Almuerzos Cenas

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Ensalada Caprese / Caprese Salad

Rebanadas de tomate con mozzarella de búfala y aderezo de albahaca
Tomato slices with buffalo mozzarella and basil dressing ……………………………………. ¢ 6,175.00

Ensalada Mixta / Mixed Salad

Mezcla de lechuga, repollo, zanahoria, con tomate, espárragos, pepino, palmito,
berenjena y crutones. Servida con vinagreta / Mix of lettuce, cabbage, carrots with
tomato, asparagus, cucumber, heart of palm, eggplant and croutons. Served with
vinaigrette……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ¢ 5,235.00

Ensalada César / Caesar Salad

Con lonjas de pechuga de pollo / With sliced chicken breast………………………………. ¢ 8,270.00

Ensalada del Chef / Chef´s Salad

Mezcla de lechuga, repollo, zanahoria, con espárragos, huevo duro, palmito, pepino,
berenjena, tomate, aguacate, queso parmesano, crutones y con aderezo de vinagreta /
Mix of lettuces, cabbage, carrot, asparagus, hard boiled egg, heart of palm, eggplant,
tomato, avocado, parmesan cheese, croutons. Served with a vinaigrette dressing... ¢8,270.00

Consomé con Pollo / Chicken with consomme……………………………. ¢5,160.00

Consomé con Jerez / Consomme with dry sherry………………………. ¢ 5,160.00

Consomé con Vegetales / Consomme with vegetables……..…. ¢ 5,160.00

Sopa Azteca
Sopa de tomate ligeramente picante, con aguacate, tortilla frita y queso / Slightly
spicy tomato soup with avocado, fried tortilla strips and cheese
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ¢ 6,065.00

Sopa de Cebolla / Onion Soup

Cebolla cristalizada, con consomé de carne y cubierta con queso parmesano y crutones
gratinados / Crystalized onions, with beef bouillon and covered with parmesan cheese
and croutons au gratin………………………………… …………………………………………… …………… .¢ 6,065.00

Crema de espárragos / Asparagus Cream …………………………… .¢ 6,065.00

Potaje de tomate / Tomato Soup …………… …………………………………..¢ 5,160.00
Crema de Pollo / Chicken Cream…………… ………………………………………………….¢ 5,160.00

Berenjena a la Parmeggiana/Eggplant Parmigiana ………………………..¢ 6,065.00

Lomito de res o atún cortado en finísimas lonjas, servido con arúgula, queso parmesano,
limón y aceite de oliva / Thinly sliced beef or tuna with arugula, parmesan cheese,
lemon and olive oil………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ¢ 8,665.00

Precios incluyen 13% impuesto IVA y 10% de servicio

Prices include 13% VAT tax and 10% service charge

Panini Vegetariano / Vegetarian Sandwich

Aguacate, espárragos, berenjena, chile morrón, pepino, tomate y papas fritas /
Avocado, asparagus, eggplant, cucumber, red bell pepper, tomato and french fries ¢ 6,656.00

Panini de Pechuga de Pollo / Chicken Breast Sandwich

Lonjas de pollo, aderezo de queso y papas fritas / Finely sliced chicken, cheese
dressing and french fries …………………………………………………………………………………………. ¢ 6,656.00

Panini de Jamón y Queso / Ham & Cheese Sandwich

Jamón y queso, acompañado de papas fritas / Ham and cheese, served with french fries
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ¢ 6,656.00

Panini de Asado de Res / Roast Beef Sandwich

Carne arreglada con cebolla y chile dulce. Papas fritas / Meat sautéed with onion
and red bell pepper. Served with french fries…………………………………………………………. ¢ 6,656.00

Panini de Pescado Frito / Fried Fish Sandwich

Pescado frito, empanizado, salsa tártara y papas fritas / Fried fish, tartare sauce
and french fries…………………………………………………………………………….……………………………. ¢ 6,656.00

Club Sandwich
Jamón, queso, pollo, tocineta, lechuga, tomate, salsa queso, tres capas. Papas fritas / Ham, cheese,
chicken, bacon, lettuce, tomato, cheese sauce, three slices of bread. French fries ¢ 8,690.00

