Marcadores Tumorales
Marcadores Tumorales
Marcadores Tumorales
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Table 69.5. Criteria Needed for Tumor Marker to Be Accepted for Clinical Use
1. The intended use must be clearly delineated (Table 69.1)
2. The magnitude of differences in outcomes between “positive” and “negative” populations must
be sufficient that a clinical decision would be changed based on the results
3. The estimate of that magnitude must be reliable and validated
a. The assay must be technically stable, reproducible, and accurate
b. The clinical study must be appropriately designed and powered to address the intended
c. The analysis of the study must be statistically rigorous
sensibilidad 100%
Cut off especificidad 100%
especificidad ~ 60%
sensibilidad ~ 50%
sana y con Pacientes
enferm. con Cáncer
Categorías de Marcadores T.
Derivados de Tumores
Hormonas: • Isoenzymas:
HGC – Fosfatasa Ácida Prostática
H Antidiurética – Enolasa Neurona Específica
H. Paratiroidea
Calcitonina – Fosfatasa Alcalina
ILGF – Deshidrogenasa Láctica - 1
Catecolaminas y metabolitos • Glicoproteínas:
Antigenos Oncofetales: – CA-125
Alfa-fetoproteína – CA-19.9
CEA – CA-a5-3
• Proteínas Específicas:
Src – Inmunoglobilinas
K-ras – PSA
H-ras – Beta 2 – microglobulina
N-myc – Alfa -lactalbumina
Marcadores séricos
Antígeno Carcinoembrionario (CEA)
– Determinación de pronóstico
– Seguimiento luego de una cirugía con fines
– Monitorear la terapia en pacientes con enfermedad avanzada que estén recibiendo
Alfafetoproteína (AFP), coriogonadotrofina humana (HCG) y lactato
deshidrogenasa (LDH)
• Alfafetoproteína
• Proteína sérica fetal normal, sintetizada en el hígado, saco vitelino y tracto gastrointestinal que comparte una
secuencia homologa con la albúmina.
• Causas de elevación:
– Tumor germinal no seminomatoso (que contienen elementos embrionarios o elementos del seno endodérmico)
– Hepatocarcinoma o carcinoma hepatocelular
– Otros: cáncer gástrico, páncreas, brocogénicos
– No existe clara asociación con la presencia de metástasis hepáticas
– Es una glicoproteína que es producida por las células del sinciciotrofoblasto de la placenta y se eleva en el embarazo.
– Es un importante marcador en la enfermedad gestacional trofoblástica y en los tumores de células germinales.
– Los niveles de HCG se correlacionan con la masa tumoral en la enfermedad trofoblástica, tiene valor pronóstico y es
extremadamente sensible, siendo elevada en mujeres con mínima cantidad de enfermedad tumoral.
– Al término del tratamiento sirve de seguimiento para advertir sobre la recurrencia.
• LDH :
– Marcador inespecífico
• La AFP, HCG, y LDH son marcadores séricos que determinan el pronóstico en pacientes con cáncer de células
germinales (testicular y ovárico) y son incluidos en los distintos sistemas de etapificación de la enfermedad.
• AFP y HCG son esenciales también en el seguimiento y monitoreo del tratamiento de la enfermedad.
Ca Testicular: Marcadores
Marcadores en tumores germinales
• Utilidades
CA 125
Antígeno Próstatico Específico
• Utilidades:
• Se encuentra elevado
– 21 a 42% de los cánceres gástricos
– 20 a 40% de los cánceres de colon
– 71 a 93% del cáncer de páncreas
AFP - Hepatocarcinoma
• Criterios de Barcelona:
Diagnóstico de
• Imágenes asociada a
AFP >400 ng/ml.
Marcadores tumorales
(del tejido tumoral)
Receptores de estrógenos y progesterona
• Las recomendaciones
apoyan el uso de los
receptores de estrógeno y
progesterona para clasificar
el riesgo de la enfermedad
en mujeres recientemente
HER-2/neu como marcador pronóstico y predictivo
• Controversial
• Falsos positivos:
– PSA: Prostatitis
– Ca 125: Inflamación de membranas serosas
– Ca 19-9: inflamación de conductos biliares
– CEA: Los fumadores tienen concentraciones más altas del CEA con
respecto a no fumadores
– AFP: embarazo, enfermedades asociado a mayor regeneración
hepatocelular o en hepatitis virales o asociadas a drogas, ataxia-
telangectasia y tirosinosis hereditaria
• Actualmente la mayoría de las aplicaciones de los
biomarcadores tumorales es en vigilancia postoperatoria y
en el monitoreo de la terapia en pacientes con enfermedad
BREAST CANCER Table 69.2. American Society of Clinical Oncology Tumor Marker Guidelines Recommendations for Breast
Estrogen ER and PgR should be measured on every primary invasive breast cancer to identify
receptors and
patients most likely to benefit from endocrine forms of therapy. and Colon Cancer
Tissue HER2 HER2 expression or amplification should be evaluated in every primary invasive BREAST CANCER
breast cancer either at the time of diagnosis or at the time of recurrence, principally
to guide selection of trastuzumab in the adjuvant or metastatic setting and lapatinib
in the metastatic setting. Estrogen ER and PgR should be measured on every primary invasive breast cancer to identify
uPA and PAI-1 uPA/PAI-1 measured by ELISAs on a minimum of 300 mg of fresh or frozen breast
cancer tissue may be used for the determination of prognosis in patients with newly
receptors and patients most likely to benefit from endocrine forms of therapy.
diagnosed, node negative breast cancer.
