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The construction industry has a substantial influence on the environment by using a lot of raw materials, consuming a lot of energy and producing an immense amount of con-struction and demolition waste. Today, sustainability becomes more... more
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      Construction TechnologyBIM (Architecture)Demountable building
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      Development StudiesComputer-Based LearningCuban StudiesLanguage Testing
In this article, Scatolini and Van Maele reflect on 'learning to live together', one of UNESCO's Four Pillars of Education, from their experience as faculty at GROUP T -Leuven Education College's 'International Educating Class' [IEC].... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationInternational EducationUnescoScenario planning
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageStorytellingEnglish for Academic/Professional Purposes with a focus on English for International Business and Management.
Purpose of the e-English Excellence project 4
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      Language TestingLearner AutonomyIntercultural EducationLearning Styles
"Although the Erasmus Programme is celebrating its 25th anniversary, the effects of international study experiences have only recently drawn a wider interest from researchers in the field (Dervin, 2009). This presentation addresses the... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationInternational EducationIntercultural Competence
As employees increasingly work in international, multi-cultural settings, success in intercultural professional communication requires not only language skills, but also the ability to understand and deal with cultural differences. The... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationE-learningProject ManagementResearch, Monitoring, Evaluation and Impact Assessment Studies
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      Language TestingCALL
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      Engineering EducationIntercultural CompetenceInternational Higher Education
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      Intercultural CommunicationIntercultural EducationExperiential Learning (Active Learning)International Higher Education
This chapter illustrates how e-assessment of oral proficiency in the foreign language can be designed and conducted in ways that enhance the students’ learning experience. Referring to the authors’ experiences with the WebCEF and CEFcult... more
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      Computer Assisted Language LearningFormative AssessmentTeaching of Foreign LanguagesLanguage Assessment
When promoting intercultural learning in the context of study and placement mobility, intercultural educators are specifying what students should be learning. Research not only confirms the genuine impact of real-life intercultural... more
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      EmployabilityInternational EducationIntercultural EducationIntercultural Competence
The ILTA Code of Ethics admonishes that language testing professionals “should engage in a thorough evaluation of the likely consequences” of their projects (ILTA, 2000). Following Bachman & Palmer (2010), the “beneficence” of the... more
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      Cuban StudiesLanguage TestingAcademic MobilityLanguage Assessment
To date, there is not yet a consensus on how best to address the development of intercultural competencies in engineering education. Both theory and practice often reveal different or opposing views on the purposes, curriculum, and... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationEngineering EducationIntercultural EducationIntercultural Competence
Introduction 95 Activity 1: Bringing interculturality back home 97 Activity 2: One, two, many… Erasmus experiences 103 Activity 3: Student mobility beyond the academy 115 References 125 Preface
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      Intercultural CommunicationIntercultural Education
In order to provide better support for students in higher education throughout a mobility experience, it is important to understand their point of view regarding stay abroad. This paper analyzes the responses of pre-departure,... more
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      International Higher EducationInternationalization of higher educationInternational student mobilityStudents Motivation
Baten, L., Van Maele, J., Díaz Moreno, Y., Dàvila Pérez, G., van Splunder, F. (2017). Stakeholder views on the assessment and certification of English language proficiency in global interuniversity collaboration. 39th Language Testing... more
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      Cuban StudiesStakeholder AnalysisLanguage AssessmentInternationalization of higher education
Since the turn of the century, higher education policy in China has highlighted the importance of cultivating students' intercultural competences, particularly in the context of English language teaching. In spite of this, studies show... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationReadingTeaching English As A Foreign LanguageIntercultural Awareness
In this memo we share some preliminary reflections on how the (inter)cultural could be defined, advanced, monitored, and assessed in XLPs or eXtreme Learning Processes. After establishing in section I what we understand by culture and... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationEngineering EducationExperiential Learning (Active Learning)Interculturality
This is the pre-print version of the following publication: By and large, culture has been approached from two widely different perspectives in... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationProject ManagementStudent MobilityNon-Essentialism