Marginalia 85
Marginalia 85
Marginalia 85
Juin 2015
Marginalia est publi 4 fois par an par
565, rue de Provence, Longueuil, J4H 3R3 (Qubec/Canada)
ALLEN, Rob & Thijs van den BERG. (eds.),
Serialization in Popular Culture, New York,
Routledge, 2014, 210 pages.
Foreword Christoph Lindner Introduction Rob Allen and
Thijs van den Berg Part I: Victorian Serials 1. The
Unruliness of Serials in the Nineteenth Century (and in the
Digital Age) Mark Turner 2. "Pause you who read this":
Disruption and the Victorian Serial Novel Rob Allen 3.
"Split [] peas": Mrs Beeton and Domestic Time,
Decomposed Maria Damkjaer Part II: Serialization on
Screen 4. The Logic of the Line Segment: Continuity and
Discontinuity in the Serial-Queen Melodrama S h a n e
Denson 5. "Is it true blondes have more fun?": Mad Men
and the Mechanics of Serialization Joyce Goggin 6. The
Walking Dead: Quality Television, Transmedia
Serialization, and Zombies Dan Hassler-Forest 7. Ingmar
Bergman, Showrunner Sean OSullivan Part III:
Serialization in Comic Books and Graphic Novels8.
Serialization and Displacement in Graphic Narrative Jason
Dittmer 9. The Issues Issue: A Series of Thoughts on
Seriality in Daniel Clowes Eightball Angela Szczepaniak
Part IV: Digital Serialization 10. The Sense of an Ending:
The Computer Game Fallout 3 as a Serial Fiction Alistair
Brown 11. Circling the Infinite Loop, One Edit at a Time:
Seriality in Wikipedia and the Encyclopedic Urge Erin
Salor 12. The Serialization Game: Computer Hardware and
the Serial Production of Video Games Thijs van den Berg
(1936 2015)
Charles Grivel a t l'un des pionniers universitaires
traiter avec la mme rigueur et la mme passion littrature
populaire et littrature majuscule. Sa thse, rcemment
rdite par les soins de lAssociation Littrature Populaire
& Culture Mdiatique quil avait prsideProduction de
lintrt romanesque. Un tat du texte (1870-1880, un essai
de constitution de sa thorie), La Haye-Paris, Mouton, 1973
tudiait 200 romans parus Paris entre 1870 et 1880.
Autant que ses conclusions, c'est l'intrt de travailler sur
des corpus de grande taille qui avait fait date.Il ne s'est
toutefois pas senti oblig de capitaliserl-dessus. Sans
mme parler de ses nombreux entretiens, ni de son
indfectible engagement pour tout ce qui permettait de
promouvoir l'intelligibilit de la production populaire, son
criture a t multiple (traduction, compte-rendus,
prfaces), prolifique (surtout en articles) et a abord de
nombreux thmes : Dumas, la photographie, Jarry, Tppfer
et bien des aspects de la culture populaire. Et que dire de
Fantastique-fiction(Paris, PUF, coll. criture, 1992),avec
son point de vue singulier ? Sonmeilleur essai sans doute,
emblmatisant queCharles avait autant le got de
l'rudition et de l'empirisme descriptif que le got pour
thoriser les romans pop, autant legotde la recherche que
le got de l'criture. Mme sil tait familier de Dracula et
de bien dautres monstres tapis dans notre imaginaire
collectif, cest en fait le crabe qui aura eu raison de lui
cejeudi 14 mai 2015.Avec tristesse,Marginalia se devait
de souligner ce dpart dfinitif.
Paul Bleton
--------------------------------------------------------------parmi les crivains les plus fameux de sa gnration. Ses
romans sont publis dans les plus grands quotidiens,
connaissent de nombreuses rditions et sont traduits dans
diverses langues. Un titre en particulier retient l'attention :
Le Gaga, qui donne lieu un retentissant procs en 1886 et
aboutit la condamnation de son auteur pour outrage aux
bonnes moeurs. Ecrivain populaire, il a publi quelque
quatre-vingts ouvrages et avec trente-sept volumes, la srie
des Derniers Scandales de Paris atteint des dimensions
rarement constates dans l'histoire de la littrature.
WALKER, Beverly,
Jack Nicholson :
Anatomy of an Actor, London & New York,
Pahidon Press, 2014, 191 pages.
WELLMAN, William A., Wild Bill Wellman :
Hollywood Rebel, New York, Pantheon Books,
2015, xi, 615 pages.
