designer
Past Simple:
1) I ____________ Harry Potter yesterday. (see)
2) Harry ____________ with his cruel Aunt and Uncle. (live)
3) Then he ____________ he was a wizard! (find out)
4) He ____________ to a school for wizards. (go)
5) It ____________ long to make friends at school. (take)
6) His evil enemy Voldemort ____________ other plans for him! (have)
Present Simple:
Complete the sentences with the following words. You will use one option per
sentence, but some of the words need to be changed to make correct sentences in
the present simple.
Now write some sentences of your own. What do you like, when it comes to
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Asesoría Nacional de Inglés
Listen to Carolina talking about her great love story. Read the statements and
decide if they are True or False. Circle the correct answer.
1. They first met four or five years ago. True False
2. They met for the second time about five years ago. True False
5. Carolina was surprised that Enrico recognized her after so many years
True False
Listen to Carolina talking about her great love story. Read the statements and
decide if they are True or False. Circle the correct answer.
1. They first met four or five years ago. True False
2. They met for the second time about five years ago. True False
5. Carolina was surprised that Enrico recognized her after so many years
True False
Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls is for people who want something different from fairy tale
princesses. Here you can read the stories of one hundred amazing women from the past
and present.
We all know how fairy tales go. A beautiful girl waits for a prince to find her. Then she gets
married to him and becomes a princess. But what if the girl was clever or strong instead of
beautiful? What if she wanted to be an astronaut, a politician or a pirate instead of a
princess? And what if she didn’t need a prince to do it? That’s the idea behind the
book Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls. It’s a book of fairy tales with a difference: all the
stories are true.
The book tells the stories of one hundred amazing women from 1500 BC to today. But, the
stories aren’t just boring biographies. Instead, they’re like fairy tales. You probably won’t
know the names of most of the women but, when you finish reading, you’ll ask yourself why.
Why haven’t we learned about these women before? Often history remembers men more
than women. If you close your eyes and think of a war hero and a pilot, you probably think
of men. If you read the book, those pictures might start to become women of all colours and
ages. The women in the book did things because they wanted to and they didn’t listen when
people told them not to.
One problem with the book, unfortunately, is its name, because it gives the idea it’s a book
for girls. It’s a great idea to show young girls what women can do. But the stories are also
interesting for boys to read. And it’s also important that boys can think of women in jobs like
doctor, Formula One race car driver and president.
Not all the women included are ‘good girls’. One woman, Jingū, Empress of Japan, decided
to start a war with Korea because of a dream. Is it a problem that the book doesn’t say that
was a bad thing? Another example is pirates. The two women pirates in the book are
unusual heroes because pirates were dangerous and they killed other people. It’s good to
see a variety of women but why not show a bad ending to their story sometimes? We can
understand that just because they’re female, they’re not always good people.
You could read one story every night but you probably won’t want to stop with one. If you
finish quickly, don’t worry because there are now two Rebel Girls books.
Nicola Prentis
Instructions: Read the book review for ‘Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls’ and
decide whether the statements below are true or false. Circle the correct answer.
1. The book is written in a normal writing style for facts and information.
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Asesoría Nacional de Inglés
True False
True False
True False
True False
5. The women are all amazing because they helped other people.
True False
True False
Instructions: Read the book review for ‘Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls’ and
decide whether the statements below are true or false. Circle the correct answer.
1. The book is written in a normal writing style for facts and information.
True False
True False
True False
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True False
5. The women are all amazing because they helped other people.
True False
True False
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Departamento de Tercer Ciclo y Educación Diversificada
Asesoría Nacional de Inglés
Didactic Planning
Week # 2
Level: 10th Unit: 2
Domain: Socio-interpersonal Scenario: Stories Come in All Shapes and Sizes Theme: Thumbs Up /Thumbs Down
Enduring Understanding: Everything from tweets, memes, poems, posts, blogs, comics, short stories, videos and more reveal truths and beliefs about the writers and their
Essential Question: What do the stories we share say about us?
General Competences
Responsible Citizenship ( )
Life Competences ( )
Review of sound articulation (7th to 9th) and of
phonological features of most unfamiliar words when
Assessment Time
Strategies & Learner can Didactic Sequence Mediation Total:
indicators of 200 min
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Asesoría Nacional de Inglés
(5 lessons)
Routine: Checking attendance, checking in with Ls, T posts the Essential Question on the board, Can
Do’s, and class agenda, etc.
