
Tobias Pro

Favorite films

  • Whiplash
  • Short Term 12
  • The Matrix
  • Everything Everywhere All at Once

Recent activity

  • To All the Boys: Always and Forever

  • To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You


  • To All the Boys I've Loved Before


  • Gemini Man


Recent reviews

  • Evil Dead Rise

    Evil Dead Rise


    Watched it on the side while editing wedding pictures. The person next to me, watching a romantic movie on their iPad, had one comment at the end: “well they wasted a lot of blood, that’s for sure”. And I guess that’s one way to sum up the movie.

  • Cocaine Bear

    Cocaine Bear


    the best thing about it was the film poster

Popular reviews

  • Je suis Karl

    Je suis Karl

    Didn’t work for me. For the most part the film felt shallow and unconvincing while at the same time being over the top. Maxi’s whole transformation process was portrayed too fast and could have easily filled two or three episodes of a mini series - but then again, the film as a whole was at least 20min too long. Also, there were a lot of little things that interrupted the film experience. Take the music for example: Out of all…

  • FAR. The Story of a Journey around the World

    FAR. The Story of a Journey around the World


    Es fällt mir schwer, diesen Film zu bewerten. In den ersten Minuten dachte ich mir nur "oh Gott, das wird gringe von vorne bis hinten". Wurde es zum Glück nicht. Meine weitere Befürchtung war bedingt durch das Setting, komplett ohne große Ausgaben unterwegs zu sein: zwei Mitteleuropäer reisen auf Kosten anderer. Auch das wurde es zum Glück nicht, zumindest wirkt es so, da die beiden primär Trampen und für Kost & Logis arbeiten.

    Ich hatte das Gefühl, genauso wie ich ist…