Co-founder of The Missing Frame
If you say my taste is trash, I’ll probably agree with you.
Jonathan Majors takes a break from WWE Smackdown to anchor The Wrestler’s bodybuilding-shaped cousin. Unpredictable pacing takes an “on the spectrum” loner down a path of self-destruction a bit too reminiscent of 2019’s Joker. Majors’ performance carries the film through moments that threaten to overwhelm the audience in dreadful cynicism. The surprising levity he provides at times is a welcome addition and should’ve been used more often. A good 20 minutes would’ve done wonders for the pacing.
In the sunken myth of a discount bin rests a universe of dreamers.
Having the privilege of watching it with the director herself was a once-in-a-lifetime treat. Beautiful imagery all throughout.
Bravo Ula!