Participating: Warm up
Learners will play an adaptation of the game “Guess who”, but instead of using that name, they will play 10 min
“Guess what movie this is?” Teacher will paste a picture of different movies on learners’ backs, and they
will not see it nor will tell their classmates what is in their backs. Learners will have to stand up and mingle
around. They will have to make pairs. Learner A will see picture in learner B. Learner B will ask “YES/NO
questions” trying to guess what the movie on his back is and vice versa. They can ask 3 questions per
person, and they will have to pick a different classmate and repeat the strategy by asking different
questions. When they have different clues, they will be able to guess what the movie is.
Then, learners sit in pairs and comment about what they saw in the gallery. Finally, in circles, teacher
asks them about what they found, if they have a favorite film, and what they know about those films.
The teacher gestures as he/she can remember something. Then, when the learners ask what’s wrong, the
teacher says: “I’m trying to remember the name of a movie, but I can’t think of it. What was the movie
The teacher describes the movie to see if somebody can help him/her remember.
“It was a science fiction film written and directed by James Cameron. The film had incredible special
effects, which took people to a spectacular world beyond imagination.
The film was set in the year 2154 on Pandora, a fictional Earth-like moon in a distant planetary
Jake Sully, a former U.S Marine paralyzed from the waist down was selected to participate in the
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program. Using a genetically engineered human hybrid who looked like the creatures in that planet,
Jake was sent to gain their trust and convince them to leave their sacred home. “
The teacher interacts with the learners and provides them with clues to guess which the movie is
The teacher then introduces key vocabulary to talk about films: genre, setting, actor, plot, climax, and
critics. For each of the sections, the teacher writes the expressions on the board and explains them to
the learners using real examples from famous films.
What happened in the In the end, Harry decided he really loved Sally.
What did the critics say? The critics _________________.
What kinds of reviews did It got ___________ reviews.
it get? The critics said it was good. The critics panned it. The critics raved
about it.
It got great reviews. It got poor reviews.
Learners get a worksheet in which they have to think about a film they like about each type of gender and
write the names of the films in the corresponding column. (Taken from https://www.teach-this.com/)Then,
in pairs, learners practice the questions used to talk about films.
Oral Comprehension:
L2. extracts specific L2. understand Learners are asked what they consider are the most important elements of a movie: the plot, special
details from specific details from effects, the leading actors, the moral message, the genre? Learners share their thoughts with a partner
oral/aural movie many web-based and then with the whole group.
reviews. broadcasts/ memes,
comics, posts,
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poems dealing with Learners observe as the teacher writes the sentences below on the board. In pairs, learners read the
subjects of interest if sentences and guess the meaning of each one by their context. To do so, the teacher provides a
the people talk definitions bank, so learners can read the sentences and look for the corresponding definition of the
clearly. words in boldface.(Adapted from https://www.esl-lab.com/difficult/movie-reviews-script/)
His behavior was so bizarre that he lost his job because of it.
I was fascinated by the movie's plot and sound track.
You must admit that the ending of the movie was a little weak.
The movie was awesome. It was the best I have seen in a long time.
The book's plot was too weird for me, so I returned it to the library.
The scene where the doctor was killed by the shark was so fake. You could easily tell that the
shark was just a plastic model.
Definitions Bank
not real, not authentic accept or acknowledge
Pair/Group feedback
In pairs, learners compare their answers, and then they share with the group.
Listening for the second time
Learners listen for the second time and complete the worksheet below by writing the corresponding
R.3.Recognizes answers.
information from
texts of various What do they think about… The father The daughter
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the photography
Learners, in pairs, compare their answers and then share them with the group.
Learners get a black sheet of paper. In the middle of the paper, they write the name of one of their
favorite movies. Then, they write key words about, the special effects, the actors, the plot, and the
Using the piece of paper with their notes, learners mingle around and talk about the movie they chose.
R.3. understand
texts of various Written Comprehension:
lengths, as long as Pre-reading
the words used are Learners watch the trailer of the movie Annihilation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89OP78l9oF0 .
familiar and/or Then, they are asked if they have seen the movie or what they think about it just by seeing the trailer.
concern areas of Learners brainstorm adjectives to describe their thoughts about the movie.
learners’ interest
(e.g., tweets, The teacher explains that critics use multiple adjectives to describe a movie. Teacher presents some
memes, poems, examples and clarifies meaning ( Taken from
posts, blogs, https://www.edu.xunta.gal/centros/ieslamasabade/system/files/Language_of_FilmReview.pdf)
‐ The script/ story is dull / clever / exciting people) after watching this film.
‐ It has a tragic / surprising / dramatic ending ‐ It is bound to be a box‐office hit.
