I'm City Slickers main character age now. I may never recover.
"I can't believe we buried horses."
"Actually, it was really the momentum that drove them into the ground. We just covered them in dirt."
I'm City Slickers main character age now. I may never recover.
"I can't believe we buried horses."
"Actually, it was really the momentum that drove them into the ground. We just covered them in dirt."
Holy moly. An isolating slow burn, that takes a fun little detour before the final revelations.
I feel like audio nerds were so much cooler back in the day.
Back in my day, summer blockbusters were 98 MINUTES, filmed in real locations - not a green screen warehouse, and left you wanting more... and still had the Twin Towers in them (😬).
Vincent D'onofrio: forever a menace to New York.
Riveting, nauseating, deeply upsetting, and demanding of your attention.
I never want to watch it again.