The best thing you can say about this mixed bag of a movie is that I’m pretty sure, canonically, Bryan Singer gets sucked out into the vacuum of space.
Paramount Plus
The best thing you can say about this mixed bag of a movie is that I’m pretty sure, canonically, Bryan Singer gets sucked out into the vacuum of space.
Paramount Plus
Trek at its most boring.
Which is really saying something when Star Trek TMP exists.
Paramount Plus
The tragic, epic tale of... *checks notes* France having to leave Vietnam and a rich white lady having to sell her rubber plantation?
This movie is like a French version of Gone With the Wind or Out of Africa but somehow way worse than both of those movies. I don’t mind having a protagonist who’s privileged or even an outright bad person, but the movie needs to be about confronting or denying that privilege for me to not hate that…
A poorly focused and misguided movie about an interesting subject, idolizing a deeply delusional and narcissistic man. It’s like watching a poorly researched thesis paper that ends in a 55 year old washed up actor yelling at a 65 year old washed up screenwriter for something that happened 30 years ago and then high-fiving himself for 20 minutes.
Northwest Film Forum