‐ It does not come across as true / convincing ‐ I highly / thoroughly / strongly recommend it.
‐ The music / sound effect is dull / rich ‐ It is highly entertaining.
‐ It is a catchy tune as backing music ‐ It is certainly at the top of my list of good
‐ The theme song is powerful / weak / movies.
satisfying ‐ Fans of … will no doubt be thrilled with this.
‐ The color in the photography is natural / ‐ It’s a must!
spectacular / dull / dark and frightening ‐ I would not recommend this because…
‐ The acting is true to life / powerful / natural ‐ Wait until it comes out on video.
‐ It’s a boring movie. Don’t bother with this
‐ Only watch this film if you have plenty of time
to spare.
Pair/Group feedback
In pairs, learners compare their answers and then share them with the class.
interacting in pairs d.
or small groups. e.
Learners compare their answers and then share with them with the group. Teacher monitors learners’
performance during the reading exercise.
Learners choose a movie they like and create a mind map with adjectives to describe the acting, the
special effects, the music, the photography, Then, learners, in pairs, share their opinions about the movie,
using the mind map as a guide.
Spoken Interaction/Production
SI.2. talk in detail Planning
about tweets, The class is divided into groups of three. Learners are told that they work as movie critics and they were
memes, poems, chosen to participate in a meeting to share their reviews about the last movie they saw.
posts, blogs, Learners receive a prompt with some questions about movies.
comics, short 1. What is the title of the film?
stories, videos. 2. What genre is it?
3. What is it about?
4. Is it based on a book?
5. Where is the film set?
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Asesoría Nacional de Inglés
Learners take some time to think about each question and to make notes about the answers.
Students practice asking those questions to each other like in a role play
Learners present their role plays to the class.
can be week 5
or 6.
Reflective Teaching
What worked well What didn’t work well How to improve
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Departamento de Tercer Ciclo y Educación Diversificada
Asesoría Nacional de Inglés
Learner Self-Assessment
I can… Yes No
Extract specific details about the elements of movies from oral /aural stimulus,
Film Genres
Think of a film that you like for each type of genre. Write the names of the films in the ‘Film Title’
Contains: exotic and historical places, searches and expeditions.
Contains: funny or comical events, jokes
Contains: realistic characters, settings, and real-life situations.
Contains: frightening scenes, a shocking finale, ghosts, monsters.
Contains: heroes, aliens, distant planets, futurist technology.
B. In pairs, talk about the films you like from the different genres using the language below.
‐ The script/ story is dull / clever / exciting people) after watching this film.
‐ It has a tragic / surprising / dramatic ending ‐ It is bound to be a box‐office hit.
‐ It does not come across as true / convincing ‐ I highly / thoroughly / strongly recommend it.
‐ The music / sound effect is dull / rich ‐ It is highly entertaining.
‐ It is a catchy tune as backing music ‐ It is certainly at the top of my list of good
‐ The theme song is powerful / weak / movies.
satisfying ‐ Fans of … will no doubt be thrilled with this.
‐ The color in the photography is natural / ‐ It’s a must!
spectacular / dull / dark and frightening ‐ I would not recommend this because…
‐ The acting is true to life / powerful / natural ‐ Wait until it comes out on video.
‐ It’s a boring movie. Don’t bother with this
‐ Only watch this film if you have plenty of time
to spare.
Annihilation review –
Natalie Portman thriller leaves a haunting impression
(Adapted from https://www.theguardian.com/film/2018/feb/22/annihilation-review-natalie-portman-thriller-
4 / 5 stars4 out of 5 stars.
Dirección de Desarrollo Curricular
Departamento de Tercer Ciclo y Educación Diversificada
Asesoría Nacional de Inglés
Lena (Natalie Portman), a biologist, is in a daze. Her soldier husband (Oscar Isaac) is
missing in action and without him, she is struggling to focus on what remains of her
life. But when he suddenly returns, her brief hope that normality will ensue is
shattered when his odd behavior turns into something far more destructive. He’s
hospitalized and she’s whisked away by a psychologist (Jennifer Jason Leigh) who
informs her that his mission took him inside “the shimmer”, a rapidly expanding area
that’s taken the lives of everyone who has entered, bar him. She soon joins a new
mission to find out what’s inside and discover whether she can save her husband’s life.