Introduction: Wild Bill Wellman -- The rebel -- The recruit
-- The pilot -- The war hero -- The Hollywood ladder -- The
directors' board -- Road to a classic -- Battlefield wings -Consequences and achievements -- Pranks and
misdemeanors -- I ain't so tough -- The neon violin -Looking for trouble -- Passions and prizes -- The golden
year -- The road to Ox-bow -- Picture patchwork -Battleground sends a message -- Goodbye MGM, hello
John Wayne -- The final straw -- The flame is flickering.
Didier Daeninckx
prsente 21 romans policiers, Paris,
Magnard, (Classiques & Contemporains), 2015,
160 pages.
Un recueil de 21 rcits policiers classiques et
contemporains, organiss en parcours chronologique:
Edgar Poe, Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie, Maurice
Leblanc, Gaston Leroux, Stevenson, Daniel Pennac, Fred
Vargas, Raymond Chandler, Umberto Eco, etc. +
Une prface indite et une interview exclusive de Didier
Daeninckx, spcialiste du roman policier. +
Un appareil pdagogique complet, rdig par une
enseignante exprimente.
CADERA, Susanne M., PINTARIC, Anita Pavic
(eds.), The Voices of Suspense and Their
Translation in Thrillers, Amsterdam, Rodopi,
(Approaches to Translation Studies), 2014, 299
Susanne M. Cadera and Anita Pavi_ Pintari_: Introduction:
Creation of suspense through dialogue and its translation
Part I: Creating suspense in literature and film
Dirk Delabastita: Thrilled by Trilby? Dreading Dracula?
Late-Victorian thrillers and the curse of the foreign tongue
Sanja _kifi_ and Rajko Petkovi_: Stylistic and linguistic
creation of suspense in Quentin Tarantinos Pulp Fiction
and Reservoir Dogs
Die Entstehung der
modernen Kriminalliteratur : F. Schiller,
E. T. A. Hoffmann oder E. A. Poe ; wer hat
der Kriminalroman als literarische Gattung
erfunden ?, Saarbrcken, AV Akademikverlag,
2014, 69 pages.
KNIG, Michael,
Poetik des Terrors :
politisch motivierte Gewalt in der
deutschen Gegenwartsliteratur, Bielefeld,
transcript, 2015, 508 pages.
LA BERGE, Leigh Claire,
Scandals and
Abstraction : Financial Fiction of the Long
1980s, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2014,
x, 230 pages.
The Thief-Taker
Hangings : How Daniel Defoe, Jonathan
Wild, and Jack Sheppard Captivated
London and Created the Celebrity
Criminal, Guilford (Conn.), Lyons Press, 2014,
xvii, 302 pages.
WALTON, Samatha,
Guilty but Insane :
Mind and Law in Golden Age Detective
Fiction, Oxford, Oxford University Press,
(Oxford Textual Perspectives), 2015, xiv, 304
Guilty But Insane takes an historical approach to golden age
detective fiction by Margery Allingham, Christianna Brand,
Agatha Christie, Dorothy L. Sayers, and Gladys Mitchell. It
examines how writers and readers of detective fiction
during the 1920s to 1940s understood guilt, responsibility,
and the workings of the mind as they related to the
commission, the investigation, and the punishment of
SAMAK, Adama,
Mongo Beti : une
conscience universelle. De la rsistance
la prophtie, Paris, Publibooks, 2015, 280
SCHMIEDELER, Sebastian (dir.), Kstner im
Spiegel : Beitrge der Forschung zum 40.
Todestag, Marburg, Tectum Verlag, 2015, 445
Wetmore, Jr. -- 12. Hitchcock's Stylized Capture of PostAdolescent Fatheads; William McBride.
Constellations . Des
mondes fictionnels dans limaginaire
contemporain, Paris, CRNS, 2015, 558 pages.
Univers alternatifs prolifrants, jeux de rle, fan fictions,
atlas imaginaires, bibliographies fictives : les indices d'une
volution de notre rapport aux fictions sont partout. Ils
participent la construction d'un imaginaire commun
propre l'Occident post-moderne : le monde est une
histoire, l'oeuvre est un monde, tout est jeu, hors le jeu luimme. Les producteurs et les consommateurs se saisissent
de plus en plus des oeuvres aimes pour en poursuivre ou
en dtourner l'intrigue, en incarner les personnages.
