VALENTE, M. J. V. ; DETRY, C. ; COSTA, C. (eds.) (2022) - New Trends in Iberian Zooarchaeology. Estudos & Memórias 19. Lisboa: UNIARQ/FL-UL, 2022
A zooarchaeological study of the animal remains uncovered during the 2010 excavations at a public... more A zooarchaeological study of the animal remains uncovered during the 2010 excavations at a public street in Lisboa, Rua de São
Mamede, opposite no. 19, is now presented in this paper.
This intervention was framed by a project aiming the study and improvement of Lisboa's 'Ancient Wall', being part of a series of
archaeological programmed excavations. That project's main goal was the identification, dating and uncovering of the medieval
Wall and previous periods remains.
Two surveys were carried out at Rua of São Mamede and both yielded materials dated from the Roman period (between the final
of the third quarter of the 1st century AD and the start of the second quarter of the 2nd century AD). We discuss here the faunal
remains uncovered during these surveys so as to reconstruct the ancient inhabitants' diet. A wide range of mammals was present,
including sheep/goat (Ovis aries/Capra hircus), cattle (Bos taurus), suids (Sus sp.) and rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Remains of
molluscs, including oyster (Ostrea edulis), were also registered.
This study made possible the drawing of a profile not only of this place's population diet but also their pattern of demand and
food production.
Papers by Nuno Mota
Mamede, opposite no. 19, is now presented in this paper.
This intervention was framed by a project aiming the study and improvement of Lisboa's 'Ancient Wall', being part of a series of
archaeological programmed excavations. That project's main goal was the identification, dating and uncovering of the medieval
Wall and previous periods remains.
Two surveys were carried out at Rua of São Mamede and both yielded materials dated from the Roman period (between the final
of the third quarter of the 1st century AD and the start of the second quarter of the 2nd century AD). We discuss here the faunal
remains uncovered during these surveys so as to reconstruct the ancient inhabitants' diet. A wide range of mammals was present,
including sheep/goat (Ovis aries/Capra hircus), cattle (Bos taurus), suids (Sus sp.) and rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Remains of
molluscs, including oyster (Ostrea edulis), were also registered.
This study made possible the drawing of a profile not only of this place's population diet but also their pattern of demand and
food production.
During the construction of downtown Lisbon after the 1755 earthquake, the cryptoporticus of the Felicitas Iulia Olisipo port baths was discovered. This area, also known as the “Roman galleries of the Rua da Prata,” has been the oldest and most misunderstood landmark of Lisbon’s Roman city. The urban rehabilitation in the capital city led to the opportunity to initiate a multiyear archaeology research project called the “Lisbon Roman Cryptoporticus Research and Valuation Project” (CRLx) under the promotion of the Lisbon municipal government between 2016 and 2020. By 2023, the fate of the monument must be evaluated while ensuring public enjoyment.
Urbanística e Paisagística do Largo do Coreto em Carnide e Ruas Adjacentes permitiu registar a profunda transformação
urbanística que o então Alto do Poço ou Passeio do Espírito Santo sofreu, em meados do século XIX, sob a
forma de uma extensa terraplanagem. Apesar deste episódio destrutivo, foi ainda possível identificar um alicerce da
desaparecida ermida dedicada ao Espírito Santo, de origem medieval, e de alguns dos enterramentos associados que,
a partir de pelo menos o século XVII, começaram a fazer-se dentro e no adro daquele edifício religioso, já transformado
em igreja. Foram recuperados os restos osteológicos de, pelo menos, 18 indivíduos do sexo masculino e feminino e de
diferentes idades. Oito correspondem a inumações primárias e dez correspondem a um ossário e a material disperso.
Todos foram inumados em decúbito dorsal com orientação Este-Oeste. As lesões ósseas observadas dizem respeito a
patologias dentárias, degenerativas, traumáticas e infecciosas não-específicas. De salientar que a análise patológica foi
realizada macroscopicamente e a maioria do material não se encontra em bom estado de conservação.
Esqueletos humanos, Patologia degenerativa, Trauma, Ermida, Carnide, Lisboa.
