Gene Wilder was magical to watch!
Grandpa Joe was committing crimes against humanity by not taking a shower for 20 years. That house had to smell terrible.
Gene Wilder was magical to watch!
Grandpa Joe was committing crimes against humanity by not taking a shower for 20 years. That house had to smell terrible.
Ahh, watching this made me realize that sometime in the past 30 years I sadly outgrew up that magical childlike excitement and wonder.
Has a beautiful score and animation!
The mannerisms of Count Orlok while absurdly kooky and unusual, reflect upon the time when this film was made, indicating the peculiarity and queerness of it all. Letting it sink in that this film is a 103 years old!!
P.S - Almost want to make this version of Count Orlok my next Halloween costume.
Makes me wish I had a childhood friend like Meiyazhagan, rambling away until I had no option but to love them!