ABOSSOLO, Pierre Martial, Fantastique et
littrature africaine contemporaine : entre
rupture et soumission aux schmas
occidentaux, Paris, Champion, 2015, 312
Lauteur dveloppe des argumen-tations nouvelles dans sa
plaidoirie en faveur de lexistence dun fantastique africain
spcifique dont il est lun des premiers dfinir aussi
prcisment les contours partir dillustrations toujours
probantes, notamment en matire narratologique. Sa
Lanthologie permanente des littratures
de limaginaire
no 194, printemps 2015, 160 pages.
Fonde en 2014, sous le dfunt nom de
Requiem, par Norbert Spehner et un groupe de
ses tudiants, la revue existe toujours sous une
forme professionnelle, et peut se vanter dtre
la plus ancienne revue de sciencefiction/fantastique francophone!
Des textes de fiction de Natasha Beaulieu, Clia
Chalfoun, Frdrick Durand, Jean-Nol
Lafrague et Pierre-Luc Lafrance.
Un article de Mario Tessier dans son excellente
srie Les Carnets du Futurible : Limaginaire
mdival au Qubec, un article de Jean-Louis
Trudel : Ian Banks, la science-fiction est notre
+ les rubriques habituelles : Sci-nma, de
Christian Sauv, les Littranautes et les
lectures de P.-A. Bonin, R. Bozzetto, S.
Chartrand, N. Faure. J.-P. Laigle er N. Spehner.
Aktualitt des
Apokalyptischen : zwischen Kulturkritik
und Kulturversprechen, Wrzburg, Knigshausen & Neumann, 2015, 257 pages.
GERMANA, Monica (ed.), Apocayptic Discourse in Contemporary Culture : PostMillenial Perspectives of the End of the
World, New York, Routledge, 2014, 244 pages.
Introduction: After the End? Monica German & Aris
Mousoutzanis Part 1: Theory 1. Apocalyptic Security:
Biopower and the Changing Skin of Historic Germination
Lee Quinby 2.To Have Done with the End Times: Turning
the Apocalypse into a Non-Event Sophie Fuggle 3. Are
Ruses Necessary to Evade Catastrophe? On Slavoj _i_eks
Endorsement of Jean-Pierre Dupuys "Faire comme si le
pire tait inevitable" John Vignaux Smyth 4. The
Apocalyptic Sublime: Then and Now Avril Horner and Sue
Zlosnik Part 2: Space, Place and Environment 6. The
Post-Apocalyptic Sublime: A Gothic Response to
Contemporary Environmental Crisis in John Burnsides
Glister (2009) Emily Horton 7. Under the Westway and Up
in the Air: New Brutalist Aftermath Aesthetics in J.G.
Ballards Concrete Island (1974) and High-Rise (1975)
Joanne Murray 8. Escape / Landscape / Genderscape: No
Futures for Women Elizabeth Russell 9. Soul Delay:
Trauma and Globalization in William Gibsons Pattern
Recognition (2003) Aris Mousoutzanis Part 3: Time and
History 10. The Not so Cozy Catastrophe: Re-Imagining
the British Disaster Novel in J. G. Ballards The Drowned
World (1962) and Brian Aldisss Barefoot in the Head
(1969) Christopher Daley 11. Apocalyptic Themes in
Jonathan Littells The Kindly Ones (2009) Magdalena
Zolkos 12. "Billows of Ash": Cormac McCarthys Road
Back to Auschwitz Francesca Haig 13. The Ambassadors
of Nil: Notes on the Zombie Apocalypse Alexandra
Warwick and David Cunningham Part 4: Language and
the End of the Word 14. Language Decay and Creation in
Post-Apocalyptic Fiction William Abberley 15. "What are
all those things he once thought he knew, and where have
they gone?": The End of the Wor(l)d in Margaret Atwoods
Oryx and Crake (2003) Monica German 16. Zpocalypse
Adam C. Roberts
!C!a!r!o!l! !M!c!G!u!i!r!k!.! !G!o!d! !i!n! !a! !Y!e!l!l!o!w! !B!a!t!h!r!o!b!e!:!
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Jol Champetier tait un crivain de science-fiction et de
fantasy, rdacteur en chef de la revue Solaris.
Il secondo
Calvino : un discorso sul metodo, Milano,
Mimesis, 2014, 177 pages. Prefazione di
Alessandro Zaccuri.
DOUGLAS-FAIRHURST, Robert, The Story of
Alice : Lewis Carroll and the Secret History
of Wonderland, London, Harvill Secker, 2015,
488 pages.