Hamburguesa de la Casa / Hamburger

Lechuga, tomate, cebolla cristalizada y queso cheddar y papas fritas / Lettuce, tomato, crystallized
onion and cheddar cheese and french fries
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ¢ 6,930.00


Elija su pasta favorita Elija una de las preparaciones

Choose your favorite pasta Choose one of the preparations

Fettuccini Alfredo ………………….. ¢ 9,115.00

Tomate ……….….. ¢ 8,440.00
Spaghetti Boloñesa………………….. ¢ 9,115.00
Pesto …………………. ¢ 9,115.00

Precios incluyen 13% impuesto IVA y 10% de servicio

Prices include 13% VAT tax and 10% service charge

Camarones / Shrimp
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ¢15,470.00
Salmón / Salmon
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ¢13,510.00
Corvina / White sea bass
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ¢ 11,655.00
Trucha / Trout
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ¢ 10,795.00
Elija una de las preparaciones / Choose one of the following preparations
Frita / Fried
Con salsa curry / With curry sauce
A la “Meuniere” con limón y mantequilla / with lemon & butter

Con alcaparras / With capers

Al ajillo / With garlic
“Café de Paris” con mantequilla y hierbas / with butter and herbs

A la Portuguesa / Portuguese con salsa tomate, chile, cebolla y aceituna rellena / with
tomato sauce, bell pepper, onion and olives

A la Fiorentina con espinacas y puré de papa / with spinach and mushed potatoes


Elija una de las preparaciones / Choose one of the following preparations

“Bombay” con salsa curry / with curry sauce

“Picasso” con frutas tropicales salteadas / with sautéed tropical fruit
Con salsa barbacoa / with barbecue sauce
Con salsa de champiñones y vino tinto / with mushroom and red wine sauce
A la plancha / Grilled
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ¢ 9,430.00

Precios incluyen 13% impuesto IVA y 10% de servicio

Prices include 13% VAT tax and 10% service charge

Lomito de Cerdo / Pork Tenderloin ……………………………………….……… ¢ 9,535.00

Lomito de Res / Beef Tenderloin Steak ………………………..….………. ¢ 12,470.00
Elija una de las preparaciones / Choose one of the following preparations
A la parrilla / Grilled
A la pimienta / With pepper sauce
Con salsa de Champiñones / With mushroom sauce
Con mantequilla de ajo / With garlic butter


“Casado Tico” Arroz, frijoles, plátano maduro, tortilla y ensalada

Our own version of the typical “Casado” Rice, beans, fried plantain, tortilla and salad
Opciones/With your choice of:
Lomito de res/Beef Tenderloin …………………………………………………………………… ¢ 12,470.00
Corvina/White Sea Bass …………………………………………………………………….………………. ¢ 11,655.00
Lomito de cerdo/Pork Tenderloin …………………………………………………………….. ¢ 9,535.00
Pechuga de pollo a la plancha/Grilled Chicken Breast ………..……… ¢ 9,430.00

Vegetariano/Vegetarian …………………………………………………………………….………….… ¢ 8,825.00

Arroz, frijoles, plátano maduro, vegetales del día, queso, tortilla y ensalada
Rice, beans, fried plantain, vegetables, cheese, tortilla and salad


With your choice of: Beef Tenderloin Steak, White Sea Bass Fillet, Grilled Chicken Breast, Pork
Tenderloin Steak
Vegetarian option: Rice, beans, fried plantain, vegetables, cheese, tortilla and salad
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ¢ 9,350.00
Deditos de pollo con papas fritas / Chicken fingers with french fries
Fajitas de carne con papas fritas / Steak Fajitas with french fries
Deditos de pescado con papas fritas / Fish Fingers with french fries
Spaghetti con Salsa de Tomate / Spaghetti with tomato sauce
Spaghetti a la mantequilla / Spaghetti sautéed with butter


Helado de vainilla de la casa con salsa de chocolate o de caramelo /
Homemade vanilla ice cream with chocolate or caramel sauce
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ¢ 7,980.00

