

Not a professional film critic, just a gay hick with a library card.

Favorite films

  • Fargo
  • Yeelen
  • Juliet of the Spirits
  • Prince: Sign O' the Times

Recent activity

  • Oldboy


  • Scratch


  • Bull Durham


  • Propaganda Message


Recent reviews

  • Oldboy



    You'd have to be pretty slow not to see the twist coming, but no real sicko could ever turn their nose up at Oldboy.

  • Scratch



    An indispensable documentary that gathers all of the great innovators of turntablism, a celebration made bittersweet when you know just how badly their artform is about to be commercially decimated by the ubiquity of cheap/free/easy-to-steal beatmaking software. It's a tangential and vibes-based affair, but the vibes are pleasantly chummy and mellow. The only curious omission is the subject of hip-hop's most damnable foe, copyright laws.

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  • Dune: Part Two

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