It’s hugely refreshing, and remarkably uncommon, to watch a genre film that revolves
around intelligent characters reacting intelligently to fantastical events. The team is
made up of briskly efficient problem-solvers who remain practical and focused while
dealing with otherworldly chaos. Unlike with so many superficially similar films, as an
audience we understand and empathize with the decision-making process, the script
never sacrificing its smarts for suspense. It’s tightly constructed and empty of
unnecessary exposition yet the characters mostly feel like they are more than their
various professions. This is also down to a strong set of performers and while it’s rare
to see an all-female ensemble in a film of this ilk, Garland has little time for gender,
imagining a future where such distinctions don’t warrant recognition.
Didactic Planning
Week # 3
Level: 10th Unit: 2
Domain: Scenario: Stories Come in All Shapes and Sizes Theme: 3. The Reviews Are In*
Enduring Understanding: Everything from tweets, memes, poems, posts, blogs, comics, short stories, videos and more reveal truths and beliefs about the
writers and their culture.
Essential Question: What do the stories we share say about us?
General Competences
Responsible Citizenship ( )
Life Competences ( )
Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down
− tweets, memes, poems, posts, blogs,
comics, short stories, videos, reviews,
summary, literary analysis, fiction,
Assessment Time
Strategies & Learner can Didactic Sequence Mediation Total:
indicators of 200 min
learning (5
(Diagnostic, lessons)
Dirección de Desarrollo Curricular
Departamento de Tercer Ciclo y Educación Diversificada
Asesoría Nacional de Inglés
Routine: Checking attendance, checking in with Ls, T posts the Essential Question on the board, Can
Do’s, and class agenda, etc.
Participating: Warm up
The teacher asks learners to name all the movies they can think of. (Usually, stop after about 20-30, but
you can leave the list on the board during the activity)
The class is then divided into groups of 4-5 members.
Step 1: Students must describe a movie; they brainstorm about it using anything they want. For example,
the director is George Lucas, and the main actors are Mark Hamil and Harrison Ford.
Step 2: Groups take turns to go in front of the class to role-play or imitate lines that the characters from
the movie would say, ie: "I am your father Luke," or "I'm gonna kill Darth Vader for killing Obi Wan
Kenobi" etc. In other words, they can only say character names, places in the movie, etc. The class
collects 4-5 pieces of information and then starts to guess which movie it is.
Optional: Students cannot talk. They must act out a scene from the movie without talking. For example,
act out the lightsaber fight using two pencils.
Learners watch the video again and this time they have to write down 7 answers they hear in the video.
Learners are reminded that they don’t need to remember and understand all the questions and answers.
(Those Vogue videos are a bit long so it’s up to you whether you want to play the whole video or just a
few minutes)
After watching the video, the teacher asks: “What did the girl answer? The class is divided into groups of
three and each group brainstorms the answers they heard.They share their information with the whole
Dirección de Desarrollo Curricular
Departamento de Tercer Ciclo y Educación Diversificada
Asesoría Nacional de Inglés
Using the answers the learners wrote, the teacher explains the use of reported speech to report what a
person said. First, the teacher explains the distinction between direct speech and reported speech. (Info
taken from https://www.myenglishpages.com/site_php_files/grammar-lesson-reported-speech.php)
She says: "I like tuna fish." She says that she likes tuna fish.
She said: "I'm visiting Paris next weekend" She said that she was visiting Paris the following
A. Reporting Statements
When transforming statements, check whether you have to change:
1- Pronouns
In reported speech, you often have to change the pronoun depending on who says what.
She says, “My dad likes roast chicken.” – She says that her dad likes roast chicken.
2- Tenses
● If the sentence starts in the present, there is no backshift of tenses in reported speech.
● If the sentence starts in the past, there is often backshift of tenses in reported speech.
No backshift
Do not change the tense if the introductory clause is in a present tense (e. g. He says). Note, however,
that you might have to change the form of the present tense verb (3rd person singular).
He says, “I write poems.” – He says that he writes English.
You must change the tense if the introductory clause is in a past tense (e. g. He said).
He said, “I am happy.” – He said that he was happy.
Examples of the main changes in tense:
Direct Speech Reported Speech
Also, learners play a Reported Speech sentence completion guessing game. The teacher gives the
students a list of sentence stems that should be completed with reported speech such as “I forgot to tell
someone…”, “ or “Someone told me that I…”. They complete as many sentences as they can and then
read out only the part they have written for the other students to guess which sentence that comes from.
Spoken Interaction/Production
The learners think of a movie they have watched recently and about which they have a strong opinion.
Their pick can be a new release or an old favorite, and it can be a film they loved or one they loathed,
but that they remember well.
