Avery Gagne

Avery Gagne Pro

Favorite films

  • Seven Samurai
  • The Umbrellas of Cherbourg
  • The Cranes Are Flying
  • Millennium Actress

Recent activity

  • A Woman Is a Woman


  • Original Cast Album: Company


  • Flow


  • Mississippi Masala


Recent reviews

  • A Woman Is a Woman

    A Woman Is a Woman


    Probably my favorite Godard? Glad I got to catch the new 4k restoration in NYC.

    His eccentricities work best in comedy, where they are expressed through quirkiness and gags instead of pretention. This is a hilarious, lighthearted romp: I laughed out loud throughout. Anna Karina's performance stands out as she carries the film on her back. In essence, this is an anti-musical that inverts the tropes of the genre while celebrating them all the same. The inverse of umbrellas of cherbourg, embracing the lighthearted themes of the musical while radically departing the form. This should be your entry into Godard, not breathless.

  • Original Cast Album: Company

    Original Cast Album: Company


    Give me all 14 hours of footage. Sondheim is one of our great artists. What an unbelievable documentary. I feel like I'm watching history before they knew it would be history.

Popular reviews

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    Easter Sunday

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  • Justice League Dark: Apokolips War

    Justice League Dark: Apokolips War


    This is one of the worst films I have ever seen.

    It feels like an adaptation of Ultimatum. It is 90 straight minutes of murder porn to satisfy the creators' gore fetish. It satisfies a 13-year-old's idea of what makes a good movie because it has death and violence purely for the sake of death and violence.

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