The archaeological intervention that took place between March 2012 and April 2013 within the scope of Project for
the Urban and Landscape Rehabilitation of Largo do Coreto, Carnide, and Adjacent Streets allowed us to record the
profound urban transformation that the then called Alto do Poço or Passeio do Espírito Santo has suffered, by mid-19th
century, due to extensive earthmoving. Despite this destructive episode, we still manage to identify a foundation of the
disappeared medieval hermitage dedicated to Espírito Santo (Holy Spirit) and some of the related burials which from at
least the 17th century on started to take place inside this religious building already transformed into a church and on its
churchyard. The osteological remains of 18 individuals (males, females and with different ages) were recovered. Eight
correspond to primary burials and ten correspond to an ossuary and disperse material. All were buried in the dorsal
decubitus position East-West orientated. The bone lesions observed concern dental, degenerative, traumatic and nonspecific
infectious diseases pathologies. It should be noted that the pathological analysis was done macroscopically
and that de majority of the material is not well preserved.
Keywords: Human skeletons, Degenerative pathology, Trauma, Hermitage, Carnide, Lisboa.
do Santíssimo Rei Salvador, incidindo sobre as inumações das religiosas na ala nascente do claustro. Na sondagem P3
foram identificadas nove inumações primárias cujos esqueletos estavam parcialmente articulados, tendo a desarticulação/
destruição de vários elementos ósseos sido motivada por obras de perfuração geotécnica. Os escassos materiais
arqueológicos associados às inumações permitiram balizá-las no século XVIII. No espólio votivo destaca-se uma armação
em ferro – coroa – que foi encontrada à volta do crânio de uma das freiras. A amostra esquelética é constituída
exclusivamente por adultos do sexo feminino. As alterações esqueléticas patológicas mais comuns são as cáries e
a osteoartrose.
Convento do Santíssimo Rei Salvador, Pós-Medieval, Religiosas, Enterramentos, Coroa.
This article delves into the information gathered during the archaeological rescue that took place in 2004, in the Convent
of Santíssimo Rei Salvador and which focused on the burial places in the eastern wing of the cloister. At survey P3, nine
primary burials whose skeletons were partially articulated were identified, presenting the disarticulation/destruction of
several bones caused by geotechnical drilling works. The few archaeological materials associated to the burials aged in
the XVIII century. Within the votive collection, an iron frame (crown) that was found around the skull of one of the nuns
stands out. The most common skeletal pathological changes are tooth decay and osteoarthrosis.
Keywords: Convent of Santíssimo Rei Salvador, Post-Medieval, Nuns, Burials, Crown.
Palavras chave: Galerias romanas, criptopórtico, termas portuárias, arqueologia, arquitetura.
Palavras chave
Olisipo, oppidum, urbs, arqueologia, forma urbana
(cerâmicas comuns, faianças, porcelanas, vidros, moedas, objetos metálicos e restos de alimentação) refletindo a vida da população de Carnide na Época Moderna. A mancha de distribuição dos silos, a identificação de um poço de origem medieval, dos vestígios da Ermida do Espírito Santo e necrópole, conduzem a reflexões sobre a evolução urbanística do casco antigo de Carnide.
The archaeological works, carried out from March 2012 and April 2013 in Coreto Square and adjacent streets, allows for the consideration of Carnide as one large barn, between the 14th and 17th century. 166 silos were detected, excavated in the geological stratum. These silos found in a state of abandonment, were being used as a dumping ground. However, they provided a relevant collection of artifacts and traces of food leftovers which reflect the life of the population in the Modern Era. The distribution of the silos, the identification of a medieval well and the traces of the Chapel of the Holy Ghost and its necropolis leads to a reflection on the evolution of the urban planning of the old Carnide.
o reaproveitamento e evolução de uma área concreta
do Palácio dos Marqueses de Marialva , colocada
a descoberto durante a intervenção arqueológica
desenvolvida entre 1999 e 2000 . A abordagem consistirá
na apreciação do espaço enquanto parte integrante
da arquitectura palaciana e, seguidamente, no seu
enquadramento enquanto ocupação exógena no
contexto do que ficou designado por "Casebres do
understanding of early Roman presence in the Tagus Valley.
The first evidence of the scientific significance of the buildings n.º 16-20 of Beco do Forno emerged
in 2000, following the archaeological dig by the archeology team of the IPPAR.
Follows from this action, the discovery of preserved structures corresponding to a building
dated from Roman Republican.
