

Favorite films

  • Universal Language
  • Summer Vacation 1999
  • Trees Lounge
  • Simone Barbès or Virtue

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  • Simone Barbès or Virtue


  • Death at a Funeral

  • The Film That Buys the Cinema

  • Stranger by the Lake

Recent reviews

  • Death at a Funeral

    Death at a Funeral

    Really good stoned acting by the redhead.

  • The Film That Buys the Cinema

    The Film That Buys the Cinema

    Watched ~ Communique for the Cube by Craig Baldwin

    Sadly I did not cross my eyes so I didn't truly experience this one. There are a couple basic skills I lack such as crossing my eyes and blowing up a balloon. embarassing. It was still cool without crossed eyes though.

Popular reviews

  • The Mission

    The Mission

    sleepy moody cool action for the fellas.

  • Summer Vacation 1999

    Summer Vacation 1999


    I would love if all screenings had intro's by Jenni Olson pre-scolding the audience to not laugh at the sincere parts. It's becoming a real problem and it worked! PFA was well behaved tonight.

    Loved this so much. I experienced all sorts of emotions one of them being that I really need to get linen curtains so they can blow in the wind while I'm being melodramatic in my room. Crossing my fingers this gets a restoration so more people can see it.