Dirección de Desarrollo Curricular
Departamento de Tercer Ciclo y Educación Diversificada
Asesoría Nacional de Inglés
SP.2 Sustains a SP2. Sustain a Then, learners take a minute to jot down a few notes about this film using the following guiding
conversation conversation questions:
exchange with a exchange with a
peer. peer in the ● What was your opinion of it? Why?
classroom when ● What details do you remember best?
the topic is familiar
, though they may Rehearsing
be some difficulty The class is divided into pairs and a timer is set.Each learners has two minutes to rehearse the
understanding and following, in any order:
being understood
from time to time. Tell your partner about this movie. The learner has to assume that his/her partner knows nothing
about it, and provide enough detail so the listener gets a broad idea of what happens, the
characters and the setting.
Express your opinion of the movie. The learner tells his/her partner if his/her partner should see
it? Why or why not?
Support your opinion: The learner gives details about the movie that make it one he/she would
recommend — or not?
SI.Repeats what
has been said and When the first learner finishes. They switch roles.
conveys this
information to Interacting/Describing
another person. Learners make groups of three. Each one takes turns to share information and their opinion about the
movie they chose. The rest of the group asks follow up questions to find out more details about the
movie and their peer’s opinion about it.
The class is divided into pairs. Each learner takes roles to be the interviewer and the famous actor.
Learners switch roles. Also, learners take notes on the answers he/she got during the interview. Then ,
learners report to each other the answers they got:”You said that…”
The teacher monitors learners’ performance closely and provides help if necessary.
Learners look for another partner and play the actor/actress/interviewer role again to collect information
again. After that, learners report to the group the answers they got from the actors/actresses. The
teacher provides general feedback.
Learners are told that they were hired by a local newspaper to write a report about a movie they have
seen and can find information about.
To do so, learners use the following guiding questions:.
● When was the movie released?
W1. Express what ● Who was the main cast of the movie?
has been learned, ● What was the movie about?
how it has been ● What are the best qualities of this movie?
learned, and the ● What were people’s opinions about the movie?
learning goals for ● What did critics say about the movie?
the future. ● Would you recommend this movie?
recall, organize, plan, write
Learners jot down their first ideas about the movie they chose. Then, they organize those ideas into a
clear logical sequence.
The class is divided into pairs. Learners peer-correct each other’s report using the following checklist.
Editing Checklist
personal recommendation
The report...
is well-capitalized
General Feedback:
Learners correct and modify their report, considering their partner’s suggestions and feedback.
Learners present their report orally to the class. They talked about what they learned about the movie
and how they learned it.
Reflective Teaching
What worked well What didn’t work well How to improve
Learner Self-Assessment
I can… Yes No
sustain a conversation with a peer
Let’s Practice
Instructions: Read a part of an interview with a fictitious book writer, Joe Harrplayer. Next, fill in the table below the text.
David: Tell us what made you begin your writing career.
Joe: I was in my last year at the university when I realized I didn’t really know what I wanted to do with my life. At that time, my best friend told me that he
liked reading my blog and I should try writing something longer. So I did, and that’s how my first book came into existence. : We should thank your best friend,
then. Personally, I believe that you are a master at storytelling! Where do you get inspiration from?
J: That’s funny! My wife asked me where I got all the ideas from the day before. To be honest, I don’t how it works. It just happens - sometimes out of
D: What’s your next move and when can we expect your next book?
J: Well, I’m planning to start a new book tomorrow! Just kidding. I say that all the time, but my busy schedule makes it impossible. I can tell you that I came up
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Departamento de Tercer Ciclo y Educación Diversificada
Asesoría Nacional de Inglés
with a great story last summer. So I know what I want to write and I promise that I will start writing this year.
D: Thanks for talking and good luck with your new project.
J: Thanks for having me. You don’t realize it but you’ve just made my father’s dream come true. He said once that he’d always dreamt of seeing me in this
I really like reading your blog! My best friend told me that he _________ reading my blog
I believe that you _________ a master at storytelling! David said that Joe is a master at storytelling!
“Where do you get all the ideas from?” – asked John’s wife yesterday. My wife asked me where I _________ all the ideas from the day
I _________ to start a new book tomorrow! Joe said that he was planning to start a new book the next day
“I’ve always dreamt of seeing you in that show” said Joe’s father Joe’s father said that he ______________ of seeing me in your show!
Dirección de Desarrollo Curricular
Departamento de Tercer Ciclo y Educación Diversificada
Asesoría Nacional de Inglés
D idactic Planning
Week # 4
Level: 10th Unit: 2
Domain: Socio-interpersonal Scenario: Stories Come in All Shapes and Sizes Theme: Tell me a Story
Enduring Understanding: Everything from tweets, memes, poems, posts, blogs, comics, short stories, videos and more reveal truths and beliefs about the
writers and their culture.
