Did a fun exercise this time around where I tried to pinpoint a moment in this film where it starts to get even a little bit boring and it never came.
Really don’t know how I can draw an opinion about this movie.
In many ways I had a great experience. Seeing this with the boys back in chapel hill was a fun time. Great performances from top to bottom and I especially loved Rob Pat and Mark Ruffalo. Wouldn’t be surprised if they started gaining traction in the Oscar race for next year.
After watching the movie, I would have never been able to tell you this was director Bong…
I mean I’d be lying if I said my ranking isn’t influenced by the crazy expectations I had before this. I drank the “Denis’ Empire Strikes Back” and “better than Oppenheimer” kool aid big time, so I was expecting an undisputed 5 star. The hype is justified, but I feel like I would have had a more genuine experience if I had watched this before all the reviews.
Nonetheless, this is easily one of the best movies to come out…
Really forcing myself to finish all these best picture nominees, eh?
I know it’s a musical but the first hour and a half of the movie felt like 6 hours. If you’re gonna make a musical, don’t make the story progress so god damn slow. If they took all the music numbers out and just played the story, this movie could’ve been over in about 45 minutes and I could’ve been all the way to bobs by now.
Nothing really…