Precios incluyen 13% impuesto IVA y 10% de servicio

Prices include 13% VAT tax and 10% service charge (tip)

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ¢ 4,150.00

Copa o Crepa Tropical

Helado de vainilla con salsa de frutas tropicales / Homemade vanilla ice cream
with tropical fruit sauce
La crepa es rellena con las frutas tropicales y servida con helado de vainilla /
The crepe is filled with tropical fruit and served with vanilla ice cream
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ¢ 4,150.00

Delicias de Chocolate / Loaded Chocolate Cake

Queque de chocolate, mojado con leche condensada, dulce de leche entre
capas y cubierto con un “ganache” de chocolate / Chocolate cake with condensed
milk, “dulce de leche” in between layers and covered with a chocolate “ganache”
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ¢ 4,150.00

Tartaleta de Manzana / Apple Tart

Servido con helado de vainilla / Served with vanilla ice cream
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ¢ 4,150.00

Flan de Coco / Coconut Custard

Una de las especialidades acá en Costa Rica, delicioso flan de leche condensada
y con una capa de coco rayado / One of Costa Rica´s typical desserts, sweet milk
custard with a thick layer of shredded coconut.
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ¢ 4,150.00

Helado de la Casa / Homemade Ice Cream

Helado de vainilla hecho en casa, servido con opción de salsa de chocolate o de
caramelo / Homemade vanilla ice cream, served with your choice of chocolate or
caramel sauce
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ¢ 2,625.00

Precios incluyen 13% impuesto IVA y 10% de servicio

Prices include 13% VAT tax and 10% service charge


Tueste Oscuro/Dark Roast ………….…………………………………..………….……………… ¢ 1,945.00

Café Espresso ……….……………………………..………….…………………………………………………… ¢ 2,285.00

Café latte / Mocaccino / Capuccino ………….…………………..………….……………… ¢ 2,925.00

Capuccino con sabores (almendras, crema irlandesa, chocolate,

vainilla o avellana)
Flavored Capuccino (almond, irish cream, chocolate, vanilla,
or hazelnut) ………….……………………………..………….……………………………………………………… ¢ 2,925.00


Gasesosas / Soft Drinks………….……………………………………………..………….……………… ¢ 1,840.00

Ponche de Frutas / Fruit Punch………….……………………………………………..…………. ¢ 2,890.00
Jugo de Naranja / Orange Juice………….……………………………………………..…………. ¢ 1,840.00
Papaya o Piña en Agua / Papaya or Pineapple in water…………..…… ¢ 2,625.00
Papaya o Piña en Leche /Papaya or Pineapple in milk……………..…… ¢ 2,890.00
Limonada / Lemonade………….……………………………………………..…………………………… ¢ 2,210.00
Limonada con hierbabuena / Lemonade with Spearmint………..…… ¢ 2,890.00
Limonada con Jengibre / Lemonade with Ginger…………………………..…… ¢ 2,890.00
Botella de Agua 600 ml/ Bottle of Water 600 ml………………………………. ¢ 1,575.00
Agua San Pellegrino 750 ml / San Pellegrino Water 750 ml…………. ¢ 5,250.00

Cervezas Nacionales (Imperial, Imperial Light, Imperial Cero y Pilsen)

Local Beer (Imperial, Imperial Light, Imperial Cero y Pilsen)……………………… ¢ 2,625.00
Cerveza Bavaria / Bavaria Beer ………….……………………………………………..…… ¢ 2,695.00
Cerveza Bavaria Light / Bavaria Light Beer ………….…………………………..…… ¢ 2,830.00
Cerveza Corona / Corona Beer ………….……………………………………………..…… ¢ 3,575.00
Cerveza Heineken/ Heineken Beer……….……………………………………………..…… ¢ 3,045.00

Vino de la Casa Blanco/House White Wine……….……………………………..…… ¢ 3,680.00

Vino de la Casa Tinto/House Red Wine……….……………………………..…………… ¢ 3,680.00

Precios incluyen 13% impuesto IVA y 10% de servicio

Prices include 13% VAT tax and 10% service charge

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