Drawing on previously unpublished material, Robert
Douglas-Fairhurst traces the creation and influence of the
Alice books against a shifting cultural landscape the birth
of photography, changing definitions of childhood and
sexuality and the tensions inherent in the transition between
the Victorian and modern worlds.
LACROIX, Grgoire,
Mythes et nigmes
dans loeuvre de Tolkien, Saint-Denis,
dilivre, 2014, 84 pages.
A travers les histoires qu'il raconte dans Le Seigneur des
anneaux et Bilbo le hobbit, Tolkien met en place des
mythes qui donnent son oeuvre une profondeur et une
cohrence exceptionnelles. Chez lui, tout surprend et
pourtant rien n'arrive sans raison. Si les rois pousent des
princesses elfiques, si des personnages se dfient coup
d'nigmes, si certains meurent tel moment plutt qu' tel
autre, si de simples hobbits accomplissent les exploits que
de puissants elfes ne peuvent pas russir, rien de cela n'est
d au hasard. Ce sont ces mythes que l'auteur de cet essai
analyse ici, donnant un clairage original sur une oeuvre
qu'il faut comparer aux grands rcits mythologiques
antiques plutt qu' l'hroque fantaisie moderne.
POLCINI, Valentina,
Dino Buzzatti and
Anglo-American Culture : The Re-Use of
Visual Narrative Texts in his Fantastic
Fiction, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Cambridge
Scholars, 2014, x, 180 pages.
RISDEN, Edward L., Tolkiens Intellectual
Landscape, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2015,
240 pages.
The work of J.R.R. Tolkien has had a profound effect on
contemporary fiction and filmmaking. Often disparaged by
critics, Tolkiens fiction created a market for the fantasy
trilogy and his academic work represents an innovative
contribution to the field of philology. In the 20th century,
his fiction bridged the gap between learned and popular
readerships. Today the fantasy genre continues to
groweven as publishers cut back on creative
fictionmoving energetically into film, gaming and online
fan fiction. This book describes how Tolkiens imaginative
landscape continues to entertain and inspire, drawing new
generations to Middle-earth.
Unwohnliche, Frankfurt am Main, et al. Peter
Lang, 2015, 302 pages.
CUTTOLO, Raffaele,
Into the Woods of
Wicked Wonderland : Musicals Revise
Fairy Tales, Heidelberg, Winter Verlag, 2014,
225 pages.
DOSSIER : LE TRNE DE FER : le phnomne littraire mondial, dans Lire : hors
srie, no 20, avril 2015.
Au sommaire :
Le Trne de fer dcrypt : entretien avec Stphane Rolet,
entretien avec Patrick Marcel
Une oeuvre sous influences
comment George R. R. Martin proposa la saga ses agents
HUGUES, Howard,
Outer Limits : The
Filmgoers Guide to the Great Science
Fiction Films, London, New York, I. B. Tauris,
2014, xxiv, 296 pages.
HAMMOND, Robert, Time & Space & Time :
Truthless Bilge About Every Doctor Who
Story Ever, Reigate, Surrey (UK), Miwk
Publishing, 2015, 160 pages.
HARTY, Kevin J., (ed.),
The Holy Grail on
Film : Essays on the Cinematic Quest,
Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2015, ix, 245
Introduction 1_Holy Grail, Silent Grail (Kevin J. Harty)
7_The Silver Chalice: The Once and Future Grail (K. S.
Whetter) 21_Lancelot du lac: Robert Bressons Arthurian
Realism (Joan Tasker Grimbert) 37_Perceval of the
_Avant-Garde: Rohmer, Blank and von Trier (Alan
Baragona) 50_Hans-Jurgen Syberbergs Parsifal:
Remystifying Kundry (Jon Sherman) 67_"Lovely Filth":
Monty Python and the Matter of the Holy Grail (Christine
M. Neufeld) 81_John Boormans Excalibur and the
Irrigating Light of the Grail (Raeleen _Chai-Elsholz with
_Jean-Marc Elsholz) 98_The Da Vinci Code and the Myth
Hollywood Presents Jules
Verne : The Father of Science Fiction on
S c r e e n , Lexington, University Press of
Kentucky, 2015, (Screen Classics), 2015, 370
Adaptations of Verne's tales have taken many forms-early
movie shorts, serials, feature films, miniseries, and
television shows-and have been produced as both animated
and live-action films. Taves illuminates how, as these
stories have been made and remade over the years, each
new adaptation looks back not only to Verne's words but
also to previous screen incarnations. He also examines how
generations of actors have portrayed iconic characters such
as Phileas Fogg and Captain Nemo, and how these figures
are treated in pastiches such as Journey 2: The Mysterious
Island (2012). Investigating the biggest box-office hits as
well as lower-budget productions, this comprehensive study
will appeal not only to fans of the writer's work but also to
readers interested in the ever-changing relationship between
literature, theater, and film.
