
_Dextro_ Patron

Librarian, cinema service worker, aspiring writer.

Favorite films

  • RRR
  • Fight Club
  • Oldboy
  • Mad Max: Fury Road

Recent activity

  • Alien: Romulus


  • Prey


  • The Predator


  • Alien: Covenant


Recent reviews

  • The Predator

    The Predator


    Finally a Predator movie that’s going for something different. Everything else that came after the first one is so uninspired and repetitive. It’s not these extraterrestrial hunters themselves that are interesting, it’s how they affect the people dealing with them… at least in the original Predator. The Predator shifts its focus back to the humans. It’s mainly a lighthearted hangout comedy with a cast of colorful misfits (discarded soldiers) hiding behind a generic action flick - especially the finale is a bland case…

  • Alien: Covenant

    Alien: Covenant


    Once you get over how unscientific all these so-called 'scientists' act - seriously, 8th graders in their first chemistry lesson don’t behave this rashly - Alien: Covenant is a really great sequel to Prometheus and and an equally great prequel to 1979’s Alien. It’s a miracle how much this adds to the xenomorph mythology and the usage of androids in space exploration missions while everything ties perfectly into what came before, respectively, after, in the Alien franchise (when you look at the chronological timeline).…

Popular reviews

  • Vikramarkudu



    While watching Vikramarkudu it was apparent to me this is the work of a man who would later make RRR. The police officer with an unstoppable, seemingly infinite fighting spirit, a big intermission that sheds light on his true motivations and hords of people getting inspired to fight their opressors (in this case a local mob boss) on their own. When our protagonist, a small-time crook and thief trying to live an honest life, gets mixed up with this soldier…

  • Brazil



    One of the biggest cinematic disappointments I've ever experienced in my life. With an average rating of 4.0 I thought it'd be a safe bet that I like this movie, but the reality couldn't be further away from that.

    About 23 minutes in I wished it would end, but it just kept going on for what felt like an eternity. The set-pieces and costumes look like a one-to-one copy from 1984 and the like. The first half of the movie…