

Ratings are relative to genre and aesthetic context. I tend to love or hate a film. Sometimes there is a middle ground

Favorite films

  • Mirror
  • After Hours
  • Eyes Wide Shut
  • The Cranes Are Flying

Recent activity

  • Top Gun: Maverick


  • Blonde


  • Athena


  • Veronica


Recent reviews

  • Top Gun: Maverick

    Top Gun: Maverick


    Surprisingly poignant nostalgia bait undone by the perniciously propagandistic plot points

  • Blonde



    For all of this film's faults, and there are quite a few, I can't deny that I enjoyed how audacious it was in terms of its mix of high and low art. Visually stunning but poorly edited (the editing and cuts reminded me of a university art film project). Thematically interesting but half-baked in some of its rendering (pun intended I guess in regard to the questionable CGI scenes). The acting too ranged from excellent to questionable (Ana is absolutely,…

Popular reviews

  • Athena



    Flashy and extremely repetitive trash. All the long, elaborate tracking shots in the world won't make up for a lack of soul or brains. Definitely a demoralizing feeling watching a (french) movie like this shortly after the passing of Godard. There's no innovation, no big questions or tough answers and certainly no challenging of conventions. Despite its subject matter it might as well be a bunch of video game cutscenes sewn together. That's how childish the director's 'vision' is. In…

  • The Post

    The Post


    The Post further reinforces the fact that Spielberg films are the opiate of the liberal class. It's laughably self-important and even more painfully on-the-nose than most other 'timely' movies of the past few years.

    This film is the equivalent of comfort food for the hysterical lot that unironically calls themselves 'The Resistance™' while supporting the pro-Wall St, pro-war and anti-whistle blowing legacy of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks are avatars for liberal pretensions to humanism…