Recent papers in Interculturality
The representation of Mexico in France through three exhibitions since 2014, is the subject of this memory. The exhibitions studied are: "Maya: revelation of an endless time", (Museum Quai Branly, October 2014-February 2015); "Mexico:... more
En el presente artículo se indagan las características que adoptan las políticas Educación Intercultural ilingüe (en adelante EIB) en Argentina, a travésdel análisis de su aplicación en los territorios provinciales de... more
Ce bulletin présente les résultats d’une étude de nature qualitative où différents acteurs locaux de plusieurs arrondissements de Montréal ont été interviewés afin de cerner les enjeux et autres défis auxquels ils doivent faire face pour... more
O texto aborda as ações educativas oferecidas por uma Organização Transnacional do Terceiro Setor, com comitês locais, no Brasil, e a sua contribuição para o desenvolvimento de uma nova relação com o saber, no sentido de... more
DE ALLÁ PARA ACÁ es una serie documental infantil ganadora del Concurso Nacional del INCAA “Series Documentales para ser emitidas por canal Paka Paka (2014)”. La serie forma parte de la grilla de contenidos del primer canal educativo y... more
Il Mediterraneo, spazio entro cui si è dispiegata una parte importante della storia dell'umanità, è da sempre luogo di libera circolazione di uomini, beni, idee, tecniche, simboli, miti, religioni. Oggi è teatro d'un dramma umanitario... more
El presente artículo busca analizar el tratamiento que realizó la prensa chilena sobre el fenómeno de la inmigración durante un año de emisiones en la red social Twitter (entre el 23 de agosto de 2016 y el 23 de agosto... more
Educación del alumnado inmigrante. Estrategias y recursos didácticos interculturales para el aula. CFIE I. Valladolid. Junta de Castilla y León
Rico, 2018. The Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC) in the Contexts of Teaching English as a Foreign Language The EFL teaching has faced a pedagogical evolution and innovation according to the learners and societal needs and this... more
Based on language as a parameter; see <> for the latest figure. 30 Dept. of Economic and Social Affairs (2009). 31 This was pointed out by the Worldwatch Institute, Washington, already in the 1990s (Biehahn 1993). Since... more
The teaching of a language is linked to the development of cultural competence in that language. Given the variety and complexity of cultures in the classroom, especially in immigration contexts, and the cultural distance that may... more
INTERCULTURALIDAD Y EDUCACIÓN (II). Elementos previos. Cómo trabajar la interculturalidad en la educación. Aspectos de intervención educativa. Aspectos pedagógicos, sociomorales, socioafectivos, organizativos, de enseñanza y didácticos.... more
This paper will review several examples of educational programs that have been framed as bridging indigenous knowledge and western science, locates them within the discourse of interculturality, and attempts to situate them as well on a... more
Αρβανίτη, Ε. (2012). Σχεδιασμοί μάθησης και διαφορετικότητα στο πρόγραμμα εκπαίδευσης μεταναστών -Οδυσσέας. Στο Π. Γεωργογιάννης (Επιμ.). Διαπολιτισμικότητα, Διοίκηση της Εκπαίδευσης και Οικονομική Κρίση στην Κοινωνία, το Σχολείο, την... more
Intercultural Management & International Relations - This research paper (French language) analyses challenges and potential barriers for the future development and strengthening of the network of cultural institutes in Europe (EUNIC) by... more
The focus for this extended abstract is on how the integration of arts practices into teaching and learning for learners developing English as an Additional Language can be achieved, an area addressed previously by Cummins & Early (2011).... more
Fruits of American Intercultural studies in abroad. Intercultural communication has evolved due to the activity of The Foreign Service Institute (FSI) in the United States, in a result of efforts to make more effective the FSI’s activity... more
El derecho a la libre determinación en materia política de los pueblos originarios de México, aun cuando se encuentra reconocido en el artículo 2 de la Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos (2020), debe judicializarse para... more
SUMMARY: This article attempts to delineate and plot the contours of the intercultural contributions of Gerasim Lebedev in a linguistic-cultural domain totally alien to him, in early-colonial Calcutta. It also seeks to contextualise the... more
La tesi di dottorato qui pubblicata, frutto delle ricerche condotte dall'autore nel corso del XXIV ciclo -primo del DRASD -è stata discussa il 16 febbraio 2012 e valutata con giudizio "molto positivo" dalla Commissione (composta dai... more
Knjiga Interkulturalna interakcija i razvoj interkulturalne osetljivosti predstavlja savremeno i obuhvatno štivo, kojim se na kvalitetan način nadomešta nedostatak literature iz ove oblasti na srpskom govornom području. Knjiga je značajan... more
Perspectivas multidisciplinarias para el estudio de la interculturalidad y el desarrollo social Primera edición: mayo de 2016 © Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila © Ediciones de Laurel, S.A. de C.V. ISBN: 978-607-97056-7-1 Reservados todos... more
Las sociedades andinas han sido eminentemente culturas orales que han construido el sentido de sus vidas comunitarias en base a la producción de historias cargadas de enseñanzas y advertencias. La circulación de la tradición oral en los... more
Longtemps marginalisé par la critique, Les Voix de Marrakech est assurément l’un des plus beaux livres d’Elias Canetti, l’un des plus accessibles et fascinants aussi. Né d’un voyage authentique entrepris en 1954, ce bref et dense récit... more
This paper aims at reviewing the content of Buen vivir as an emergent discourse within the “gravitational field” of sustainable development: its genesis, its foundations and its singularity. First, we consider the criticisms to the... more
In the 21stcentury, business engagements are becoming increasingly global, and global teams are now an established form of organising work in multinational organisations. As a result, managing cultural diversity within a global team has... more
I´ve tried to make a genealogy of Appadurai´s transcultural landscapes including a Latin American perspective from Silviano Santiago´s inbetween space, Canclini´s interculturality among others so that I could read Wong Kar Wai´s Happy... more
Se reporta el análisis de un estado de conocimiento respecto de algunas significaciones de la interculturalidad. Éstas se pusieron en diálogo con tres herramientas de intelección provenientes del Análisis Político de Discurso: puntos... more
This is the first English translation of “Sur l’Indochine,” which was published in the February 1946 issue of Les Temps Modernes. While situated in a particular context and treating a specific issue, this essay offers one of the first... more
Nel Laboratorio di Epistemologia della Formazione, presso l’Università di Ferrara, qualche tempo abbiamo iniziato a studiare diverse etnie latino-americane dal punto di vista della cosmovisione, dei miti e dei rituali che conformano,... more
El libro que el lector tiene en sus manos, El arte en la era de lo global (1989-2015) segunda parte de la cartografía iniciada en El arte último del siglo XX, escanea el período que abarca entre 1989, año de la exposición Magiciens... more
El presente trabajo analiza la importancia del servicio de traducción e interpretación en las negociaciones internacionales por parte de las empresas ecuatorianas exportadoras, considerando que en la actualidad existe un mayor interés por... more
Sometimes the celebration of an event becomes an event that in turn becomes a cause for celebration that overlaps the first. The article draws attention to that first event, pointing out its planetary effects as inadvertent ways of... more
Communication, which has always been one of the basic elements of life, is becoming more and more intercultural in today’s world. People are not only transferring goods and technology among nations; they are also transferring their... more
Resumen El Trabajo Social Comunitario, que había dejado de lado su labor de organización y desarrollo social de las comunidades, reaparece como un enfoque complementario, técnicamente viable y éticamente necesario, como respuesta a la... more
Intercultural guide to Lives in Slovakia as seen by foreigners. Available online in Slovak, English, Russian and Arabic.