Multiparameter In newly diagnosed patients with node-negative, estrogen receptor–positive breast
gene expression cancer, the Oncotype DX™ (Genomics Health, Inc., Redwood City, CA) assay can be receptors
analysis for used to predict the risk of recurrence in patients treated with tamoxifen. The precise
breast cancer clinical utility and appropriate application for other multiparameter assays, such as
the MammaPrint™ (Agendia, Inc., Irvine, CA) assay, the Rotterdam Signature, and
the Breast Cancer Gene Expression Ratio are under investigation.
Tissue HER2 HER2 expression or amplification should be evaluated in every primary invasive
DNA flow Present data are insufficient to recommend use of DNA content, S phase, or other
breast cancer either at the time of diagnosis or at the time of recurrence, principally
flow cytometry–based markers of proliferation for management of patients with
breast cancer.
to guide selection of trastuzumab in the adjuvant or metastatic setting and lapatinib
Markers of Present data are insufficient to recommend measurement of Ki67, cyclin D, cyclin E, in the metastatic setting.
proliferation p27, p21, thymidine kinase, topoisomerase II, or other markers of proliferation for
management of patients with breast cancer.
p53 Present data are insufficient to recommend use of p53 measurements for
uPA and PAI-1 uPA/PAI-1 measured by ELISAs on a minimum of 300 mg of fresh or frozen breast
management of patients with breast cancer.
cancer tissue may be used for the determination of prognosis in patients with newly
Cathepsin D Present data are insufficient to recommend use of cathepsin D for management of
patients with breast cancer. diagnosed, node negative breast cancer.
Cyclin E Present data are insufficient to recommend use of cyclin E for management of
patients with breast cancer.
Multiparameter In newly diagnosed patients with node-negative, estrogen receptor–positive breast
Proteomic Present data are insufficient to recommend use of proteomic patterns for
analysis management of patients with breast cancer. gene expression cancer, the Oncotype DX™ (Genomics Health, Inc., Redwood City, CA) assay can be
CA 15-3 and CA Present data are insufficient to recommend CA 15-3 or CA 27.29 or CEA for analysis for used to predict the risk of recurrence in patients treated with tamoxifen. The precise
27.29 and CEA screening, diagnosis, and staging or for monitoring patients for recurrence after
primary breast cancer therapy. For monitoring patients with metastatic disease breast cancer clinical utility and appropriate application for other multiparameter assays, such as
during active therapy, these assays can be used in conjunction with diagnostic
imaging, history, and physical examination. Caution should be used when
interpreting a rising marker level during the first 4–6 weeks of a new therapy, since
the MammaPrint™ (Agendia, Inc., Irvine, CA) assay, the Rotterdam Signature, and
spurious early rises may occur. the Breast Cancer Gene Expression Ratio are under investigation.
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DNA flow Present data are insufficient to recommend use of DNA content, S phase, or other
cytometry-based flow cytometry–based markers of proliferation for management of patients with
parameters breast cancer.
Markers of Present data are insufficient to recommend measurement of Ki67, cyclin D, cyclin E,
proliferation p27, p21, thymidine kinase, topoisomerase II, or other markers of proliferation for
management of patients with breast cancer.
DeVita, Hellman, and Rosenberg's Cancer: Principles & Practice of Oncology, 9e
DeVita, Hellman, and Rosenberg's Cancer: Principles & Practice of Oncology, 9e
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Table 69.9. Accepted Biomarkers Useful for Monitoring of Common Solid Malignancies
Tumor Cells
Colon CEA Monitor patients after primary and systemic adjuvant II–
chemotherapy to detect resectable relapse III
Lung None
Melanoma None
Ovarian CA 125 Monitor patients after primary and adjuvant chemotherapy II–
for relapse III
Monitor patients with metastatic disease
Prostate PSA Monitor patients after primary and adjuvant chemotherapy II–
for relapse III
Male germ line β-hCG; AFP Monitor patients after primary and adjuvant chemotherapy II–
malignancy for relapse III
Female β-hCG Monitor patients after primary and adjuvant chemotherapy II–
choriocarcinoma for relapse III
CA, cancer antigen; CEA, carcinoembryonic antigen; LOE, levels of evidence; PSA, prostate-specific
antigen; β-hCG, β–human chorionic gonadotropin; AFP, α-fetoprotein.
• Concepto
• Biomarcadores disponibles
• Utilidad clínica
• Principales patologías en que se usa
marcadores tumorales.