In 2010, archaeologists from the Lisbon City Council held an emergency
intervention, after the collapse of a retaining wall that bordered
upon the adjacent property, developing the work of excavation in that area.
The sum of these interventions resulted in the identification of contexts and structure of
Roman Period Republican that now are presented together.
Mamede, opposite no. 19, is now presented in this paper.
This intervention was framed by a project aiming the study and improvement of Lisboa's 'Ancient Wall', being part of a series of
archaeological programmed excavations. That project's main goal was the identification, dating and uncovering of the medieval
Wall and previous periods remains.
Two surveys were carried out at Rua of São Mamede and both yielded materials dated from the Roman period (between the final
of the third quarter of the 1st century AD and the start of the second quarter of the 2nd century AD). We discuss here the faunal
remains uncovered during these surveys so as to reconstruct the ancient inhabitants' diet. A wide range of mammals was present,
including sheep/goat (Ovis aries/Capra hircus), cattle (Bos taurus), suids (Sus sp.) and rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Remains of
molluscs, including oyster (Ostrea edulis), were also registered.
This study made possible the drawing of a profile not only of this place's population diet but also their pattern of demand and
food production.
During the construction of downtown Lisbon after the 1755 earthquake, the cryptoporticus of the Felicitas Iulia Olisipo port baths was discovered. This area, also known as the “Roman galleries of the Rua da Prata,” has been the oldest and most misunderstood landmark of Lisbon’s Roman city. The urban rehabilitation in the capital city led to the opportunity to initiate a multiyear archaeology research project called the “Lisbon Roman Cryptoporticus Research and Valuation Project” (CRLx) under the promotion of the Lisbon municipal government between 2016 and 2020. By 2023, the fate of the monument must be evaluated while ensuring public enjoyment.
Urbanística e Paisagística do Largo do Coreto em Carnide e Ruas Adjacentes permitiu registar a profunda transformação
urbanística que o então Alto do Poço ou Passeio do Espírito Santo sofreu, em meados do século XIX, sob a
forma de uma extensa terraplanagem. Apesar deste episódio destrutivo, foi ainda possível identificar um alicerce da
desaparecida ermida dedicada ao Espírito Santo, de origem medieval, e de alguns dos enterramentos associados que,
a partir de pelo menos o século XVII, começaram a fazer-se dentro e no adro daquele edifício religioso, já transformado
em igreja. Foram recuperados os restos osteológicos de, pelo menos, 18 indivíduos do sexo masculino e feminino e de
diferentes idades. Oito correspondem a inumações primárias e dez correspondem a um ossário e a material disperso.
Todos foram inumados em decúbito dorsal com orientação Este-Oeste. As lesões ósseas observadas dizem respeito a
patologias dentárias, degenerativas, traumáticas e infecciosas não-específicas. De salientar que a análise patológica foi
realizada macroscopicamente e a maioria do material não se encontra em bom estado de conservação.
Esqueletos humanos, Patologia degenerativa, Trauma, Ermida, Carnide, Lisboa.
The archaeological intervention that took place between March 2012 and April 2013 within the scope of Project for
the Urban and Landscape Rehabilitation of Largo do Coreto, Carnide, and Adjacent Streets allowed us to record the
profound urban transformation that the then called Alto do Poço or Passeio do Espírito Santo has suffered, by mid-19th
century, due to extensive earthmoving. Despite this destructive episode, we still manage to identify a foundation of the
disappeared medieval hermitage dedicated to Espírito Santo (Holy Spirit) and some of the related burials which from at
least the 17th century on started to take place inside this religious building already transformed into a church and on its
churchyard. The osteological remains of 18 individuals (males, females and with different ages) were recovered. Eight
correspond to primary burials and ten correspond to an ossuary and disperse material. All were buried in the dorsal
decubitus position East-West orientated. The bone lesions observed concern dental, degenerative, traumatic and nonspecific
infectious diseases pathologies. It should be noted that the pathological analysis was done macroscopically
and that de majority of the material is not well preserved.