Essential Question: What do the stories we share say about us?
General Competences
Responsible Citizenship ( )
Life Competences ( )
- The character might have used
more passion.
- The director should have had less
- obvious, important, striking, apparent,
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Departamento de Tercer Ciclo y Educación Diversificada
Asesoría Nacional de Inglés
similar, different.
The review is in
characters, plot, action, development,
exposition, storytelling, subtle.
Assessment Total:
Strategies & 200 min
indicators of Learner can Didactic Sequence Mediation (5 lessons)
formative, summative)
- Checking attendance
- T checks the lessons goal and class agenda.
· E.g.: This week we are going to summarize stories previously read and film reviews.
Engaging: Activation T writes on the board the question What do you think of this film?
Ls get in groups of four then T shows pictures (whether on flashcards, a powerpoint presentation
or a handout) with posters of at least six known TV series and/or films. Ls share their opinion of
the films by using simple characteristics. Later, T elicits students to share their opinions with the
rest of the class.
T selects two film titles from the previous activity (or two different movies or TV series) to
make a comparison of both. T introduces the phrases for organizing, and the intensifiers in
phrases like “These two films are really quite different because…”, “the most important
difference of those films is that…” and “This character is very similar to the other one…”
One of the few similarities (or differences) is that there is too much action.
Dirección de Desarrollo Curricular
Departamento de Tercer Ciclo y Educación Diversificada
Asesoría Nacional de Inglés
- The most striking /obvious / apparent / important characteristic is that this film is
very old
- The main difference is that this is a new film.
- An additional / subtle similarity is that the movie is a low budget production.
Oral Comprehension:
L1. Recognizes the L1. Understands
main points of even a the main points of Ls get a handout with synonyms of vocabulary then Ls write the number of the matching
relatively long a relatively long synonym on the column of numbers. Ls do it based on either their previous knowledge or word
discussion on familiar discussion on a meaning in context. These words will be used throughout the exercise. The vocabulary
topic, related to stories familiar topic, includes old, curse, violence, best, issues, budget, character, plot, and effects.
on standard English related to stories in Later, t and Ls check the outcomes.
standard English
Listening for the first time
Ls listen to the audio “Old Movies” for the first time https://drive.google.com/open?
id=1MysND3aCUSgx0_OAmtB4hk0RjZKtrD5I . T writes these three questions on the
board:“Who are the speakers?”, “What are they talking about?” “How old do you think the
speakers are?”
Pair/Group feedback
Ls pair off and discuss those three questions. Then they share the outcomes with the rest of the
Written Comprehension:
R1. Understand Ls participate in a Game Show exercise (trivia) about TV, films, comics and others. Ls get in
specific factual text groups of three or four; they get a handout with some pop culture questions that they read and
and simple reports discuss to choose the correct answer out of some options. The trivia includes vocabulary about
on familiar topics the topic.
(e.g. movie During the activity Ls must reach the answer they think is right, based on previous knowledge,
reviews, memes, intuition or peer opinion; therefore, T makes clear that the main goal is to have fun. This can
also be developed when using TICs through applications such as; Edmodo, Kahoot,
interviews, tweets,
Classroom and the likes.
posts, etc.)
Reading for the first time
T hands out a review film-page where Ls read three different short film reviews. They try to
guess the name of the films based on the information read. Later, T tells the titles: #1 Joker, #2
Wonder Woman and #3 Parasite.
Pair/Group feedback
SI 1. Repeat what has In pairs or groups, Ls classify sentences that reflect an arguable aspect in the reviews. . E.g.:
been said and convey This film contains violence.
this information to
another person. Reading for the second time
T writes on the board the question What do you think this production should have had? Then by
using the same handout with the three short film reviews, Ls discuss what they think those
productions must or should have had less and more; they take short notes or write simple
sentences. Ls write a short solution to the problem by using the modal phrases in past
“should/must have had more/less. Ls share their solutions with the rest of the class. E.g. L= “It
should have had less violent scenes”
Finally, T draws to columns on the board; with the words more and less, and T writes some
words given by Ls on those columns.
