Izzy McKenna

Izzy McKenna

my new years resolution was to be more problematic so here i am

Favorite films

  • Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
  • Clue
  • Harold and Maude
  • Stargate

Recent activity

  • Steak


  • Mysterious Skin


  • Dead Poets Society


  • Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid


Recent reviews

  • Steak



    what did cj make me watch….. needed more milk tho

  • Mysterious Skin

    Mysterious Skin


    needed to sit with this for a bit…… uhhhh. too real. way too accurate in describing coming to terms with child sexual abuse and the loss of innocence. arguably a great movie, never watching it again, could’ve gone without this one for sure. absolutely brutal, hit too close to home and made me feel too many things. had to stare at the ceiling for four hours to try to process it, still haven’t. it was like watching a train wreck, i knew exactly where it was going to end but i couldn’t turn away.

Popular reviews

  • Dead Poets Society

    Dead Poets Society


    i….. have a lot of thoughts…… most of them gay

  • Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

    Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid


    This is gonna be long, because god I love this movie and god do I have so many  t h o u g h t s.
    When i was 10 years old, in her efforts to further my pop culture education, my mother showed me the newest feature added to her growing Influential Films to Show Isa list. “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid” instantly drew me in. The action, the excitement, the bickering like an old married couple, the homoeroticism…