Keywords: Human skeletons, Degenerative pathology, Trauma, Hermitage, Carnide, Lisboa.
do Santíssimo Rei Salvador, incidindo sobre as inumações das religiosas na ala nascente do claustro. Na sondagem P3
foram identificadas nove inumações primárias cujos esqueletos estavam parcialmente articulados, tendo a desarticulação/
destruição de vários elementos ósseos sido motivada por obras de perfuração geotécnica. Os escassos materiais
arqueológicos associados às inumações permitiram balizá-las no século XVIII. No espólio votivo destaca-se uma armação
em ferro – coroa – que foi encontrada à volta do crânio de uma das freiras. A amostra esquelética é constituída
exclusivamente por adultos do sexo feminino. As alterações esqueléticas patológicas mais comuns são as cáries e
a osteoartrose.
Convento do Santíssimo Rei Salvador, Pós-Medieval, Religiosas, Enterramentos, Coroa.
This article delves into the information gathered during the archaeological rescue that took place in 2004, in the Convent
of Santíssimo Rei Salvador and which focused on the burial places in the eastern wing of the cloister. At survey P3, nine
primary burials whose skeletons were partially articulated were identified, presenting the disarticulation/destruction of
several bones caused by geotechnical drilling works. The few archaeological materials associated to the burials aged in
the XVIII century. Within the votive collection, an iron frame (crown) that was found around the skull of one of the nuns
stands out. The most common skeletal pathological changes are tooth decay and osteoarthrosis.
Keywords: Convent of Santíssimo Rei Salvador, Post-Medieval, Nuns, Burials, Crown.
Palavras chave: Galerias romanas, criptopórtico, termas portuárias, arqueologia, arquitetura.
Palavras chave
Olisipo, oppidum, urbs, arqueologia, forma urbana
(cerâmicas comuns, faianças, porcelanas, vidros, moedas, objetos metálicos e restos de alimentação) refletindo a vida da população de Carnide na Época Moderna. A mancha de distribuição dos silos, a identificação de um poço de origem medieval, dos vestígios da Ermida do Espírito Santo e necrópole, conduzem a reflexões sobre a evolução urbanística do casco antigo de Carnide.
The archaeological works, carried out from March 2012 and April 2013 in Coreto Square and adjacent streets, allows for the consideration of Carnide as one large barn, between the 14th and 17th century. 166 silos were detected, excavated in the geological stratum. These silos found in a state of abandonment, were being used as a dumping ground. However, they provided a relevant collection of artifacts and traces of food leftovers which reflect the life of the population in the Modern Era. The distribution of the silos, the identification of a medieval well and the traces of the Chapel of the Holy Ghost and its necropolis leads to a reflection on the evolution of the urban planning of the old Carnide.
o reaproveitamento e evolução de uma área concreta
do Palácio dos Marqueses de Marialva , colocada
a descoberto durante a intervenção arqueológica
desenvolvida entre 1999 e 2000 . A abordagem consistirá
na apreciação do espaço enquanto parte integrante
da arquitectura palaciana e, seguidamente, no seu
enquadramento enquanto ocupação exógena no
contexto do que ficou designado por "Casebres do
understanding of early Roman presence in the Tagus Valley.
The first evidence of the scientific significance of the buildings n.º 16-20 of Beco do Forno emerged
in 2000, following the archaeological dig by the archeology team of the IPPAR.
Follows from this action, the discovery of preserved structures corresponding to a building
dated from Roman Republican.
In 2010, archaeologists from the Lisbon City Council held an emergency
intervention, after the collapse of a retaining wall that bordered
upon the adjacent property, developing the work of excavation in that area.
The sum of these interventions resulted in the identification of contexts and structure of
Roman Period Republican that now are presented together.
A partir do projeto financiado de salvaguarda patrimonial desenvolvida pelo CRLx, propõe a desejável conciliação da investigação arqueológica, arquitetónica e urbanística com vista a alcançar diversos níveis de abordagem digital para os recursos arqueológicos potenciáveis e a divulgar.
Em suma, criar ferramentas de trabalho para os arqueólogos que se debruçam sobre a arqueologia romana, tornar visíveis os vestígios invisíveis ao grande público através das novas tecnologias e de outros "outputs" de promoção, divulgação e financiamento.
A great number of proceedings are to be undertaken to turn the roman cryptoporticus of Lisbon into a monument permanently open to the public in a safe, inclusive way that will lead to the opening of a new entrance and an area of interpretation. The new entrance will be open at the basement of an 18th century building, whose reconstruction back in 1913 damaged part of the monument. A past attack on heritage became an access opportunity in the present.