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Departamento de Tercer Ciclo y Educación Diversificada
Asesoría Nacional de Inglés
T asks Ls to check the current movie listings on their cellphones; select one and write a short
description /review in a form of a 5-line chat message. Then send it to one of their mates in the
SP1. Describes what is class through WhatsApp or Facebook. (If Ls do not have access to these tools; they write it on a
occurring in tweets, sheet of paper). The description includes:
blogs, short stories, - Name of the film
videos, including - Type
his/her personal - Some characteristics
- An opinion of what should/must have had more/less
opinion about them.
At the end, some volunteers read the messages to the rest of the class. * Spelling is not
. evaluated.
Spoken Interaction
and connecting ideas Two pairs sit together. Each learner reports to the other what his/her classmate said during the
and required format) info-gap activity. Some volunteers report to the whole class.
spelling and basic
punctuation accurately
enough to be followed
most of the time. Spoken Interaction/Production
Ls watch the 4-minute animated short film “Snack Attack”. Ls pay attention and take brief notes
SP 1. Express (if they find it necessary). Short Animated Film: Snack Attack YouTube
personal opinions https://youtu.be38y_1EWIE9I
of a short story,
films, TV series, Organizing
blogs or, videos, Ls watch the short film a second time and T hands out a set of 8 event cards. Each card
sustaining a contains one or two sentences of events from the film. Ls discuss and rearrange the events
conversational into the correct order by numbering them. Later, Ls share the outcomes with the rest of the
exchange with a class.
peer and Ls pair off or make groups to answer the questions below, orally; Ls share opinions among
descripting about their peers,
what is occurring in Questions are written by T on the board or on a piece of paper.
tweets, blogs, short
stories, videos. What are some characteristics that define this film?
What should this film have had more/less?
How can you compare this short film with a TV series or a full-length movie?
What do you think about the film?
What's the moral of the story?
Learners pair up. They practice describing the short film by using the questions as a guide.
Some volunteers share their description of the short film with the rest of the class.
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Departamento de Tercer Ciclo y Educación Diversificada
Asesoría Nacional de Inglés
W1: Describe,
review and Written Production
summarize simple
text dealing with Pre writing:
familiar subjects Ls work on an associogram (list of lexical items and/or ideas that relate to a topic.); to generate
(e.g. , short stories, vocabulary to be used.
videos, blogs) and
check written
sentences to look
for mistakes
spelling and
coherent ideas).
During a controlled-composition task, and based on the associogram, T and Ls construct ten
questions on the board for Ls to answer in a complete way.
1.What kind of films do you like?
2.And why?
3.When do you like to go to the movies?
4.Whom do you like to go with?
5.What´s the title of the last film you watched? And
6.What type of film is it?
7.What did you like the most of the film (or the least)?
9.What should this film have had more (or less)?
10.How would you recommend this film?
In pairs, Ls eliminate the ten questions only and organize the relevant information in the
answers. Ls notice how the information is fitting and goes from general to specific, comparing
and reviewing a film in a basic but coherent way. Ls also pay attention to verb-subject
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Departamento de Tercer Ciclo y Educación Diversificada
Asesoría Nacional de Inglés
Then, in collaboration with their mates, Ls compiles all the answers into a solid paragraph by
rewriting and linking them with some connectors if necessary. Ls re-read it to make sure it
sounds logical, coherent and descriptive.
The learners share their paragraph with another pair of students for peer-correction. To do so,
the following checklist is used:
Great job! Needs a little Comments
of work
Is punctuation correct?
Ls read the feedback provided by their peers and edit the paragraph.
Ls publish their written reviews by pasting them on a mural entitled: Film Reviews. Ls take time
to walk around and read their peer’s film review.
Teachers monitor ….
Did Ls use English during all aspects of Integrated Mini-Project?
How did project presentations reflect understanding and/or mastery of Can Do statements?
Did Ls put into practice the focus of Learn to Be and Live in Community?
Did the Integrated Mini-Project provide answers to the Essential Question?
Reflective Teaching
At the end of the week, T guides the learners to check their progress using the checklist below. (Can be translated into Spanish if needed to ensure Ls’
Dirección de Desarrollo Curricular
Departamento de Tercer Ciclo y Educación Diversificada
Asesoría Nacional de Inglés
Learner Self-Assessment
Describe characteristics of a film, documentary, TV series, short animated film, cartoon, etc.
1. That's an old joke - I've heard it about a thousand don´t make money
10. In the past, memes and stickers did not exist. effects
2. are in black and white. 2. have actors that curse too much.
Game Show
1. The film Toy Story 2 was about to be cancelled because…
a. the first part was not popular.
b. a computer problem deleted the files of the film.
c. the director used too many special effects affecting the plot.
