obviously this isn’t a good film but i had fun watching this with my mum + dad. haven’t watched a predictable action movie for years + i was indeed entertained by the action so i guess it did its job 🔫
2 stars for glenn close gay haircut
obviously this isn’t a good film but i had fun watching this with my mum + dad. haven’t watched a predictable action movie for years + i was indeed entertained by the action so i guess it did its job 🔫
2 stars for glenn close gay haircut
4 stars for another excellent nights sleep ☁️🌛 this just sends me into perfect slumber
i have actually seen the film in its entirety before + it’s obvi a classic but recently i’ve just been using it for sleep
ok so i liked this, gorrrrrrrrjjjjj animation & weird french 80s sci-fi story 👽 i got lost a couple times but that’s deffo the point
but the racialised people living underground can’t be ignored so i kinda should rate this lower but i did enjoy the experience of the film??????
this guy only made 3 movies and i’m glad
girls with asses like mine, do not talk to boys with faces like yours 💅
tbh this film is iconic, obviously it should have been gay but in 2006 this was the closest thing to trans masc representation i had. rewatched this for the first time since like 2009 and you know what hell yeah