

Some city in Europe
My ratings are based on the quality of the film as much as my own personal preferences <3

Favorite films

  • Queen & Country
  • Lust, Caution
  • '71
  • Franklyn

Recent activity

  • Final Girl


  • Patriots Day


  • Fear


  • Adolescence


Recent reviews

  • Final Girl

    Final Girl


    Uh I loved this!

  • Patriots Day

    Patriots Day


    Some of this casting really is insane!

Popular reviews

  • The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar

    The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar


    I don’t like the self narrative. This is a piece of film, not a book. You would’ve got the same result from an audiobook. The picture added nothing, it’s like an insufferable GCSE performance, it’s worse than a live play. 

    It’s quite literally defying the laws of film, but not in a good way. It reminds me of modern art, there’s no beauty to it. It’s an unoriginal original idea. 

    The only thing I enjoyed about it, was the speed. I still watched it in 1.25x speed to finish it quicker.

  • Naked



    There is absolutely no storyline to this. Philosophy & rape. That’s not a story, that’s notion and attack.

    I mean I am such an appreciative being of philosophical thinking and conversation. But what is this?! Sure his words are logically spoken in a mere sense of senseless depression. But he just prates on. Then rapes. 

    Never has a film been so clearly written by a man and never have I seen so many people call rape art & I’m honestly second guess…