5. Animators of the film Up created the balloons that lift the house.
They created a total of _________________ balloons.
a. 10,297
b. 1,270
c. 150
8. In the film Maleficent the horns of the actress were so heavy that she could have…
a. fallen down.
b. broken her neck.
c. destroyed the set.
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Asesoría Nacional de Inglés
Film reviews
This is a fictional story of a man An Amazon princess who lives on an Members of an unemployed family target
struggling to find his way in Gotham´s island occupied only by women. Until an a wealthy household to survive. This is a
society. He works as a clown by day but event makes her go to the city and fight. well-written, horribly fascinating comedy-
he wants to be a stand-up comic at night. This is a fictional story that contains lots drama.
He discovered that his existence is cruel of action and special effects, drama and Parasite is a black comedy, a movie about
then he takes a bad decision. love. status aspiration, materialism, the
This film contains violence but it also has patriarchal family unit and the satiric idea
a lot of a psychological drama. You can Positives: acting, plot, great costumes, of having servants.
love it or hate it. amazing scenarios and cool visual effects.
Positives: acting, plot, reflects perfectly
Positives: acting, plot, make up and visual Negatives:The rival´s performance, the Korean society.
effects. sometimes it is boring because it's slow
(sometimes boring), finally, it has many Negatives: inability to contend with
Negatives: occasionally it is a slow movie slow motion scenes. society; it is a conservative film in some
(sometimes boring), and it needs more moments.
supporting characters.
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Asesoría Nacional de Inglés
Spoken Interaction
Taken from:
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Asesoría Nacional de Inglés
Spoken Interaction
Repeating and Interacting: Information Gap task
Student 1 Student 2
1. The Star Wars saga has a lot of … 1. In your opinion the movie The Ouija is …
2. The characters of a drama film should have … 2. Black and white comedies were more…
3. Sometimes film reviews are… 3. The Avengers should have had less…
4. Actors of Mexican soup operas should have had 4. The best role an actor can interpret is not
less… comedy, it is…
6. Costa Rican films are very … 6. Film festivals are important because…
7. A good documentary must have more… 7. The most important person in a movie is…
9. The film Spiderman uses more special effects 9. The most underrated productions are…
10. In this moment reality TV shows are
10. Usually reggaeton music videos contains too considered…
much …
Video: https://youtu.be/EeToarNceeM
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Departamento de Tercer Ciclo y Educación Diversificada
Asesoría Nacional de Inglés
So Saw
OƱ ɔ:
Boat Bought
Board Bored
Code Cord
Coke Cork
Cone Corn
Choke Chalk
Close Claws
Dome Dorm
Foam Form
Foe For
Dirección de Desarrollo Curricular
Departamento de Tercer Ciclo y Educación Diversificada
Asesoría Nacional de Inglés
Goal Gall
Home Horn
Know Nor
Low Law
Poke Pork
Show Sure
Snow Snore
Toe Torn
Exercise 2: Identify the word based on the correct sound you hear.
OƱ ɔ:
Stoke Stoke
Morning Morning
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Departamento de Tercer Ciclo y Educación Diversificada
Asesoría Nacional de Inglés
Code Code
Stork Stork
Poke Poke
Bought Bought
Pork Pork
Horn Horn
Cord Cord
Boat Boat
Weeks 5 and 6
Review and Integrated Mini-Project
Enduring Understanding: Literature opens the imagination and adds value to cultural knowledge and language.
Essential Question: How can literature change the way we see the world?
General Competences
Responsible Citizenship ( )
Life Competences ( )
Strategies & Time
indicators of Total:
Learner can Didactic Sequence Mediation
learning 120 min
(Diagnostic, formative, (3 lessons)
Did Ls Can Ls do Referencing notes from formative assessments throughout the weeks, repeat activities to strengthen All of week 5
achieve all all tasks? Ls in weaker areas or select from Optional Activities that follow these plans. or 6
Responding and sharing: Learners share the summary of the movie they wrote. To do so, the teacher
creates a blog where learners post their papers and their classmates respond to them. Each group has its
own blog as a way to monitor their performance more closely.
Teachers monitor ….
Did Ls use English during all aspects of Integrated Mini-Project?
How did project presentations reflect understanding and/or mastery of Can Do statements?
Did Ls put into practice the focus of Learn to Be and Live in Community?
Did the Integrated Mini-Project provide answers to the Essential Question?
AilSoft Cl. https://images.app.goo.gl/T4ciXJFyFPyknP2c8
- The New Yorker. How Parasite Falls Short of Greatness by Richard Brody. Oct. 14, 2019.