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Recent reviews

  • Mud



    7.9/10 Entertaining Story

    Nothing original or artsy about this one, just a straight forward movie that is carried by an entertaining story. The undertones and themes of boyish romance and love were interesting, but what’s more interesting is Texas Matt giving another solid performance. I also thought the supporting actors did a great job driving home a good story.

    While parts of the movie were over the top, I really enjoyed it and was locked in from the start. Again,…

  • True Romance

    True Romance


    8.2/10 A Sleeper

    Very happy I got around to this one. What a sleeper. The cast is absolutely loaded, the score is iconic, and the screenplay is groundbreaking. You also gotta love a prime Christian Slater. 

    This movie has a great blend of everything and really ages well. You can also see Tarantino’s influence all over this thing. 

    No spoilers but… Christopher Walken and Scicillians…. 

    Overall, easy 4 star and a must watch for Tarantino fans. 8.2/10.

Popular reviews

  • Before Sunrise

    Before Sunrise


    Whoops my finger slipped… Jk this shit was absolute garbage. I’m done with the hoopla, the applause, and the pats on the back for Linklater. I threw this movie on expecting a great movie. I get to minute 20 and I felt like the crazy one. “Am I the only one who thinks this is a piece of shit” I thought. I toughed it out. Maybe it wasn’t what I thought or maybe it got better, let’s keep going. I…

  • The Substance

    The Substance



    What did I just watch. I’m mortified… somebody call an ambulance. The cow needs some milk. Feed the goats, guard the gates, remove these images from my memory at once! Be gone! Be gone! 

    I feel anxious as hell, so this movie did its job. I don’t necessarily enjoy the way I feel rn, In fact I despise it. It’s this rotten sensation that I didn’t think I could get from watching a…. Movie. A fricken movie. 

    I want…
