When I refer to an eco-bag manufacturer, is it more accurate to say 'procurement partner' or 'sourcing partner'?
Which more accurate?
I'll be writing it on my CV!
(Im not goverment employee) とはどういう意味ですか?
Which more accurate?
I'll be writing it on my CV!
(Im not goverment employee) とはどういう意味ですか?
Procurement is a broader term. Sourcing is the initial part of the procurement process where you identify, evaluate and select suppliers before purchasing can take place.
So choosing which one will depend on what you actually do.
In the links below you can find better explanations and choose which term is better for you CV.
So choosing which one will depend on what you actually do.
In the links below you can find better explanations and choose which term is better for you CV.
As U.S. manufacturers hit their stride, vaccine scarcity will soon turn to plenty as much of the world goes begging とはどういう意味ですか?
"As the US manufacturers become better and better at producing vaccine, the small supply will soon turn to a surplus, as much of the world still doesn't have enough."
"Hit their stride" means to start slowly but then reach the level you want. It's also used to refer to running.
"Hit their stride" means to start slowly but then reach the level you want. It's also used to refer to running.
No more than a manufacturer today ceases to be a capitalist when he becomes a member of the municipal council. とはどういう意味ですか?
“No more than” is often used when comparing two ideas and they are very similar. The whole sentence means that a person does not stop being a capitalist when they become a councillor. You need to compare that with the previous sentence in the text to understand the full meaning.
manufacturer とはどういう意味ですか?
It’s what you could call a company (owner) that produces a certain item. The best example I can think is “car manufacturer.” Whatever team of people puts together a certain car.
manufacturer を使った例文を教えて下さい。
In the present transition of rubber production, it is necessary for the manufacturer in Europe to wash all the rubber
In the present transition of rubber production, it is necessary for the manufacturer in Europe to wash all the rubber
manufacturer を使った例文を教えて下さい。
Who’s the manufacturer for that car?
The manufacturer does not make toys anymore.
The manufacturer does not make toys anymore.
manufacturer と company はどう違いますか?
Manufacturer is who makes the material where as a company is more of a brand. A manufacturer may make the screws of something while a company will be who sells the overall product. For example, with pens a manufacturer could make the little spring in the pen while the company will sell the whole pen.
I'm working for a manufacturer. と I work for a manufacturing company. はどう違いますか?
manufacturer と manufacture はどう違いますか?
Manufacturer is a noun, so a person/company that manufactures something, whereas manufacture is a verb.
manufacturer ^^の発音を音声で教えてください。
your emphasis is good. You don’t need to put more emphasis on the “u” at all. What the other comment said is completely wrong and doesn’t make any sense.
I would just say don’t say the “t” so strongly. In US English we don’t focus so much on some consonants. “manuFAC-sure-er” is how it would sound. The “T” in the word segment “-ture” usually sounds like “sh” or “ch” when spoken naturally.
I would just say don’t say the “t” so strongly. In US English we don’t focus so much on some consonants. “manuFAC-sure-er” is how it would sound. The “T” in the word segment “-ture” usually sounds like “sh” or “ch” when spoken naturally.
When manufacturers produce more of a product than consumers need, its prices are likely to drop.
How to understand “more of a product” here?
Will the meaning of the sentence change if I say “products” in place of “of a product”?
—> When manufacturers produce more products than consumers need, its prices are likely to drop.
I’d appreciate it if you could help me. Thank you very much for your kindness!
How to understand “more of a product” here?
Will the meaning of the sentence change if I say “products” in place of “of a product”?
—> When manufacturers produce more products than consumers need, its prices are likely to drop.
I’d appreciate it if you could help me. Thank you very much for your kindness!
When manufacturers produce more products than consumers need, its prices are likely to drop -
is grammatically incorrect.
When manufacturers produce more products than consumers need, the prices of those products are likely to drop.
is grammatically incorrect.
When manufacturers produce more products than consumers need, the prices of those products are likely to drop.
I work at a manufacturer in the overseas sales division.I mainly incharge of trading and supporting sales people from the office. この表現は自然ですか?
× I work at a manufacturer in the overseas sales division.
✓ I work in the overseas sales division of a manufacturing company.
× I mainly incharge of trading and supporting sales people from the office.
✓ I'm mainly in charge of trading and sales support people in the office.
✓ I work in the overseas sales division of a manufacturing company.
× I mainly incharge of trading and supporting sales people from the office.
✓ I'm mainly in charge of trading and sales support people in the office.
What do you think? Why would some manufacturers make these types of jars/containers for their product?
How does that make sense when it's just funny, I'm sorry. ..I mean, why do they put their product there instead of using a tube?
It is especially interesting that there are some expensive creams like this in a jar.
Even if it'd be a shoe wax... Why don't they care enough to make it in a tube so that to provide hygienic use of it?
Is there any logic behind that???
How does that make sense when it's just funny, I'm sorry. ..I mean, why do they put their product there instead of using a tube?
It is especially interesting that there are some expensive creams like this in a jar.
Even if it'd be a shoe wax... Why don't they care enough to make it in a tube so that to provide hygienic use of it?
Is there any logic behind that???
My kid's diaper rash cream comes in a little container like that. As long as your hands going in are clean, there shouldn't be any real problems with using it that way
Which is more common "manufacturer" or "maker"?
a. Sony is a Japanese electronics products manufacture.
b. Sony is a Japanese electronics products maker.
a. Sony is a Japanese electronics products manufacture.
b. Sony is a Japanese electronics products maker.
We use maker when it's not a company or if there aren't machines involved in making the products. If one person is making toys by hand, they would be a toy maker. Manufacturers make products for sale while makers just make something.
But those words are very similar to each other and can both be used in most cases.
But those words are very similar to each other and can both be used in most cases.
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