TRINGHAM, Neal, Science Fiction Video
G a m e s , New York, CRCR, 2015, xx, 516
VINCENT, Maia, A couteaux tirs :
lhistoire du slasher movie, Bordeaux, Maia
Vincent, 2014, 292 pages.
WALDRON, Darren, Jacques Demy, Manchester (UK), Manchester University Press, 2015,
196 pages.
WALT DISNEY Company, Star Wars : guide
collector ; les secrets de la saga et des
jeux indits, Paris, Hachette livre, 2015, 69
pages [pour jeunes]
WILLIAMS, Tony, The Cinema of George
Romero : Knight of the Living Dead, New
York, Wallflower Press, 2015, viii, 309 pages
[2e dition].
Harry Potter : The
Creature Vault, London, Titan Books, 2014,
208 pages.
Dementors and Goblins, Merpeople and Chinese Fireball
Dragons - these are just a few of the magical creatures and
frightening monsters populating JK Rowlings wizarding
world. The Vault takes a comprehensive look at the
fascinating process of bringing the menagerie to life for the
blockbuster Harry Potter film series. With detailed profiles
of each creature, rare pieces of concept art, behind the
scenes shots and film stills, this is unmissable!
REVENSON, Jody, Harry Potter : Magical
Places from the Films : Hogwarts, Diagon
Alley, and Beyond, London, Titan Books,
2015, 208 pages.
The magical places that were brought to life for the
blockbuster Harry Potter films make up the backbone of
J.K. Rowling's wizarding world. This book grants a
complete, unprecedented look at the process of adapting
those locations for the films. Detailed profiles of each
environment pair never-before-seen concept art, behind-thescenes photos and film stills with text highlighting
filmmaking secrets from the Warner Brothers archives.
Harry Potter : The
Character Vault, London, Titan Books, 2015,
208 pages. [ paratre]
tudes sur la
et les
HOBEREK, Andrew,
Considering Watchmen : Poetics, Property, Politics, New
Brunswick (NJ), Rutgers university Press, 2014,
viii, 227 pages.
Demonstrating a keen eye for historical detail, Considering
Watchmen gives readers a new appreciation of just how
radical Moore and Gibbonss blend of gritty realism and
formal experimentation was back in 1986. The book also
considers Watchmens place in the history of the comics
industry, reading the graphic novels playful critique of
superhero marketing alongside Alan Moores public
statements about the rights to the franchise. Andrew
Hoberek examines how Moore and Gibbons engaged with
GUILLAMAUD, Patrice, Il tait une fois dans
lOuest, Lige, ditions du Cfal, (Analyse de
film), 2014, 141 pages.
Il tait une fois dans l'ouest est sans doute le film le plus
clbre de Sergio Leone et celui qui eut le plus de succs.
C'est aussi un film qui, en dpit de la mauvaise rputation
faite par les intellectuels aux westerns spaghetti, incarne,
dans sa forme, dans ses thmes et dans sa structure, une
vritable philosophie de la vie. Note: A partir du 14
novembre 2014, les ditions du Cfal sont devenues les
ditions de la Province de Lige .
BRINKER, Virginie, La Transmission littraire et cinmatographique du gnocide
des Tutsis au Rwanda, Paris, Classiques
Garnier, 2014, 481 pages.
Graham COOPER C.,
American Cinematographers in the Great War, 1914-1918,
New Barnets, Herts, John Libbey Publ., 2014,
vii, 312 pages.
DENIS, Sbastien & Xavier SEN, I m a g e s
darmes : un sicle de cinma et de
photographies militaires, 1915-2015, Paris,
CNRS, 2015, 279 pages.
GUINGAMP, Pierre, Michel LENCO,
Annes noires racontes par le cinma
franais, Bourg-la-Reine, Fog & Filli diteurs,
(Kineo). 2014, 369 pages.
LSCHNIGG, Martin & Marzena SOKOLOWSKAPARYZ, The Great War in Post-Memory
Literature and Film, Berlin, De Gruyter,
2014, 459 pages.