(For procedure, doctor said that 'is there a particular kind of music you have on' to his patient. And he answer 'Brahms music)
Doctor : He composed his best piece for organ, but they never said which organ?
Patient : Is that a liver joke or a penis joke? とはどういう意味ですか?
Doctor : He composed his best piece for organ, but they never said which organ?
Patient : Is that a liver joke or a penis joke? とはどういう意味ですか?
More context would help, but maybe the patient is there for liver surgery? Hence the reference to the liver. The play on words is that an organ is an instrument (keyboard, large pipes in a church), but it is also a vital body part (liver, heart, spleen, etc). However technically the penis is also an organ, just an external one. Anyways, for some reason the patient is making a "dirty" joke lol.
forcing them to submit to a procedure widely identified with criminals とはどういう意味ですか?
In Canada and the U.S., usually only two sets of people « get fingerprinted, » I.e., have to let someone make a record of their fingerprints. Those are (1) people who have been arrested and are suspected or accused of having committed a crime, and (2) people who apply for a security clearance or jobs requiring a clearance or a “background investigation” (which itself checks on, among other things, whether the person has an arrest or criminal record). So having to be fingerprinted is connected with the idea of being a criminal (or accused of being a criminal). So fingerprinting is associated mentally with, is identified with — connected closely in people’s thinking — with criminals (with being accused of being a crimjnal; with being identified as someone suspicious who needs to be tracked.
As for “identified with,” I tried to give some near synonyms or rephrasing already. Hanzi are identified with China; hiragana are identified with Japan; having a tattoo may be identified with being a criminal in Japan; wearing scrubs may be identified with being (thought to be evidence that one is) a doctor or nurse in a hospital, etc.
As for “identified with,” I tried to give some near synonyms or rephrasing already. Hanzi are identified with China; hiragana are identified with Japan; having a tattoo may be identified with being a criminal in Japan; wearing scrubs may be identified with being (thought to be evidence that one is) a doctor or nurse in a hospital, etc.
We came up with procedures that have really stood the test of time. とはどういう意味ですか?
It means they have developed procedures which they tested for some time and the tests showed they were sucessfull.
get procedure とはどういう意味ですか?
A procedure is usually an operation or surgery.
If someone is getting a procedure it usually means that they are having a medical operation.
If someone is getting a procedure it usually means that they are having a medical operation.
lax procedures とはどういう意味ですか?
@jseczyk: lax is short for relax
Therefore this means not strict procedures/ easily bendable
Therefore this means not strict procedures/ easily bendable
procedure を使った例文を教えて下さい。
"Please follow the intended procedure."
"The patient's medical procedure completed safely."
"The usual procedure for learning a new language is to keep practicing!" :)
"The patient's medical procedure completed safely."
"The usual procedure for learning a new language is to keep practicing!" :)
procedure を使った例文を教えて下さい。
procedure を使った例文を教えて下さい。
The procedure took very long.
The procedure was fairly easy.
The procedure deals with a very difficult process.
The procedure was fairly easy.
The procedure deals with a very difficult process.
procedure を使った例文を教えて下さい。
1. Always make sure you know the emergency procedures (in case of a fire, earthquake, etc.) of your building.
2. To perform the experiment correctly, make sure you follow the procedure.
2. To perform the experiment correctly, make sure you follow the procedure.
procedure と program はどう違いますか?
In this case we would say procedure or process.
(medical) procedure と (medical) treatment と (medical) therapy はどう違いますか?
Medical procedure: would be surgery or maybe something like a colonoscopy
Medical treatment: this could be pills, applying bandages, and even maybe setting a bone.
Medical therapy: is when they can’t be treated/cured so instead they try to manage the damage the disease does instead.
Ex: A knee replacement would be a procedure.
Ex: Taking pills would be a treatment.
Ex: Chemotherapy would be a therapy because it’s not a cure but can lessen the spread of cancer or sometimes put it in remission.
Medical treatment: this could be pills, applying bandages, and even maybe setting a bone.
Medical therapy: is when they can’t be treated/cured so instead they try to manage the damage the disease does instead.
Ex: A knee replacement would be a procedure.
Ex: Taking pills would be a treatment.
Ex: Chemotherapy would be a therapy because it’s not a cure but can lessen the spread of cancer or sometimes put it in remission.
procedure と process はどう違いますか?
A process defines the step-by-step protocol or series of actions necessary to accomplish a specific task or objective (how you define the steps needed to achieve the objective).
A procedure usually defines the specific protocol to accomplish part of the process. The procedure outlines the order of specific steps required to achieve an end result, and a series of procedures taken together make up a process.
A procedure usually defines the specific protocol to accomplish part of the process. The procedure outlines the order of specific steps required to achieve an end result, and a series of procedures taken together make up a process.
procedure と process はどう違いますか?
procedure: an established or official way of doing something/ something that’s done in a certain manner. (More medical.Think surgery)
Process: a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end.
(More scientific, think chemical process)
Both are the same, but procedures are somethings that done with a set set of rules.
A process is usually an unknown amount of time but it’s a PROCESS of which something happens
Process: a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end.
(More scientific, think chemical process)
Both are the same, but procedures are somethings that done with a set set of rules.
A process is usually an unknown amount of time but it’s a PROCESS of which something happens
procedure と process はどう違いますか?
Procedure = steps.
Process = ... more focus on what's being done to achieve the final result?
They can both be used in some cases.
Process = ... more focus on what's being done to achieve the final result?
They can both be used in some cases.
"I have already done these procedures"
is the usage of word 'done' grammatically correct? は 英語 (イギリス) で何と言いますか?
is the usage of word 'done' grammatically correct? は 英語 (イギリス) で何と言いますか?
thanks :-)
procedure は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
the procedure of making someone's teeth more aligned は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
How do you say procedure in english (USA)? は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
必ずしもその手続きは必要ではない。The procedure isn't always required. は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
"isn't always required" is fine.
The procedure isn't necessarily required.
The procedure isn't necessarily required.
You need to procedure to enter the office. Please fill in your name, phone number and identification number. この表現は自然ですか?
Fill out gives a bigger emphasis that you have to complete the entire form.
I'm sick and tired of bureaucratic procedure / red tape.
There're many officers, but their operations are too slow.
Which is more natural here, "bureaucratic procedure" or "red tape"?
There're many officers, but their operations are too slow.
Which is more natural here, "bureaucratic procedure" or "red tape"?
失礼しました。Which is more natural?って書いてありましたね。自分は多分「I am sick and tired of all the bureaucratic red tape」を使います。合体したものの方がインパクトがある気がします。でもどっちかというと「red tape」ですがどちも大丈夫です。
procedure の発音を音声で教えてください。
The procedure isn't easy. There are a lot of paper works. この表現は自然ですか?
There is a lot of paperwork.
Paperwork is non- count
Paperwork is non- count
Define the procedure of test interrupted for mass production when wafer NG>3 pcs この表現は自然ですか?
I would say "define the procedure of an interrupted test hen wafer NG>3 pcs for mass production
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